from anime_downloader.util import is_running if is_running(regex=r'python|anime|watch', expected_matches=3): raise Exception('Another instance of "anime watch" is already running!') import click import logging import sys import re from anime_downloader import util from anime_downloader.__version__ import __version__ from anime_downloader.players.mpv import mpv from anime_downloader import watch as _watch from anime_downloader.config import Config from anime_downloader.sites import get_anime_class, ALL_ANIME_SITES logger = logging.Logger(__name__) echo = click.echo sitenames = [v[1] for v in ALL_ANIME_SITES] @click.command() @click.argument('anime_name', required=False) @click.option( '--new', '-n', type=bool, is_flag=True, help="Create a new anime to watch") @click.option( '--list', '-l', '_list', type=click.Choice(['all', 'watching', 'completed', 'planned', 'dropped']), help="List all animes in watch list") @click.option( '--remove', '-r', 'remove', type=bool, is_flag=True, help="Remove the specified anime") @click.option( '--update-all', '-u', 'update_all', type=bool, is_flag=True, help="Update the episodes of all anime in your list" ) @click.option( '--quality', '-q', type=click.Choice(['360p', '480p', '720p', '1080p']), help='Specify the quality of episode.') @click.option( '--download-dir', metavar='PATH', help="Specify the directory to download to") @click.option( '--provider', help='The anime provider (website) for search.', type=click.Choice(sitenames) ) @click.option( '--mal-import', help='Import xml file from MAL export.', type=bool, is_flag=True ) def command(anime_name, new, update_all, _list, quality, remove, download_dir, mal_import, provider): """ With watch you can keep track of any anime you watch. Available Commands after selection of an anime:\n set : set episodes_done, provider and title. Ex: set episodes_done=3\n remove : remove selected anime from watch list\n update : Update the episodes of the currrent anime\n watch : Watch selected anime\n download : Download episodes of selected anime back : Returns back to the list """ util.print_info(__version__) watcher = _watch.Watcher() if new: if anime_name: query = anime_name else: query = click.prompt('Enter a anime name or url', type=str) url, _ =, provider) sys.exit(0) if remove: anime = watcher.get(anime_name) if anime and click.confirm( "Remove '{}'".format(anime.title), abort=True ): watcher.remove(anime) else: logging.error("Couldn't find '{}'. " "Use a better search term.".format(anime_name)) sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0) if update_all: animes = watcher.anime_list() for anime in animes: watcher.update_anime(anime) if mal_import: # Hack, but needed to prompt the user. Uses the anime name as # parameter. PATH = anime_name if PATH: query = PATH else: query = click.prompt( 'Enter the file path for the MAL .xml file', type=str) if query.endswith('.xml'): watcher._import_from_MAL(query) sys.exit(0) else: logging.error( "Either the file selected was not an .xml or no file was selected.") sys.exit(1) # Defaults the command to anime watch -l all. # It's a bit of a hack to use sys.argv, but doesn't break # if new commands are added (provided you used a bunch of and statements) _list = 'all' if sys.argv[-1] == 'watch' else _list if _list: filt = _list list_animes(watcher, quality, download_dir, None, _filter=filt) sys.exit(0) if anime_name: anime = watcher.get(anime_name) if not anime: logger.error( "Couldn't find '{}'." "Use a better search term.".format(anime_name)) sys.exit(1) anime.quality = quality'Found {}'.format(anime.title)) watch_anime(watcher, anime, quality, download_dir) def command_parser(command): # Returns a list of the commands # new "no neverland" --provider vidstream > ['new', '--provider', 'no # neverland', 'vidstream'] # Better than split(' ') because it accounts for quoutes. # Group 3 for quoted command command_regex = r'(("|\')(.*?)("|\')|.*?