Testing ******* We use pytest for testing. You can run specific tests by specifying the file; :: $ pytest tests/test_twistmoe.py Mocks ***** The tool provides a framework for easy mocking of providers. To use it, run the tool using the new provider. In this doc, we will use the example of twist.moe.:: $ anime -ll DEBUG dl 'shingeki no kyojin' --provider twist.moe --url -e 1 .... 2019-09-28 18:16:19 this anime_downloader.sites.helpers.request[521432] DEBUG HTML file temp_dir: /tmp/animedlszzxne7y .... In the above output, we can see the temp directory created by the tool. Copy this temp directory to tests/test_sites and name it test_. After this, you are ready to write the tests. The twist.moe test file is given below for reference. Remember to use the function :py:function:`configure_httpretty()` to configure the mock before making any requests. .. code:: python import pytest from anime_downloader.sites.twistmoe import TwistMoe from test_sites.site import configure_httpretty @pytest.fixture def anime(): return TwistMoe('https://twist.moe/a/shingeki-no-kyojin/first') configure_httpretty('twistmoe') def test_search(): ret = TwistMoe.search('shingeki no kyojin') assert len(ret) == 5 assert ret[0].title == 'Shingeki no Kyojin' def test_title(anime): assert anime.title == 'shingeki-no-kyojin' def test_length(anime): assert len(anime) == 25 def test_streamurl(anime): assert anime[0].source().stream_url == 'https://eu1.twist.moe/anime/attackontitan/[Coalgirls]_Shingeki_no_Kyojin_01_(1920x1080_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[AEF12794].mp4'