--- Returns true if given value is a finite number; otherwise false or nil if value is not of type string nor number. function x_marketplace.isfinite(value) if type(value) == "string" then value = tonumber(value) if value == nil then return nil end elseif type(value) ~= "number" then return nil end return value > -math.huge and value < math.huge end --- Returns true if given value is not a number (NaN); otherwise false or nil if value is not of type string nor number. function x_marketplace.isnan(value) if type(value) == "string" then value = tonumber(value) if value == nil then return nil end elseif type(value) ~= "number" then return nil end return value ~= value end -- rounds a number to the nearest decimal places local function round(val, decimal) if (decimal) then return math.floor( (val * 10^decimal) + 0.5) / (10^decimal) else return math.floor(val+0.5) end end -- Search items in marketplace object -- @param string the string -- @return string with found items, if no items found returns boolean false function x_marketplace.store_find(string) local found = "" for k, v in pairs(x_marketplace.store_list) do if string.find(k, string) then found = found..k.." buy: "..string.format("%.2f", v.buy).." sell: "..string.format("%.2f", v.sell).."\n" end end if found == "" then found = false end return found end -- Get random items from the store -- @param number the integer -- @return string with found items function x_marketplace.store_get_random(number) local keys, i, suggest = {}, 1, "" local how_many = number or 5 for k, v in pairs(x_marketplace.store_list) do keys[i] = k i = i + 1 end for i = 1, how_many do suggest = suggest.."\n"..keys[math.random(1, #keys)] end return suggest end -- Get players balance of BitGold -- @param name the string of player name -- @return string the current balance function x_marketplace.get_player_balance(name) if not name then return "" end local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) local balance = player:get_attribute("balance") or 0 return balance end -- Set players balance of BitGold -- @param name the string of player name -- @param amount the number of what should be added/deducted (if negative) from players balance -- @return string the balance info message, returns false if not enough funds function x_marketplace.set_player_balance(name, amount) if not name or not amount then return "" end local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) local balance = player:get_attribute("balance") or 0 local new_balance = balance + amount if new_balance < 0 then return false, "below" end if new_balance > x_marketplace.max_balance then return false, "above" end player:set_attribute("balance", new_balance) return new_balance end function x_marketplace.find_signs(player_pos, text) local pos0 = vector.subtract(player_pos, 2) local pos1 = vector.add(player_pos, 2) local positions = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(pos0, pos1, "default:sign_wall_steel") local found = false if #positions <= 0 then return false end for k, v in pairs(positions) do local sign_meta = minetest.get_meta(v) local sign_text = sign_meta:get_string("text"):trim() if sign_text == text then print("sign_text", sign_text) print("text", text) found = true break end end return found end minetest.register_craftitem("x_marketplace:head", { description = "head", inventory_image = "x_marketplace_head-front.png", wield_image = "x_marketplace_head-front.png", stack_max = 1, wield_scale = {x=1.5, y=1.5, z=6}, on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), minetest.colorize(x_marketplace.colors.yellow, "MARKET PLACE: If you want to sell the head, you have to punch steel sign with text '/mp sellhead' on it.")) if pointed_thing.type == "node" then local node = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under) if node.name == "default:sign_wall_steel" then local node_meta = minetest.get_meta(pointed_thing.under) if node_meta:get_string("text"):trim() == "/mp sellhead" then local stack_meta = itemstack:to_table().meta local stack_meta_value = tonumber(stack_meta.value) local stack_meta_owner = stack_meta.owner -- sell item local new_balance = x_marketplace.set_player_balance(user:get_player_name(), stack_meta_value) if new_balance then minetest.sound_play("x_marketplace_gold", { object = user, max_hear_distance = 10, gain = 1.0 }) minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), minetest.colorize(x_marketplace.colors.green, "MARKET PLACE: You sold "..stack_meta_owner.." head for "..stack_meta_value.." BitGold. Your new balance is: "..new_balance.." BitGold")) itemstack:take_item() else minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), minetest.colorize(x_marketplace.colors.yellow, "MARKET PLACE: You will go above the maximum balance if you sell this item. Transaction cancelled.")) end end end end return itemstack end, }) minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(player) local player_name = player:get_player_name() local balance = tonumber(x_marketplace.get_player_balance(player_name)) local lost_value, new_balance if balance then -- no money, nothing to loose if balance == 0 then return -- almost no money, drop everything elseif balance <= 10 then lost_value = balance -- loose between 5-10% from balance else lost_value = (balance / 100) * math.random(5, 10) end lost_value = round(lost_value, 2) new_balance = x_marketplace.set_player_balance(player_name, lost_value * -1) local pos = vector.round(player:getpos()) local itemstack = ItemStack("x_marketplace:head") local meta = itemstack:get_meta() local item_description = minetest.registered_items["x_marketplace:head"]["description"] meta:set_string("owner", player_name) meta:set_string("value", lost_value) meta:set_string("description", player_name.." "..item_description.."\nvalue: "..lost_value.." BitGold") local obj = minetest.add_item(pos, itemstack) if obj then obj:set_velocity({ x = math.random(-10, 10) / 9, y = 5, z = math.random(-10, 10) / 9, }) end minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, minetest.colorize(x_marketplace.colors.yellow, "MARKET PLACE: When you died you lost "..lost_value.." BitGold")) end end)