ColorsTxtWizard Colors Txt Wizard ConclusionPage Conclusion All done. :-) Now click the Generate button to generate the colors.txt Generate Click %1 to finish. ConfigDialog Preferences Browse Mapper Location: ---Automatic--- (Currently: %1) ---Automatic--- (Currently: NONE - Minetestmapper Not Found) Executable (*.exe) Select Mapper Location Invalid minetestmapper executable ERROR: The selected file is not executable DrawMapFigure Unknown Arrow Circle Ellipse Line Point Rectangle Text DrawMapFigureTableModel Figure Coordinates Point Geometry Color Text GeometryWidget Try to convert to a non-custom format No geometry specified (include all existing parts of the world) Center & Dimensions Corner & Dimensions Two Corners Custom Center: X: Y: Dimensions: Corner Corner 1 Corner 2 e.g. -200,-100:200,200 Try to convert to another Parse Invalid or unrecognised geometry <h1>WARNING</h1> <h2>Geometry string was not recognised</h2>The given geometry is either invalid, or only supported in <i>custom</i> mode. IntroPage Introduction This wizard will generate a brand new colors.txt file that fits exactly to your game and mods. You simply need to specify the nodes.txt and the paths where your game and your mods are installed. MainWindow MinetestMapper GUI General Select World dir Select the world directory, wich contains the world Database Database backend Set or override the database backend to use. If you are not shure, select 'auto' Output Image Save as Specify the map file name (mandatory) map.png Map-Limit Preview: Generate a map of at most the requested geometry. Shrink it to the smallest possible size that still includes the same information. round the coodinates to a multiple of 16. interpret the coordinates with pixel granularity. Specify the upper height limit for the map Nodes higher than this level will not be drawn. This can be used to avoid floating islands or floating artefacts from abscuring the world below. Any nodes below this level will not be drawn. Browse Specify the lower height limit for the map Auto Block Shrink NOTE: If this flag is used, and no actual geometry is specified, this would result in a maximum-size map (65536 x 65536), which is currently not possible, and will fail, due to a bug in the drawing library. don't reduce the map size. What ever is specified using a geometry option, is what will be draw, even if partly or fully empty. Fixed Pixel Height min Height max Scalefactor Geometrymode Heightmap Generate a height map instead of a regular map Generate a height map instead of a regular map Heightmap nodes Specify the nodes list for the height map Heightmap colors If a color is given, a monochrome map is generated in shades of that color, ranging from black at depth -128 to the given color at height 127. Color If no color is specified, minetestmapper will use a colors file to determine which colors to use at which height level. File a monochrome map is generated in shades of that color, ranging from black at depth -128 to the given color at height 127. e.g. grey,black, #00FF00 Specify the color definition file for the height map Draw a height scale at the bottom of the map Draw Heightscale Y-scale Height level 0 Colors tilebordercolor Specify the background color for the image bgcolor playercolor Specify the color for empty mapblocks blockcolor origincolor scalecolor colors.txt file Specify the color for drawing tile borders Specify the color for drawing player locations Specify the color for drawing the map origin (0,0) Specify the color for text in the scales on the side Map features Draw origin Select all Copy Clear Generate Map Start Minetestmapper to generate the map Open map after creation Open map after creation with the default png viewer &Preferences Draw a scale on the left and/or top edge A chunk is the unit of map generation. Usually 5x5x5 blocks. chunk-aligned A block is 16x16x16 nodes block-aligned Arrange: at: world center (0,0) map origin (top-left) Draw a circle at the origin (0,0) on the map Enable drawing transparency for some nodes (e.g. water) Draw circles at player positions on the map Draw Players Draw Alpha Draw air nodes (read the warnings first!) Draw Air Disable shading that accentuates height diffences No Shading <html><head/><body> <p>you can use placeholders in the filename:</p> <span style=" font-weight:600;">&lt;isodate&gt;</span> is replaced with the current date<br> <span style=" font-weight:600;">&lt;world&gt;</span> is replaced with the worldname<br> <span style=" font-weight:600;">&lt;date&gt;</span> is replaced with local date format<br> <span style=" font-weight:600;">&lt;longdate&gt;</span> is replaced with the local spoken date format<br> <span style=" font-weight:600;">&lt;time&gt;</span> is replaced with current time<br>also something like D:/&lt;world&gt;/&lt;isodate&gt;.png is possible.