# yl_matterbridge ## Purpose This mod adds support for [matterbridge](https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge) to handle chat messages between Minetest and other chat protocols like - Discord - IRC - Matrix - Telegram - Twitch - WhatsApp - and more ## Download Get it from https://gitea.your-land.de/AliasAlreadyTaken/yl_matterbridge ## Installation copy the "yl_matterbridge" folder to your mod folder and enable it in your world.mt. add yl_matterbridge to secure.http_mods in your minetest.conf ``` secure.http_mods = yl_matterbridge ``` Download and install [matterbridge](https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge) ## Configuration Create a config for [matterbridge](https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge) and the chat protocols you want to use. * https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge/wiki/How-to-create-your-config * https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge/wiki/Api An example config for minetest looks like this ``` [api.mt] BindAddress="" Buffer=1000 RemoteNickFormat="{NICK}" #Token="DISABLED, NOT YET SUPPORTED" ``` Gateway section: ``` [[gateway]] name="default" enable=true [[gateway.inout]] account="api.mt" channel="api" ``` ## Modmakers API: Overwrite these function in your chat mod, if you want to handle messages yourself Don't forget to add an optional dependency to yl_matterbridge Overwrite this function to receive something from the bridge ``` function yl_matterbridge.receive_from_bridge(user_name, message_text) core.chat_send_all("<" .. user_name .. "@irc> " .. message_text) end ``` Call this function to send something to the bridge ``` function yl_matterbridge.send_to_bridge(user_name, message_text) send(user_name, message_text) end ``` Set this function to yl_matterbridge.chat_message = function() end if you call yl_matterbridge.send_to_bridge yourself ``` function yl_matterbridge.chat_message(user_name, message_text) send_to_bridge(user_name, message_text) end ``` ## Allied projects If you know a project that uses this bridge tell us and we will add it to the list. * smart_chat : https://github.com/acmgit/smart_chat/ ## Uninstall Remove it from your mod folder or deactivate it in your world.mt Mods that depend on it will cease to work, if the mod is removed without proper replacement. ## License MIT ## Thank you * Bla * clyde (https://github.com/acmgit/)