local lib = simple_chat local mn = lib.modname --[[ **************************************************************** ******* Function split(parameter) ****** **************************************************************** Split Command and Parameter and write it to a table --]] function lib.split(parameter) local cmd = {} for word in string.gmatch(parameter, "[%w%-%:%.2f%_]+") do table.insert(cmd, word) end -- for word return cmd end -- function lib.split --[[ **************************************************************** ******* Function check(command) ****** **************************************************************** Check if the command is valid --]] function lib.check(player, cmd) if(cmd ~= nil and cmd[1] ~= nil) then if(lib[cmd[1]] ~= nil) then -- Command is valid, execute it with parameter lib[cmd[1]](player, cmd) else -- A command is given, but -- Command not found, report it. if(cmd[1] ~= nil) then lib.print(player, lib.red .. mn ..": Unknown Command \"" .. lib.orange .. cmd[1] .. lib.red .. "\".") else if(lib["help"]) then lib["help"](player, cmd) else lib.print(player, lib.red .. "Unknown Command. No helpsystem available.") end --if(distancer["help"] end -- if(cmd[1] end -- if(distancer[cmd[1 else lib.print(player, lib.red .. "No Command for " .. mn .. " given.") lib.print(player, lib.red .. "Try /c help.") end -- if(not cmd) end -- function lib.check(cmd --[[ **************************************************************** ******* Function register_help() ****** **************************************************************** Registers a new Entry in the Helpsystem for an Command. ]]-- function lib.register_help(entry) lib.helpsystem[entry.Name] = { Name = entry.Name, Usage = entry.Usage, Description = entry.Description, Parameter = entry.Parameter } end --[[ **************************************************************** ******* Function display_chat_message(message) ****** **************************************************************** ]]-- function lib.print(player, text) local lprint = minetest.chat_send_player local playername = minetest.get_player_by_name(player) lprint(player, text) end -- function distancer.print( --[[ **************************************************************** ******* Function show_version() ****** **************************************************************** ]]-- function lib.show_version() print("[MOD]" .. lib.modname .. " v " .. lib.version .. "." .. lib.revision .. " loaded. \n") end -- lib.show_version