from anime_downloader import config from anime_downloader.sites import get_anime_class, ALL_ANIME_SITES import os import sys import json import logging import click import warnings from time import time logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Don't warn if not using fuzzywuzzy[speedup] with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') from fuzzywuzzy import process class Watcher: WATCH_FILE = os.path.join(config.APP_DIR, 'watch.json') def __init__(self): self.sorted = None pass def new(self, url): AnimeInfo = self._get_anime_info_class(url) anime = AnimeInfo(url, timestamp=time()) self._append_to_watch_file(anime)'Added {:.50} to watch list.'.format(anime.title)) return anime def list(self, filt=None): animes = self._read_from_watch_file() if filt in [None, 'all']: animes = self._sorting_for_list(animes) self.sorted = True click.echo('{:>5} | {:^35} | {:^8} | {} | {:^10}'.format( 'SlNo', 'Name', 'Eps', 'Score', 'Status' )) click.echo('-' * 65) fmt_str = '{:5} | {:35.35} | {:3}/{:<3} | {:^5} | {}' if not filt in [None, 'all']: animes = [i for i in animes if i.watch_status == filt] for idx, anime in enumerate(animes): meta = anime.meta click.echo( + 1, anime.title, *anime.progress(), anime.score, anime.watch_status), fg=anime.colours)) def anime_list(self): return self._read_from_watch_file() def get(self, anime_name): animes = self._read_from_watch_file() if self.sorted == True: animes = self._sorting_for_list(animes) if isinstance(anime_name, int): return animes[anime_name] match = process.extractOne(anime_name, animes, score_cutoff=40) if match: anime = match[0] logger.debug('Anime: {!r}, episodes_done: {}'.format( anime, anime.episodes_done)) if (time() - anime._timestamp) > 4 * 24 * 60 * 60: anime = self.update_anime(anime) return anime def update_anime(self, anime): if not hasattr(anime, 'colours'): colours = { 'watching': 'cyan', 'completed': 'green', 'dropped': 'red', 'planned': 'yellow', 'hold': 'white' } anime.colours = colours.get(anime.watch_status, 'yellow') if not hasattr(anime, 'meta') or not anime.meta.get('Status') or \ anime.meta['Status'].lower() == 'airing':'Updating anime {}'.format(anime.title)) AnimeInfo = self._get_anime_info_class(anime.url) newanime = AnimeInfo(anime.url, episodes_done=anime.episodes_done, timestamp=time()) newanime.title = anime.title self.update(newanime) return newanime return anime def add(self, anime): self._append_to_watch_file(anime) def remove(self, anime): anime_name = anime.title animes = self._read_from_watch_file() animes = [anime for anime in animes if anime.title != anime_name] self._write_to_watch_file(animes) def update(self, changed_anime): animes = self._read_from_watch_file() animes = [anime for anime in animes if anime.title != changed_anime.title] animes = [changed_anime] + animes self._write_to_watch_file(animes) def _append_to_watch_file(self, anime): if not os.path.exists(self.WATCH_FILE): self._write_to_watch_file([anime]) return data = self._read_from_watch_file() data = [anime] + data self._write_to_watch_file(data) def _write_to_watch_file(self, animes, MAL_import=False): if not MAL_import: animes = [anime.__dict__ for anime in animes] with open(self.WATCH_FILE, 'w') as watch_file: json.dump(animes, watch_file) def _import_from_MAL(self, PATH): import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # Standard Library import, conditional as it only needs to be imported for this line root = ET.parse(PATH).getroot() list_to_dict = [] values = {'Plan to Watch': {'planned': 'yellow'}, 'Completed': {'completed': 'green'}, 'Watching': {'watching': 'cyan'}, 'Dropped': {'dropped': 'red'}, 'On-Hold': {'hold': 'white'} } for type_tag in root.findall('anime'): mal_watched_episodes = type_tag.find('my_watched_episodes').text mal_score = type_tag.find('my_score').text mal_watch_status = type_tag.find('my_status').text colour = str(list(values[mal_watch_status].values())[0]) mal_watch_status = str(list(values[mal_watch_status].keys())[0]) mal_title = type_tag.find('series_title').text mal_episodes = type_tag.find('series_episodes').text mal_ID = type_tag.find('series_animedb_id').text #We have to initialise some values for when we add anime from MAL. Now, we do this instead of letting the user choose the provider #On first run, this is so the user doesn't have to manually do hundreds of entries. The values initialise to one of the sites we already have #But with a broken link, the provider needs to be set manually for a series by using the set command in the list. list_to_dict.append({ "episodes_done": int(mal_watched_episodes), "_timestamp": time(), "score": int(mal_score), "watch_status": mal_watch_status, "colours": colour, 'mal_ID': int(mal_ID), "url": ALL_ANIME_SITES[0][1], "_fallback_qualities": ["720p", "480p", "360p"], "quality": "720p", "title": mal_title, "_episode_urls": [[1, "https://notarealwebsite.illusion/"]], "_len": int(mal_episodes) }) self._write_to_watch_file(list_to_dict, MAL_import=True) logger.warn("MAL List has been imported, please initialise the sites by using the 'set' command on a list entry!") def _read_from_watch_file(self): if not os.path.exists(self.WATCH_FILE): logger.error('Add something to watch list first.') sys.exit(1) with open(self.WATCH_FILE, 'r') as watch_file: data = json.load(watch_file) ret = [] for anime_dict in data: # For backwards compatibility if '_episodeIds' in anime_dict: anime_dict['_episode_urls'] = anime_dict['_episodeIds'] AnimeInfo = self._get_anime_info_class(anime_dict['url']) anime = AnimeInfo(_skip_online_data=True) anime.__dict__ = anime_dict ret.append(anime) return ret def _sorting_for_list(self, animes): status_index = ['watching', 'completed', 'dropped', 'planned', 'hold', 'all'] animes = sorted(animes, key=lambda x: status_index.index(x.watch_status)) return animes def _get_anime_info_class(self, url): cls = get_anime_class(url) if not cls: logger.warn(f"The url: {url} is no longer supported. The provider needs to be set manually upon selection.") """ Provides some level of backcompatability when watch lists have providers that have been removed. They are then warned via logger that they will have to change providers using the set function when an anime is selected in the list. """ url = ALL_ANIME_SITES[0][1] cls = get_anime_class(url) # TODO: Maybe this is better off as a mixin class AnimeInfo(cls, sitename=cls.sitename): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.episodes_done = kwargs.pop('episodes_done', 0) self._timestamp = kwargs.pop('timestamp', 0) # Initial values needed for MAL which can't be got yet from just a simple addition to the watch list. self.score = 0 self.watch_status = 'watching' self.colours = 'blue' self.mal_ID = 0 super(cls, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def progress(self): return (self.episodes_done, len(self)) return AnimeInfo