import click import subprocess from .anime import Anime, NotFoundError echo = click.echo @click.command() @click.argument('anime_url') @click.option('--range', 'range_', metavar=':', help="Range of anime you want to download in the form :") @click.option('--playlist', default=False, type=bool, is_flag=True, help="If flag is set, saves the stream urls in an m3u file") @click.option('--url', default=False, type=bool, is_flag=True, help="If flag is set, prints the stream url and not download") @click.option('--play', 'player', metavar='PLAYER', help="Streams in the specified player") @click.option('--no-download', default=False, is_flag=True, help="Retrieve without downloading") @click.option('--quality', type=click.Choice(['360p', '480p', '720p']), default='720p', help='Specify the quality of episode. Default-720p') def cli(anime_url, range_, playlist, url, player, no_download, quality): """ Anime Downloader Download your favourite anime. """ try: anime = Anime(anime_url, quality=quality, callback=lambda message: print('[INFO] '+message)) except NotFoundError as e: echo(e.args[0]) return if url or player: no_download = True if range is None: range_ = '1:'+str(len(anime)+1) try: start, end = [int(x) for x in range_.split(':')] anime._episodeIds = anime._episodeIds[start-1:end-1] except ValueError: # Only one episode specified anime = [anime[int(range_)-1]] for episode in anime: if url: print(episode.stream_url) continue if player: p = subprocess.Popen([player, episode.stream_url]) p.wait() if not no_download: print()