-- ACTIVITY GENERATOR + modified /status -- makes server appear more active: virtual players join/leave, talk if not init then minetest.forceload_block(self.pos(),true) self.label("activity generator") local chatc = _G.core.registered_chatcommands["status"]; if chatc then if not rom.chatc then rom.chatc = chatc end --self.label(serialize(chatc)) hidden_players = { rnd = false, } extra_players = { "Piojoblanco","Bryan0911","EmmaBTS","atmaca","pausc05","bobo","marquez","Maike-008","odiseu","jere700182","_z","erick07","elvergalarga01","follow","Mantano10","AW","0987654321","lavraimeriem","formless","kanekii","cuchita","X_Pro_X","Tron","MGPe","Budrow42","lahina","shaahin18","dolphin","Stickman301","Galves58","Appelbaum747jdjxi","agy","E23","Utsler26","Rafael_Aaron_PROOO","cloe","Athans82","Love_Girl","jklu","Marne485hv","xXNicoXx","Dootson22","squad","fatima","Cucuzza62" } extra_joined = {}; greetings = {"hi","hello","pls help","help","how to play?", "i have only 2 blocks?","cool",":(","someone help","HI"} _G.core.registered_chatcommands["status"] = { description = "Print server status", func = function(name, param) local connected = minetest.get_connected_players(); local ret = {}; for i = 1,#connected do local pname = connected[i]:get_player_name(); if not hidden_players[pname] then ret[#ret+1] = pname end end local clients = table.concat(ret,", "); local extras = {}; for name,_ in pairs(extra_joined) do extras[#extras+1] = name end if #extras>0 then clients = clients ..", " .. table.concat(extras, ", ") end return true, "# Server: version=, uptime = ".. math.floor(minetest.get_server_uptime()*10)/10 ..", max_lag = 0.1, clients = {".. clients .. "}" end, } --_G.core.registered_chatcommands["status"] = rom.chatc -- uncomment this to restore end t=0 init = true end t=t+1; if t%5 == 0 then local r = math.random(10) if r <= 2 then -- add random new player --say(t) local idx = math.random(#extra_players) local pname = extra_players[idx]; if pname and not extra_joined[pname] then extra_joined[pname] = true minetest.chat_send_all("*** " .. pname .. " joined the game.") end elseif r<=4 then -- disconnect random extra local count = 0; for pname,_ in pairs(extra_joined) do count = count + 1 end local idx = math.random(count) count = 0; for pname,_ in pairs(extra_joined) do count = count + 1 if count == idx then minetest.chat_send_all("*** " .. pname .. " left the game.") extra_joined[pname] = nil break end end elseif r<=6 then -- chat if math.random(5) == 1 then local count = 0 for pname,_ in pairs(extra_joined) do count = count + 1 end local idx = math.random(count) count = 0; for pname,_ in pairs(extra_joined) do count = count + 1 if count == idx then r = math.random(#greetings); minetest.chat_send_all("<" .. pname .. "> " ..greetings[r]) break end end end end end --self.remove()