\s)' matches = re.findall(command_regex, command + " ") commands = [i[0].strip('"').strip("'").strip() for i in matches if i[0].strip()] return commands def list_animes(watcher, quality, download_dir, imp=None, _filter=None): click.echo('Available Commands: swap, new') watcher.list(filt=_filter) inp = click.prompt('Select an anime', default="1") if not imp else imp provider = Config['watch']['provider'] # Not a number as input and command if not str(inp).isnumeric(): if ' ' in str(inp).strip(): args = command_parser(str(inp)) key = args[0].lower() vals = args[1:] if key == 'new': query = vals[0] if '--provider' in vals: if vals.index('--provider') + 1 < len(vals): provider = vals[vals.index('--provider') + 1] url, _ =, provider) if key == 'swap': if vals[0] in ['all', 'watching', 'completed', 'planned', 'dropped', 'hold']: return list_animes( watcher, quality, download_dir, imp=imp, _filter=vals[0]) return list_animes(watcher, quality, download_dir, imp=imp) else: # Exits if neither int or actual command sys.exit(0) try: anime = watcher.get(int(inp) - 1) except IndexError: sys.exit(0) # Make the selected anime first result watcher.update(anime) while True: click.clear() click.secho('Title: ' +, fg='green', bold=True)) click.echo('episodes_done: {}'.format( str(anime.episodes_done), bold=True, fg='yellow'))) click.echo('Length: {}'.format(len(anime))) click.echo('Provider: {}'.format(anime.sitename)) click.echo('Score: {}'.format(anime.score)) click.echo('Watch Status: {}'.format(anime.watch_status)) meta = '' for k, v in anime.meta.items(): meta += '{}: {}\n'.format(k,, bold=True)) click.echo(meta) click.echo('Available Commands: set, remove, update, watch, back,' ' download.\n') inp = click.prompt('Press q to exit', default='q').strip() # TODO: A better way to handle commands. Use regex. Refractor to class? # Decorator? if inp == 'q': sys.exit(0) elif inp == 'back': list_animes(watcher, quality, download_dir, imp=imp) elif inp == 'remove': watcher.remove(anime) list_animes(watcher, quality, download_dir, imp=imp) elif inp == 'update': watcher.update_anime(anime) elif inp == 'watch': anime.quality = quality watch_anime(watcher, anime, quality, download_dir) elif inp.startswith('download'): # You can use download 3:10 for selected episodes try: inp = inp.split('download ')[1] except IndexError: inp = ':' animes = util.parse_ep_str(anime, inp) # Using the config from dl. if not download_dir: download_dir = Config['dl']['download_dir'] # These things could be flags. external_downloader = Config['dl']['external_downloader'] file_format = Config['dl']['file_format'] speed_limit = Config['dl']['speed_limit'] for episode in animes: util.external_download(external_downloader, episode, file_format, speed_limit, path=download_dir) elif inp.startswith('set '): inp = inp.split('set ')[-1] key, val = [v.strip() for v in inp.split('=')] key = key.lower() if key == 'title': watcher.remove(anime) setattr(anime, key, val) watcher.add(anime) elif key == 'episodes_done': # Retries if invalid input. if not val.isnumeric(): # Uncomment this if you want to let the user know. #logger.error("Invalid integer") # input() continue # Prevents setting length above max amount of episodes. val = val if int(val) <= len(anime) else len(anime) setattr(anime, key, int(val)) watcher.update(anime) elif key == 'provider': # Checks if it's an invalid provider preventing errors. if not get_anime_class(val): # Probably good to list providers here before looping. continue # Watch can quit if no anime is found, not ideal. url, _ =, val) watcher.remove(anime) newanime = newanime.episodes_done = anime.episodes_done newanime.score = anime.score newanime.watch_status = anime.watch_status newanime._timestamp = anime._timestamp watcher.update(newanime) anime = newanime elif key == 'score': anime.score = val watcher.update(anime) elif key == 'watch_status': if val in ['watching', 'completed', 'dropped', 'planned', 'all']: colours = { 'watching': 'cyan', 'completed': 'green', 'dropped': 'red', 'planned': 'yellow', 'hold': 'white' } anime.watch_status = val anime.colours = colours.get(anime.watch_status, 'yellow') watcher.update(anime) def watch_anime(watcher, anime, quality, download_dir): autoplay = Config['watch']['autoplay_next'] to_watch = anime[anime.episodes_done:] logger.debug('Sliced episodes: {}'.format(to_watch._episode_urls)) while anime.episodes_done < len(anime): episode = anime[anime.episodes_done] anime.episodes_done += 1 watcher.update(anime) for tries in range(5): 'Playing episode {}'.format(episode.ep_no) ) try: player = mpv(episode) except Exception as e: anime.episodes_done -= 1 watcher.update(anime) logger.error(str(e)) sys.exit(1) returncode = if returncode == player.STOP: # Returns to watch. return elif returncode == player.CONNECT_ERR: logger.warning("Couldn't connect. Retrying. " "Attempt #{}".format(tries + 1)) continue elif returncode == player.PREV: anime.episodes_done -= 2 watcher.update(anime) break # If no other return codes, basically when the player finishes. # Can't find the returncode for success. elif autoplay: break else: return