MainWindow 0 0 1061 794 MinetestMapper GUI :/images/icon.svg:/images/icon.svg 543 0 0 General Database backend Set or override the database backend to use. If you are not shure, select 'auto' Select World dir Select the world directory, wich contains the world Database 157 16777215 Browse :/open:/open Qt::Vertical 20 40 Output Image <html><head/><body> <p>you can use placeholders in the filename:</p> <span style=" font-weight:600;">&lt;isodate&gt;</span> is replaced with the current date<br> <span style=" font-weight:600;">&lt;world&gt;</span> is replaced with the worldname<br> <span style=" font-weight:600;">&lt;date&gt;</span> is replaced with local date format<br> <span style=" font-weight:600;">&lt;longdate&gt;</span> is replaced with the local spoken date format<br> <span style=" font-weight:600;">&lt;time&gt;</span> is replaced with current time<br>also something like D:/&lt;world&gt;/&lt;isodate&gt;.png is possible.</body></html> Specify the map file name (mandatory) map.png 157 16777215 Save as :/save:/save <html><head/><body> <p>you can use placeholders in the filename:</p> <span style=" font-weight:600;">&lt;isodate&gt;</span> is replaced with the current date<br> <span style=" font-weight:600;">&lt;world&gt;</span> is replaced with the worldname<br> <span style=" font-weight:600;">&lt;date&gt;</span> is replaced with local date format<br> <span style=" font-weight:600;">&lt;longdate&gt;</span> is replaced with the local spoken date format<br> <span style=" font-weight:600;">&lt;time&gt;</span> is replaced with current time<br>also something like D:/&lt;world&gt;/&lt;isodate&gt;.png is possible.</body></html> Preview: Minetest Worlds Minetest worlds dir: 157 16777215 Browse :/open:/open Worlds: Map-Limit false Any nodes below this level will not be drawn. Specify the lower height limit for the map -30000 30000 Auto true geometrymode_size_group The requested geometry will be extended so that the map does not contain partial map blocks (of 16x16 nodes each). At least all pixels covered by the geometry will be in the map, but there may be up to 15 more in every direction. round the coodinates to a multiple of 16. Block geometrymode_granularity_group Currently, shrinking is done with block granularity, and based on which blocks are in the database. As the database always contains a row or and column of empty, or partially empty blocks at the map edges, there will still be empty pixels at the edges of the map. Use --blockcolor to visualize these empty blocks. Generate a map of at most the requested geometry. Shrink it to the smallest possible size that still includes the same information. Shrink geometrymode_size_group NOTE: If this flag is used, and no actual geometry is specified, this would result in a maximum-size map (65536 x 65536), which is currently not possible, and will fail, due to a bug in the drawing library. don't reduce the map size. What ever is specified using a geometry option, is what will be draw, even if partly or fully empty. Fixed geometrymode_size_group A map of exactly the requested size is generated (after adjustments due to the 'shrink' flag, or possible adjustments required by the scale factor). interpret the coordinates with pixel granularity. Pixel true geometrymode_granularity_group Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Geometry Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop Specify the upper height limit for the map Nodes higher than this level will not be drawn. This can be used to avoid floating islands or floating artefacts from obscuring the world below. Specify the minumum depth of nodes to be included Height min Specify the upper height limit for the map Nodes higher than this level will not be drawn. This can be used to avoid floating islands or floating artefacts from obscuring the world below. Specify the maximum height of nodes to be included Height max 1:1 1:1 1:2 1:4 1:8 1:16 Scalefactor Geometrymode Qt::Vertical 20 40 false Nodes higher than this level will not be drawn. This can be used to avoid floating islands or floating artefacts from abscuring the world below. Specify the upper height limit for the map -30000 30000 Heightmap 0 0 Generate a height map instead of a regular map Generate a height map instead of a regular map false 0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 127 127 127 170 170 170 