import logging import sys import threading import os import click from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz from anime_downloader.sites import get_anime_class, ALL_ANIME_SITES from anime_downloader import util from anime_downloader.__version__ import __version__ import requests logging.getLogger(requests.packages.urllib3.__package__).setLevel(logging.ERROR) #disable Retry warnings logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) echo = click.echo sitenames = [v[1] for v in ALL_ANIME_SITES] class SiteThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, provider, anime, verify, v_tries, *args, **kwargs): self.provider = provider self.anime = anime self.verify = verify self.v_tries = v_tries self.search_result = None self.exception = None super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def run(self): try: ani = get_anime_class(self.provider) self.search_result = if self.search_result: if self.verify: ratios = [[fuzz.token_set_ratio(self.anime.lower(), sr.title.lower()), sr] for sr in self.search_result] ratios = sorted(ratios, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) end = len(ratios) for r in range(self.v_tries): if r == end: break try: anime_choice = ratios[r][1] anime_url = ani(anime_choice.url) stream_url = anime_url[0].source().stream_url self.exception = None break except Exception as e: self.exception = e self.search_result = util.format_search_results(self.search_result) except Exception as e: self.exception = e @click.command() @click.argument('anime', default='naruto') @click.option( '-f', '--prompt-found', is_flag=True, help='Ask to stop searching on anime match.') @click.option( '-p', '--providers', help='Limit search to specific provider(s) separated by a comma.' ) @click.option( '-e', '--exclude', help='Provider(s) to exclude separated by a comma.' ) @click.option( '-v', '--verify', is_flag=True, help='Verify extraction of stream url in case of anime match.' ) @click.option( '-n', '--v-tries', type=int, default=1, help='Number of tries to extract stream url. (default: 1)' ) @click.option( '-z', '--no-fuzzy', is_flag=True, help='Disable fuzzy search to include possible inaccurate results.' ) @click.option( '-r', '--print-results', is_flag=True, help='Enable echoing the search results at the end of testing.' ) @click.option( '-t', '--timeout', type=int, default=10, help='How long to wait for a site to respond. (default: 10s)' ) def command(anime, prompt_found, providers, exclude, verify, v_tries, no_fuzzy, print_results, timeout): """Test all sites to see which ones are working and which ones aren't. Test naruto as a default. Return results for each provider.""" util.print_info(__version__) logger = logging.getLogger("anime_downloader") logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) if providers: providers = [p.strip() for p in providers.split(",")] for p in providers: if not p in sitenames: raise click.BadParameter(f"{p}. Choose from {', '.join(sitenames)}") else: providers = sitenames if exclude: exclude = [e.strip() for e in exclude.split(",")] for e in exclude: if not e in sitenames: raise click.BadParameter(f"{e}. Choose from {', '.join(sitenames)}") else: if e in providers: providers.remove(e) if == 'nt': p, f = '', '' # Emojis don't work in cmd else: p, f = '✅ ', '❌ ' if verify: timeout = timeout + (3 * (v_tries - 1)) threads = [] matches = [] for provider in providers: t = SiteThread(provider, anime, verify, v_tries, daemon=True) t.start() threads.append(t) for i, thread in enumerate(threads): try: click.echo(f"[{i+1} of {len(threads)}] Searching ", nl=False) click.secho(f"{thread.provider}", nl=False, fg="cyan") click.echo(f"... (CTRL-C to stop) : ", nl=False) thread.join(timeout=timeout) if not thread.is_alive(): if not thread.exception: if thread.search_result: if not no_fuzzy: ratio = fuzz.token_set_ratio(anime.lower(), thread.search_result.lower()) else: ratio = 100 if ratio > 50: matches.append([thread.provider, thread.search_result, ratio]) click.secho(p + "Works, anime found.", fg="green") if prompt_found: if print_results: click.echo(f"\n- - -{thread.provider}- - -\n\n{thread.search_result}") confirm = click.confirm(f"Found anime in {thread.provider}. Keep seaching?", default=True) if not confirm: break else: click.secho(p + "Works, anime not found.", fg="yellow") else: click.secho(p + "Works, anime not found.", fg="yellow") else: logging.debug('Error occurred during testing.') logging.debug(thread.exception) if thread.search_result: click.secho(f + "Not working: anime found, extraction failed.", fg="red") else: click.secho(f + "Not working.", fg="red") else: logging.debug('Timeout during testing.') click.secho(f + "Not working: Timeout. Use -t to specify longer waiting period.", fg="red") except KeyboardInterrupt: skip = click.confirm(f"\nSkip {thread.provider} and continue searching? (Press enter for Yes)", default=True) if not skip: break if print_results: click.echo("\n" + util.format_matches(matches)) else: click.echo("\n" + "Test finished.")