Scripting ============= This page shows some examples in how to use the scripting API. Editing the terrain ---------------------- ### Using [VoxelTool](api/ TODO ### LOD limitation TODO ### Editing performance See [Access to voxels and multithreading]( Custom generator ------------------ You can provide your own voxel generator by extending `VoxelGeneratorScript` in either GDScript, C# or C++. !!! note custom generators can also be created without scripts, using [VoxelGeneratorGraph]( ### Example Here is how to make a bare bones generator usable with a blocky terrain. Make sure you use `VoxelMesherBlocky` as mesher. Create a standalone script `` with the following contents: ```gdscript extends VoxelGeneratorScript const channel : int = VoxelBuffer.CHANNEL_TYPE func _get_used_channels_mask() -> int: return 1 << channel func _generate_block(buffer : VoxelBuffer, origin : Vector3, lod : int) -> void: if lod != 0: return if origin.y < 0: buffer.fill(1, channel) if origin.x == origin.z and origin.y < 1: buffer.fill(1, channel) ``` In your terrain scene, add another script to a node, which will setup your generator when the game starts. Code might differ a bit depending on how you structure your scene. ```gdscript const MyGenerator = preload("") # Get the terrain var terrain = $VoxelTerrain func _ready(): terrain.generator = ``` Make sure to have a `VoxelViewer` node in the scene under the camera, and you should see this: ![Custom stream](images/custom-stream.jpg) Though `VoxelBuffer.fill()` is probably not what you want to use, the above is a quick example. Generate_block generally gives you a block of 16x16x16 cubes to fill all at once, so you may also use `VoxelBuffer.set_voxel()` to specify each one individually. You can change the channel to `VoxelBuffer.CHANNEL_SDF` to get smooth voxels using another mesher such as `VoxelMesherTransvoxel`. ### Thread-safety Generators are invoked from multiple threads. Make sure your code is thread-safe. If your generator uses resources or exports parameters that you want to change while it might be running, you should make sure they are read-only or copied per thread, so if the resource is modified from outside or another thread it won't disrupt the generator. You can use `Mutex` to enforce single-thread access to variables, but use it with caution because otherwise you could end up limiting performance to one thread (while the other waits for the lock to be released). Using Read-Write locks and thread-locals are good options, unfortunately the Godot script API does not provide this. Careful about lazy-initialization, it can cause crashes if two threads run it at the same time. `Curve` is one of the resources doing that: if you call `interpolate_baked()` and it wasn't baked yet, it will be baked at the very last moment. Here is an example of working around this: ```gdscript extends VoxelGeneratorScript const MountainsCurve : Curve = preload("moutains_curve.tres") # This is called when the generator is created func _init(): # Call `bake()` to be sure it doesn't happen later inside `generate_block()`. MountainsCurve.bake() # ... ``` A similar story occurs with `Image`. It needs to be locked before you can access pixels, but calling `lock()` and `unlock()` itself is not thread-safe. One approach to solve this is to `lock()` the image in `_init()` and leave it locked for the whole lifetime of the generator. This assumes of course that the image is never accessed from outside: ```gdscript extends VoxelGeneratorScript var image : Image # This is called when the generator is created func _init(): image = image.load("some_heightmap.png") image.lock() func generate_block(buffer : VoxelBuffer, origin : Vector3, lod : int) -> void: # ... use image.get_pixel() freely ... # ... but DO NOT use image.set_pixel() ... func _notification(what: int): if what == NOTIFICATION_PREDELETE: # Called when the script is destroyed. # I don't know if it's really required, but unlock for correctness. image.unlock() # ... ``` Image.lock() won't be required anymore in Godot 4. ### Accessing neighbors to generate structures Generators cannot access neighbor blocks, because they may be dependent on neighbors themselves, and may, or may not be available yet. It's also bad for performance to have threads interdepend on others. The solution to overcome this is to use a seed to drive every calculations so results are predictable. Noise-based terrain usually don't need any dependency on neighbors, since any queried voxel position will always yield the same values. Generating structures like trees in a Minecraft world is however a bit more complicated. TODO Explain the logic behind the demo Custom stream --------------- TODO Creating a terrain node -------------------------- TODO