0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 255 0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 127 127 127 170 170 170 0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 255 0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 220 0 0 0 127 127 127 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 127 127 127 170 170 170 127 127 127 255 255 255 127 127 127 255 255 255 255 255 255 0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 220 0 0 0 true 0 0 524 448 Heightmap nodes Specify the nodes list for the height map ./colors/heightmap-nodes.txt Browse :/open:/open Heightmap colors If a color is given, a monochrome map is generated in shades of that color, ranging from black at depth -128 to the given color at height 127. Color If no color is specified, minetestmapper will use a colors file to determine which colors to use at which height level. File true false a monochrome map is generated in shades of that color, ranging from black at depth -128 to the given color at height 127. e.g. grey,black, #00FF00 Select color :/color:/color false Specify the color definition file for the height map Browse :/open:/open 0 0 Specify the color definition file for the height map ./colors/heightmap-colors.txt heightmap-colors.txt Use a color or select a heightmap-colors.txt file Heightmap Scale Draw a height scale at the bottom of the map Draw a height scale at the bottom of the map Draw Heightscale false Custom heightscale intervall false Major: false Minor: Other Y-scale 10.000000000000000 0.200000000000000 1.000000000000000 Height level 0 -100 100 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Colors Specify the color for drawing the map origin (0,0) red Specify the color for text in the scales on the side black Specify the color for drawing player locations yellow tilebordercolor ./colors/colors.txt playercolor Specify the color for empty mapblocks #ffffcc Specify the background color for the image true white bgcolor origincolor scalecolor blockcolor colors.txt file Qt::Vertical 20 40 Select color :/color:/color Select color :/color:/color Select color :/color:/color Select color :/color:/color Select color :/color:/color Select color :/color:/color Browse :/open:/open Specify the color for drawing tile borders black If enabled MinetestMapperGui always uses this file instead of searching one in the World directory Allways use this static colors.txt file Map features Draw a scale on the left and/or top edge Draw scale Left Top false Custom scale interval false Major: false Minor: Draw a circle at the origin (0,0) on the map Draw origin Draw circles at player positions on the map Draw Players Draw Alpha Enable drawing transparency for some nodes (e.g. water) none none cumulative cumulative-darken average Draw air nodes (read the warnings first!) Draw Air Disable shading that accentuates height diffences No Shading Tiles Draw tiles false 0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 127 127 127 170 170 170 0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 255 0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 127 127 127 170 170 170 0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 255 0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 220 0 0 0 127 127 127 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 127 127 127 170 170 170 127 127 127 255 255 255 127 127 127 255 255 255 255 255 255 0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 220 0 0 0 true true 0 0 513 437 Tiles false size: 1 100 5 20 A chunk is the unit of map generation. Usually 5x5x5 blocks. chunk-aligned group_tiles_tiles tilesize+border group_tiles_tiles A block is 16x16x16 nodes block-aligned true group_tiles_tiles false border: 1 10 Arrange 0 0 tilecenter group_tiles_arrange 0 0 tileorigin true group_tiles_arrange 0 0 Arrange: 0 0 at: coordinates group_tiles_arrange_at world center (0,0) true group_tiles_arrange_at map origin (top-left) group_tiles_arrange_at false X: -100 100 false Y: -100 100 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Draw figures Properties Geometry Apply red Figure: Use Image Coodinates Color: Text: Point Information: false qrc:/doc/drawfigure.html 0 0 Elements + - 0 0 460 0 QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection QAbstractItemView::SelectRows true 30 0 0 Generate :/images/icon.svg:/images/icon.svg false Cancel 0 0 1061 26 &File Choose profile: &Edit Help Language Extras Main Toolbar Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon TopToolBarArea false :/images/help.svg:/images/help.svg QDockWidget::AllDockWidgetFeatures Help 2 0 0 0 0 0 false < Start false > &+ &- 180 0 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:7.8pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><br /></p></body></html> qrc:/doc/intro.html ./doc/ :/images/text.svg:/images/text.svg false QDockWidget::AllDockWidgetFeatures Output log 8 0 0 0 0 Courier New false true Clear 0 28 Copy Select all :/images/minetest.svg:/images/minetest.svg About MinetestMapper QAction::AboutRole About QT QAction::AboutQtRole :/images/icon.svg:/images/icon.svg Generate Map Start Minetestmapper to generate the map generate the Map Exit Esc true :/images/help.svg:/images/help.svg Help F1 Whats this? :/open:/open Open World Ctrl+O :/save:/save Save map as Ctrl+S :/images/icon.svg:/images/icon.svg About MinetestMapper GUI Edit colors.txt Edit colors.txt with default program edit colors.txt with default program Edit heightmap-nodes.txt Edit heightmap-nodes.txt with default txt editor edit heightmap-nodes.txt with default txt editor Edit heightmap-colors.txt Edit heightmap-colors.txt with default txt editor edit heightmap-colors.txt with default txt editor New Profile true Expert Mode In the Expert Mode it shows you the parameters, that you can modify it. Expert Mode shows the parameters, that you can modify it. true true Open map after creation Open map after creation with the default png viewer &Preferences Start colors.txt assistant :/images/terminal.svg:/images/terminal.svg Open &Terminal T true :/images/text.svg:/images/text.svg Output &Log Shows / Hides Output Log Ctrl+L ColorLineEdit QLineEdit
GeometryWidget QWidget
actionGenerateMap triggered() button_generate click() -1 -1 229 567 actionExit triggered() MainWindow close() -1 -1 178 201 actionHelp toggled(bool) dockHelp setVisible(bool) -1 -1 759 299 dockHelp visibilityChanged(bool) actionHelp setChecked(bool) 759 299 -1 -1 pushButton_4 clicked() helpBrowser backward() 569 103 569 275 pushButton_5 clicked() helpBrowser forward() 859 120 749 166 pushButton_6 clicked() helpBrowser zoomIn() 959 120 846 178 pushButton_7 clicked() helpBrowser zoomOut() 1059 120 943 150 helpBrowser backwardAvailable(bool) pushButton_4 setEnabled(bool) 1060 241 659 120 helpBrowser forwardAvailable(bool) pushButton_5 setEnabled(bool) 708 151 859 120 pushButton_8 clicked() helpBrowser home() 759 120 616 199 checkBox_maxY toggled(bool) maxY setEnabled(bool) 97 214 293 215 checkBox_minY toggled(bool) minY setEnabled(bool) 87 185 292 186 heightmapColor toggled(bool) colorHeightmap setEnabled(bool) 98 302 354 303 generateHeightmap toggled(bool) scrollArea setEnabled(bool) 214 132 277 234 actionOpen_World triggered() browseWorld click() -1 -1 395 169 heightmapFile toggled(bool) path_HeightmapColors setEnabled(bool) 98 338 354 339 actionSave_map_as triggered() saveImage click() -1 -1 526 245 tiles_sizeAndBorder toggled(bool) tileborder setEnabled(bool) 130 200 514 201 selectHeightmapColor clicked() colorHeightmap selectColor() 434 291 379 292 selectBlockColor clicked() blockcolor selectColor() 538 240 431 236 sidescaleInterval toggled(bool) sidescaleIntervalMinor setEnabled(bool) 108 186 444 217 tiles_coordinates toggled(bool) tiles_coordinateY setEnabled(bool) 351 351 502 352 heightscaleInterval toggled(bool) heightscaleIntervalMajor setEnabled(bool) 149 438 369 439 selectScaleColor clicked() scalecolor selectColor() 538 276 431 272 selectPlayerColor clicked() playercolor selectColor() 538 348 431 344 sidescaleInterval toggled(bool) sidescaleIntervalMajor setEnabled(bool) 108 186 444 188 tiles_coordinates toggled(bool) tiles_coordinateX setEnabled(bool) 351 351 427 352 selectOriginColor clicked() origincolor selectColor() 538 312 431 308 selectBgColor clicked() bgcolor selectColor() 538 204 431 200 heightscaleInterval toggled(bool) heightscaleIntervalMinor setEnabled(bool) 149 438 504 439 selectTileBorderColor clicked() tilebordercolor selectColor() 538 384 431 380 tiles_sizeAndBorder toggled(bool) tilesize setEnabled(bool) 167 200 356 201 tiles toggled(bool) scrollArea_2 setEnabled(bool) 88 132 88 241 actionOutputLog triggered(bool) dockOutput setVisible(bool) -1 -1 530 654 dockOutput visibilityChanged(bool) actionOutputLog setChecked(bool) 530 654 -1 -1