# Distancer Client-Side-Mod for Minetest to calculate and measure Distances.
![Screenshot 1](screenshot.png)
## Description This Mod helps you, to measure Distances in Minetest.
Be carefull, this Version works only with Minetest Version 5.x.x.
Fully revised, more modularity and using of command-pattern.
## General Commands .dis help - Shows you a help of the commands.
.dis who - Shows you, who is online.
.dis change_safe_dead <> | on | off - Turns the automatic position-store of your dead on or off.
.dis restore_marker - Swaps the old waypoint with the deadposition.

## Marker Commands .dis mark <> | -s | -m | -p | -w X,Y,Z
.dis mark -s - Set's the marker to your current position.
.dis mark -m - Shows you the distance between the marker anc your current position.
.dis mark -p - Shows you the distance between the marker anc your current position as vector.
.dis mark -w X,Y,Z - Set's the marker to the given position.

## HUD Commands .dis hud on | off - Turns all huds of distancer on or off.
.dis hud_mapblock on | off - Turns the hud for the mapblock on or off.
.dis hud_measure on | off - Turns the hud to measure distances on or off.
.dis hud_waypoint on | off - Turns the hud for the waypoint on or off.

.dis hud_set <> | -r | -w .X,.Y - Commands for the hud-position.
.dis hud_set <> - Shows the current hud-position.
.dis hud_set -r - Resets the position of the hud to default.
.dis hud_set -w 0.X,0.Y - Changes the position in percentage of the HUD to 0.X,0.Y.

.dis hud_speed <> | -s Seconds - Commands for the hud-update-speed.
.dis hud_speed <> - Shows the current update-speed in seconds.
.dis hud_speed -s Seconds - Set's the current update-delay to seconds.

## for Modwriter With the Version 2.7 or higher, the Distancer has a API for other mods.
### Var: dst.ver | Version Number of the loaded Distancer.
dst.rev | Revision Number of the loaded Distancer.
dst.name | Name of the Mod.
### API: dst.send_pos(name, position) | name = playername, position = string like "0,0,0". Set's the Marker to the Position "x,y,z".
## License GPL 3.0 by A.C.M.
## depends nothing

## install Move the folder to your clientmods directory of your minetest-folder.
Then activate the mod in your mods.conf.
Important: Not the mod.conf inside the mod!!

## Documentation for Developer [api.md](api.md) ## Documentation as plain Text [api.txt](api.txt)