--battle bots -- example program for team 4, other team is 5. each of players writes program and puts it in book, -- book 1 program for team 4, book 2 program for team 5 --[[ DEMO PROGRAM: just move all your bots in direction 1,0 and attack while moving for i = 1,#bots[TYPE] do -- move all bots of team 4 in direction {x=1,z=0} if read_bots(TYPE,i) then -- is bot alive? move_bot(i,1,0) attack_bot(i,1,0) -- try to attack in move direction end end --]] if not s then -- init bots = {[4] = {}, [5] = {}}; -- [type] = {{1,1,10}, {3,2,10}}; -- {x,y,hp} arena = {}; --[x][z] = {type, idx} centerpos = self.spawnpos(); centerpos.y = centerpos.y+2 for i = -10,10 do arena[i] = {} for j=-10,10 do arena[i][j] = {0,0} keyboard.set({x=centerpos.x+i,y=centerpos.y-1,z=centerpos.z+j},1) -- build arena keyboard.set({x=centerpos.x+i,y=centerpos.y,z=centerpos.z+j},0) end end TYPE = 4; -- 4,5 defines which bots are on the move/attack DIR = 1 s=0 t=0 -- load user progs _,script1 = book.read(1);_,script2 = book.read(2); prog1, _ = _G.loadstring( script1 ); prog2, _ = _G.loadstring( script2 ); spawn_bot = function (x,z,type) if arena[x] and arena[x][z] and arena[x][z][1] == 0 then keyboard.set({x=centerpos.x+x,y=centerpos.y,z=centerpos.z+z},type) table.insert(bots[type],{x,z,10}) arena[x][z] = {type,#bots[type]} else return false end end move_bot = function (i,dx,dz) local bot = bots[TYPE][i];if not bot then return false end if math.abs(dx)>1 or math.abs(dz)>1 then return false end local x1=bot[1]+dx; local z1=bot[2]+dz; if math.abs(x1)>10 or math.abs(z1)>10 then return false end if arena[x1] and arena[x1][z1] and arena[x1][z1][1] == 0 then else return false end keyboard.set({x=centerpos.x+bot[1],y=centerpos.y,z=centerpos.z+bot[2]},0); keyboard.set({x=centerpos.x+x1,y=centerpos.y,z=centerpos.z+z1},TYPE); arena[bot[1]][bot[2]] = {0,0} arena[x1][z1] = {TYPE,i} bot[1]=x1;bot[2]=z1; end attack_bot = function(i,dx,dz) local bot = bots[TYPE][i];if not bot then return false end if math.abs(dx)>1 or math.abs(dz)>1 then return false end local x1=bot[1]+dx; local z1=bot[2]+dz; if math.abs(x1)>10 or math.abs(z1)>10 then return false end if arena[x1] and arena[x1][z1] and arena[x1][z1][1] == 0 then return false end local type = arena[x1][z1][1]; local idx = arena[x1][z1][2]; local tbot = bots[type][idx]; if not tbot then return false end tbot[3]=tbot[3]-5; if tbot[3]<=0 then keyboard.set({x=centerpos.x+tbot[1],y=centerpos.y,z=centerpos.z+tbot[2]},0); table.remove(bots[type],idx); arena[x1][z1] = {0,0} end end read_arena = function(x,z) local data = arena[x][z]; if not data then return end return {data[1],data[2]}; end read_bots = function (type, idx) local data = bots[type][idx]; if not data then return end return {data[1],data[2],data[3]} end end if t%10 == 0 then -- spawn new bot for each time every 10 seconds! spawn_bot(0,-10,4) spawn_bot(0,10,5) end t=t+1 self.label(#bots[4] .. " " .. #bots[5]) -- PROGRAM RULES: -- not allowed to modify api code: TYPE, bots,t,s, spawn_bot, move_bot, attack_bot, read_arena, read_bots -- only allowed to move bot or attack, but not to dig/place TYPE = 4+(t%2); DIR = - DIR if TYPE == 5 then _G.setfenv(prog1, _G.basic_robot.data[self.name()].sandbox ) _,err = pcall(prog1) else _G.setfenv(prog2, _G.basic_robot.data[self.name()].sandbox ) _,err = pcall(prog2) end if err then say(err) self.remove() end