# Wadsprint [![Version](/util/minetest_wadsprint_version.png)] [minetest_wadsprint] Minetest mod for sprinting with W, A and D buttons. ![Wadsprint](/screenshots/wadsprint_screenshots.png?raw=true "Wadsprint mod screenshots") **How to use:** 1. Press A and D simultaneously to trigger the `ready_to_sprint` event. 2. Then press W to start sprinting. 3. Release A and D (keep W pressed) and continue sprinting until the stamina runs out. **How to install:** http://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/Installing_mods **How to configure:** Edit `config.lua` at the mod directory. **Dependencies:** All dependencies are optional. - [hudbars?](http://repo.or.cz/minetest_hudbars.git) - [hud?](https://github.com/BlockMen/hud_hunger) **Dependents:** - [minetest_wadsprint_dyspnea](https://github.com/aa6/minetest_wadsprint_dyspnea) **Development:** - Run `bash util/git_hook_pre_commit.bash install` after repository cloning. **Changelog** https://github.com/aa6/minetest_wadsprint/commits/master **Credits:** Thanks to [GunshipPenguin](https://github.com/GunshipPenguin) and his [sprint mod](https://github.com/GunshipPenguin/sprint) for showing a good example of how sprint mod for minetest can be done.