-- rnd 2017 -- helloip country locator helloip = {}; local modpath = minetest.get_modpath("helloip") -- load csv db local f = assert(io.open(modpath .. "\\dbip-country-2017-03.csv", "r")) local csv = f:read("*all") f:close() local ip2num = function(ip) local i1 = string.find(ip,".",1,true) local i2 = string.find(ip,".",i1+1,true) local i3 = string.find(ip,".",i2+1,true) local ip1 = tonumber(string.sub(ip,1,i1-1)) or 0 local ip2 = tonumber(string.sub(ip,i1+1,i2-1)) or 0 local ip3 = tonumber(string.sub(ip,i2+1,i3-1)) or 0 local ip4 = tonumber(string.sub(ip,i3+1)) or 0 return ip1*256^3+ip2*256^2+ ip3*256+ ip4 end local iplookup = function(ip) -- ip is as number, returns index of entry or 0 local entry = 0 local i1=1; local i3 = #helloip; local step = 0 while i3-i1>0 and step < 100 do step = step + 1 local i2 = math.floor((i1+i3)/2) local iplow = helloip[i2][1]; local iphigh = helloip[i2][2]; if ip>=iplow and ip <=iphigh then entry = i2; break; end if i3-i1 == 1 then break end if ip > iphigh then -- right i1 = i2 else -- left i3 = i2 end end return entry end print("#helloip: parsing csv") -- parse csv into db local step = 0; local i = 0 local i1,i2,i3 while i and step < 10^6 do step=step+1 i1 = string.find(csv,",",i+1) i2 = string.find(csv,",",i1+1) i3 = string.find(csv, "\n", i2+1) if not i3 then break end local ipmin = ip2num(string.sub(csv, i+2,i1-2)) local ipmax = ip2num(string.sub(csv, i1+2,i2-2)) local ccode = string.sub(csv, i2+2,i3-2); helloip[step] = {ipmin,ipmax,ccode}; i=i3 end print("#helloip: ".. step .. " ip range entries loaded.") -- load country codelist from ccode.txt -- copied as text from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1 local f = assert(io.open(modpath .. "\\ccode.txt", "r")) local cc = f:read("*all");f:close() local ccodes = {} local step = 0; local i = 0 local i1,i2,i3 while i and step < 10^3 do step=step+1 i1 = string.find(cc," ",i+1) i2 = string.find(cc," ",i1+1) i3 = string.find(cc, "\n", i1+1) if not i3 then break end local cname = string.sub(cc, i+1,i1-1) local ccode = string.sub(cc, i1+2,i2-1) ccodes[ccode] = cname i=i3 end minetest.register_chatcommand("ip", { description = "", privs = { privs = kick }, func = function(name, param) local ip = param or ""; local _, count = string.gsub(ip, "%.", "") -- how many dots if count ~= 3 then ip = "" end minetest.chat_send_player(name,"looking up ip " .. ip .. "=" .. ip2num(ip) ) local entry = iplookup(ip2num(ip)) or 0 if entry > 0 then local hentry = helloip[entry] or {0,0,"?"}; minetest.chat_send_player(name, ccodes[hentry[3]] or "unknown") end end }); minetest.register_on_joinplayer( function(player) local name = player:get_player_name(); local ip = minetest.get_player_ip(name); local entry = iplookup(ip2num(ip)) if entry > 0 then local hentry = helloip[entry] or {0,0,"?"}; local country = ccodes[hentry[3]] or "unknown"; minetest.chat_send_all("welcome " .. name .. " from " .. country) end end )