# Factorio Mods [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Zequez/FactorioMods.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/Zequez/FactorioMods) [FactorioMods.com](http://factoriomods.com) it's an open source web app to host Factorio Mods, and make it easier for user and devs alike to share, find, download, and manage mods. [Trello board with tasks being worked, ideas, planning and stuff](https://trello.com/b/Ii5IHVxG/factoriomods). For bug report use the Github issues. ## Is FactorioMods a mod manager? No, FactorioMods it's not a mod manager, after you download the mods, you have to install them yourself. However there is another open source app, [FactorioModManager](https://github.com/narrowtux/FactorioModManager) that allows you to do just that, and [here is the forum post with instructions of how to use it](http://www.factorioforums.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=13327). Since these are both open source apps, it's just a matter of time until we can coordinate to use a common protocol to install mods in the same way that NexusModManager does it. ## How do I submit mods? For now just create an account on the site, and then [PM me on the forum](http://www.factorioforums.com/forum/ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=1553) and I'll set your permissions up. I still need to strengthen the system until I make it fully public. ## How to get it up and running locally If you want to contribute you'll probably need to run it locally ```bash git clone https://github.com/Zequez/FactorioMods bundle ``` At this point you'll need to configure a Postgres server. ```bash rake db:setup rake fake_data ``` That might take a while, specially because `rake fake_data` actually scraps posts from the Factorio forum. After that you just have to ```bash rails s ``` And you're on! ...probably... didn't actually test it from scratch on a different computer, you might need to install some things, I'm sure you'll figure it out! ## Running tests ```bash guard ``` ## Planned features - Integration with Github - Automatically scrap the releases from mods hosted in Github instead of adding the releases manually and hosting them on AWS. - Automatically use the Github README file as mod description and use the first pharagraph as summary - Maybe just host the mods list on the repo? - Read dependencies from the info.json file in the zipped - Actually add inter-mod dependencies, for now it just saves information about the Factorio version required - Fork [Factorio Mod Manager](https://github.com/narrowtux/FactorioModManager/) or convince someone that actually knows Java to register a `factoriomod://` protocol to automatically download and install the mods by clicking "install" on the web app - Add bookmarks functionality for users to save mods and access them easily - Track mods downloads and visits, for stats, and for later history checking by users - Add a more automated way to authorize developers, instead of receiving PMs in the forum - Support for multiple authors - Support for mod forking detection - I noticed a few devs use AdFly to get a little support, maybe I could add a pop up on the first download and ask the user if he wants to activate an "dev-support-download toggle" to turn all downloads into AdFly links for the dev. And maybe a custom YouTube video link, also for support. - Feature to create modpacks. Just select the mods you want and then it's gonna create a joined zip with all the mods. Or maybe just a page with the list of the mods and their downloads buttons, a big zipped file sounds like an expensive bandwidth bill. It could just download everything with one click, that would be better. # Copyright / License Copyright © Ezequiel Adrian Schwartzman. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the CPAL-1.0 (the same license that Reddit uses, seemed like a good license for open sourcing web apps).