</body></html> The requested geometry will be extended so that the map does not contain partial map blocks (of 16x16 nodes each). At least all pixels covered by the geometry will be in the map, but there may be up to 15 more in every direction. Currently, shrinking is done with block granularity, and based on which blocks are in the database. As the database always contains a row or and column of empty, or partially empty blocks at the map edges, there will still be empty pixels at the edges of the map. Use --blockcolor to visualize these empty blocks. A map of exactly the requested size is generated (after adjustments due to the 'shrink' flag, or possible adjustments required by the scale factor). Specify the upper height limit for the map Nodes higher than this level will not be drawn. This can be used to avoid floating islands or floating artefacts from obscuring the world below. Specify the minumum depth of nodes to be included Specify the maximum height of nodes to be included Major: Minor: If enabled MinetestMapperGui always uses this file instead of searching one in the World directory Allways use this static colors.txt file Tiles Draw tiles size: tilesize+border border: tilecenter tileorigin coordinates Draw figures Properties Geometry Minetest Worlds Minetest worlds dir: Worlds: Select color Use a color or select a heightmap-colors.txt file Heightmap Scale Custom heightscale intervall Other Draw scale Left Top Custom scale interval Arrange Apply Figure: Use Image Coodinates Color: Text: Point Information: qrc:/doc/drawfigure.html Elements + - Generate Cancel &File Choose profile: &Edit Help Language Extras Main Toolbar Start qrc:/doc/intro.html Output log About MinetestMapper About QT generate the Map Exit Whats this? Open World Save map as About MinetestMapper GUI Edit colors.txt Edit colors.txt with default program edit colors.txt with default program Edit heightmap-nodes.txt Edit heightmap-nodes.txt with default txt editor edit heightmap-nodes.txt with default txt editor Edit heightmap-colors.txt Edit heightmap-colors.txt with default txt editor edit heightmap-colors.txt with default txt editor New Profile Expert Mode In the Expert Mode it shows you the parameters, that you can modify it. Expert Mode shows the parameters, that you can modify it. Start colors.txt assistant Open &Terminal T Output &Log Shows / Hides Output Log Ctrl+L ERROR: No minetestmapper executable could not be found. Please configure one. ERROR: The Minetetmapper Application (%1) does not look like a Minetetestmapper Please configure a correct MinetestMapper Application. Minetestmapper not found The File <i>%1</i> does already exist. <br><br>Do you want to overwrite? The directory <i>%1</i> does not exist. <br><br>Should it be created? MinetestMapper will be executed using this arguments. The arguments can be removed, modified, or new arguments can be added. Finisched :) minetestmapper terminated (Edit->Preferences) Do you want to open Preferences now? No input world selected ERROR: No MinetestWorld selected. please select a world No output image selected ERROR: No output image selected. Please select a output image The image file does already exist The directory does not exist Minetest Mapper failed <h1>ERROR</h1> <h2>minetestmapper failed</h2>Exit code: <i>%1</i> <br>Status of MinetestMapper: <pre>%2</pre><br><br>Please fix the error and try again <h1>ERROR</h1> <h2>minetestmapper failed</h2>Error code: <i>%1</i> <br>Error Message: <pre>%2</pre><br> Can not save settings Minetest Mapper GUI could not save the settings to %1. Please make shure Minetest Mapper Gui can access to the file/directory Can not save profile Minetest Mapper GUI could not save the current Profile '%1' to %2. Please make shure Minetest Mapper Gui can access to the file/directory Open Minetest World Save generated map to... png image (*.png) Open HeightmapNodes File TXT File (*.txt) Open HeightmapColors File Open colors.txt File <h1>About MinetestMapperGUI</h1>The <b>MinetestMapper Gui</b> is written by addi.<br />It is licensed under a <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License</a>.<br>The current version is %1. <br>The sourcecode is aviable on <a href=''>Bitbucket</a>.<br>You may also want to read the <a href=''>Minetest forum thread</a>.<br><br><b>Thanks to:</b><br>McKrustenkaese for his great icon <h1>About MinetestMapper</h1>The <b>MinetestMapper</b> is written by:<br>Miroslav Bendík <><br>ShadowNinja <><br>sfan5 <><br>Rogier <><br><br><u>Version:</u> %1 (%2)<br><u>License:</u> LGPLv2.1+ and BSD 2-clause.<br><u>Source Code:</u> <a href=''>Github</a><br> map center map origin (top left) Create a colors.txt There is a nodes.txt but no colors.txt in the world directory Do you want to generate one? If you select 'No' the default colors.txt will be used. No colors.txt file ERROR: Still no colors.txt file found inside world directory. Do you want to cancel or proceed with default colors.txt file? Proceed with default Could not open Terminal Error: Could not open scriptfile (%1) for Terminal Open Directory preview: %1 Name of the new Profile: MakeColors Found %Ln node(s) Found %Ln node Found %Ln nodes Searching and parsing %Ln texture file(s) Searching and parsing %Ln texture file Searching and parsing %Ln texture files MinetestMapperExe Minetest Mapper failed <h1>ERROR</h1> <h2>minetestmapper failed</h2>Error code: <i>%1</i> <br>Error Message: <pre>%2</pre><br> NodesTxtPage The nodes.txt file Follow the steps and specify the path to the nodes.txt <ol> <li>First, you have to install the mod <span style=" font-weight:600;">dumpnodes</span>. You can download it here: %1</li> <li>Extract it like each other mod into your mods folder. </li> <li>Activate it in the world configuration </li> <li>Start the game normaly </li> <li>If you are ingame type /dumpnodes </li> <li>Now there should be a file called nodes.txt inside the world folder.</li> <li>Select the generated nodes.txt file down there</li> </ol> &Browse Open nodes.txt File TXT File (*.txt) OutputFilePage Output colors.txt Optionally you can specify the colors.txt where the colors should be written into. If you leaf this empty, the file placed at the same directory as the nodes.txt file. &Browse Save colors.txt File TXT File (*.txt) TextureFoldersPage Texture Folders Seletct one or more folders where the textures for the world are. Eg. the game folder and mods folder. Add folder Remove selected folders Edit selected folder Select texture folder