Minetest MOD X Markeplace [x_marketplace] This MOD for Minetest adds a simple global marketplace to the game. This marketplace is designed to work only with chat commands. Type `/mp help` in the chat to see all possible commands. Currently only items from `default` MTGame MOD are in the store list, since all the other items can be crafted from default blocks, this is sufficient for balanced game. Items can be added/removed/edited easily from the `store_list.lua` file. ![screenshot](screenshot.png) Commands: - `/mp find `, find item in store - `/mp balance`, show your current balance in BitGold - `/mp sellhand`, sell item(s) currently holding in hand - `/mp buyhand []`, buy `` of item(s) currently holding in hand, when `` is not provided then amount is 1 - `/mp infohand`, show more information about the item(s) you are currently holding in hand from the store - `/mp buy []`, buy `` of `` from store, if `` is not provided then amount is 1 - `/mp sellinv `, sell all items `` from the 'main' inventory list - `/mp buyinv `, buy full inventory of items ``, empty slots in the 'main' inventory are required - `/mp top`, show top 5 richest players currently online - `/mp help`, print out this help