# get usage information by using 'get-help .\build.ps1' <# .SYNOPSIS Automatically build MinetestmapperGui .DESCRIPTION Automatically installs the reqired dependencies from vcpkg, executes cmake and generates a zip archive .EXAMPLE PS> .\build.ps1 -vcpkg_root D:\vcpkg\ -triplet x64-windows #> param ( ## Specifies the path to the vcpkg.exe. e.g D:\vcpkg [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$vcpkg_root = "D:\vcpkg", ## Specifies the target triplet eg. x64-windows or x68-windows-static. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$triplet = "x64-windows", ## Specify the Visual studio version (15 = VS 2017) [int32]$vs_version = 15, ## Specify the qt version to use $qt_version = "5.12.1", ## Build a installer instead of a portable version [switch]$installer ) $aTriplet = $triplet.Split('-') $arch = $aTriplet[0] $os = $aTriplet[1] $linkage = $aTriplet[2] $generator = "" if ($vs_version -lt 14) { throw "Visual Studio versions older then 2015 are not supported!" } elseif ($vs_version -eq 14) { $generator = "Visual Studio 14 2015" $qt_dir = "C:\Qt\$qt_version\msvc2015" } elseif ($vs_version -eq 15) { $generator = "Visual Studio 15 2017" $qt_dir = "C:\Qt\$qt_version\msvc2017" } elseif ($vs_version -eq 16) { $generator = "Visual Studio 16 2019" $qt_dir = "C:\Qt\$qt_version\msvc2019" Write-Warning "$generator is currently not tested and may work or not" } $cmake_generator = $generator if ($arch -eq "x64") { $cmake_generator = "$generator Win64" $qt_dir += "_64" } $build_dir = ".\build\$triplet" if ($linkage -eq "static") { Write-Output "Building $arch-$os-static" } else { Write-Output "Building $arch-$os-dynamic" } Write-Output "Qt Dir: $qt_dir" Write-Output "Build Dir: $build_dir" Write-Output "Triplet: $triplet" Write-Output "Generator: $cmake_generator" Write-Output "vcpkg: $vcpkg_root" try { & "$vcpkg_root\vcpkg" install zlib sqlite3 libgd[core,png] --triplet "$triplet" if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {throw "Error while installing dependencies"} if (!(test-path $build_dir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $build_dir } Push-Location $build_dir if (Test-Path "CMakeCache.txt") { Remove-Item "CMakeCache.txt" # Perform a clean build } cmake ../.. -G"$cmake_generator" ` -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET="$triplet" ` -DVCPKG_APPLOCAL_DEPS=ON ` -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="$vcpkg_root/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" ` -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ` -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$qt_dir\lib\cmake" if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {throw "Error while configuring"} cmake --build . --config Release if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {throw "Error while building"} if($installer){ cpack -G "WIX" if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {throw "Error while packing Installer"} } else { cpack -G "ZIP" if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {throw "Error while packing"} } } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message exit 1 } Finally { Pop-Location }