A simple yet powerful tool for downloading anime.

--- # Anime Downloader Ever dreamt about watching anime for free effortlessly without all those unbearable ads? Ever dreamt of downloading your favourite anime for that long trip? ![kawaii](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/IgnorantYoungDowitcher-size_restricted.gif) Yeah. Me too! That's why this tool exists. ## Features - Download or stream any episode or episode range of any anime. - Specify the quality you want to stream or download. - Search and download. - Save yourselves from those malicious ads. - Add any anime to your watch list using `anime watch` and let anime downloader take care of everything for you. - Download using external downloader ([aria2](https://aria2.github.io/) recommended). - Configurable using `config.json`. See [documentation](https://github.com/vn-ki/anime-downloader/wiki/Config). ## Supported Sites - twist.moe - Animepahe - Anistream - Animeflix - Animefreak - Gogoanime - Dubbedanime - a2zanime - animeout - itsaturday - Animeflv - Kissanime - requires Node.js - Kisscartoon - requires Node.js ## Installation [**Installation instructions***](https://github.com/vn-ki/anime-downloader/wiki/Installation) If you have trouble installing, see extended installation instructions [here](https://github.com/vn-ki/anime-downloader/wiki/Installation) or join the [discord server](https://discord.gg/Qn2nWGm) for help. **Note**: - For cloudflare scraping [cfscrape](https://github.com/Anorov/cloudflare-scrape) is used. It depends on [`node-js`](https://nodejs.org/en/). So if you want to use cloudflare, make sure you have [node-js](https://nodejs.org/en/) installed. - You might have to use pip3 depending on your system ## Usage See [wiki](https://github.com/vn-ki/anime-downloader/wiki). Anime downloader has two sub commands, `dl` and `watch`. - [dl](https://github.com/vn-ki/anime-downloader/wiki/dl-command): `dl` can download anime. - [watch](https://github.com/vn-ki/anime-downloader/wiki/watch-command): `watch` can manage your anime watch list. Needs [mpv](https://mpv.io). With `watch` you'll never have to go to any anime sites ever again. **To use `anime_downloader` in your package:** This tool can be used as a library. This means you can import it into your own application and search for anime and do many other wonderful things. See [documentation](https://github.com/vn-ki/anime-downloader/wiki/Package-documentation). **Development Instructions:** See [development instructions](https://github.com/vn-ki/anime-downloader/wiki/Development-Instructions). ## Related Projects - [adl](https://github.com/RaitaroH/adl) - a command-line tool for watching anime that makes use of anime-downloader. --- *Please don't judge me for not paying for anime. I want to support the anime industry, but being a college student, I can't.*