-- webcommands : access url like: --[[ instructions: 1.download nodejs server from https://nodejs.org/dist/v10.14.2/node-v10.14.2-win-x86.zip 2. run nodejs server using run.bat :loop node $path/minetest_webcommands.js goto loop 3. run robot and type ' this is a test' into browser (you need to write your router address here, i.e. ip accessible from internet OR lan address) --]] if not fetch then address = ""; fetch = _G.basic_robot.http_api.fetch; state = 0 -- ready to fetch new command -- WARNING: this is run outside pcall and can crash server if errors! result = function(res) -- res.data is string containing result state = 0 if not res.succeeded then self.label("#ERROR: data couldn't be downloaded :\n" .. minetest.serialize(res) ) return end if res.data == "" then return end local req = res.data; req = string.gsub(req,"%%20"," ") if res.data then self.label(os.date("%X") ..', cmd : ' .. req) local i = string.find(req," !") if i then run_commmand(string.sub(req,i+2)) end end end admin = minetest.setting_get("name") run_commmand = function(message) local cmd, param = _G.string.match(message, "([^ ]+) *(.*)") if not param then param = "" end local cmd_def = minetest.chatcommands[cmd] if cmd_def then cmd_def.func(admin, param) else minetest.chat_send_all(admin..": "..message) end end MT2web = function(message) message = string.gsub(message," ","%%20") -- NOTE: if you send request that has 'space' in it there will be error 400! fetch({url = "http://".. address .. "/mtmsg/"..message, timeout = 5}, result) end MT2web("minetest robot started and listening.") end if state == 0 then fetch({url = "http://"..address.."/getwebmsg/", timeout = 5}, result) state = 1 end