from anime_downloader import config from anime_downloader.sites import get_anime_class import os import sys import json import logging import click import warnings from time import time logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Don't warn if not using fuzzywuzzy[speedup] with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') from fuzzywuzzy import process class Watcher: WATCH_FILE = os.path.join(config.APP_DIR, 'watch.json') def __init__(self): pass def new(self, url): AnimeInfo = self._get_anime_info_class(url) anime = AnimeInfo(url, timestamp=time()) self._append_to_watch_file(anime)'Added {:.50} to watch list.'.format(anime.title)) return anime def list(self): animes = self._read_from_watch_file() click.echo('{:>5} | {:^35} | {:^8} | {:^10}'.format( 'SlNo', 'Name', 'Eps', 'Type' )) click.echo('-'*65) fmt_str = '{:5} | {:35.35} | {:3}/{:<3} | {meta:10.10}' for idx, anime in enumerate(animes): meta = anime.meta click.echo(fmt_str.format(idx+1, anime.title, *anime.progress(), meta=meta.get('Type', ''))) def anime_list(self): return self._read_from_watch_file() def get(self, anime_name): animes = self._read_from_watch_file() if isinstance(anime_name, int): return animes[anime_name] match = process.extractOne(anime_name, animes, score_cutoff=40) if match: anime = match[0] logger.debug('Anime: {!r}, episodes_done: {}'.format( anime, anime.episodes_done)) if (time() - anime._timestamp) > 4*24*60*60: anime = self.update_anime(anime) return anime def update_anime(self, anime): if not hasattr(anime, 'meta') or not anime.meta.get('Status') or \ anime.meta['Status'].lower() == 'airing':'Updating anime {}'.format(anime.title)) AnimeInfo = self._get_anime_info_class(anime.url) newanime = AnimeInfo(anime.url, episodes_done=anime.episodes_done, timestamp=time()) newanime.title = anime.title self.update(newanime) return newanime return anime def add(self, anime): self._append_to_watch_file(anime) def remove(self, anime): anime_name = anime.title animes = self._read_from_watch_file() animes = [anime for anime in animes if anime.title != anime_name] self._write_to_watch_file(animes) def update(self, changed_anime): animes = self._read_from_watch_file() animes = [anime for anime in animes if anime.title != changed_anime.title] animes = [changed_anime] + animes self._write_to_watch_file(animes) def _append_to_watch_file(self, anime): if not os.path.exists(self.WATCH_FILE): self._write_to_watch_file([anime]) return data = self._read_from_watch_file() data = [anime] + data self._write_to_watch_file(data) def _write_to_watch_file(self, animes): animes = [anime.__dict__ for anime in animes] with open(self.WATCH_FILE, 'w') as watch_file: json.dump(animes, watch_file) def _read_from_watch_file(self): if not os.path.exists(self.WATCH_FILE): logger.error('Add something to watch list first.') sys.exit(1) with open(self.WATCH_FILE, 'r') as watch_file: data = json.load(watch_file) ret = [] for anime_dict in data: # For backwards compatibility if '_episodeIds' in anime_dict: anime_dict['_episode_urls'] = anime_dict['_episodeIds'] AnimeInfo = self._get_anime_info_class(anime_dict['url']) anime = AnimeInfo(_skip_online_data=True) anime.__dict__ = anime_dict ret.append(anime) return ret def _get_anime_info_class(self, url): cls = get_anime_class(url) # TODO: Maybe this is better off as a mixin class AnimeInfo(cls, sitename=cls.sitename): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.episodes_done = kwargs.pop('episodes_done', 0) self._timestamp = kwargs.pop('timestamp', 0) super(cls, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def progress(self): return (self.episodes_done, len(self)) return AnimeInfo