ltool = {} ltool.VERSION = {} ltool.VERSION.MAJOR = 1 ltool.VERSION.MINOR = 4 ltool.VERSION.PATCH = 2 ltool.VERSION.STRING = ltool.VERSION.MAJOR .. "." .. ltool.VERSION.MINOR .. "." .. ltool.VERSION.PATCH ltool.playerinfos = {} ltool.default_edit_fields = { axiom="", rules_a="", rules_b="", rules_c="", rules_d="", trunk="mapgen_tree", leaves="mapgen_leaves", leaves2="mapgen_jungleleaves", leaves2_chance="0", fruit="mapgen_apple", fruit_chance="0", angle="45", iterations="2", random_level="0", trunk_type="single", thin_branches="true", name = "", } local mod_select_item = minetest.get_modpath("select_item") ~= nil local sapling_base_name = "L-system tree sapling" local sapling_format_string = "L-system tree sapling (%s)" local place_tree = function(pos) -- Place tree local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local treedef = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("treedef")) minetest.remove_node(pos) minetest.spawn_tree(pos, treedef) end --[[ This registers the sapling for planting the trees ]] minetest.register_node("ltool:sapling", { description = sapling_base_name, _doc_items_longdesc = "This artificial sapling does not come from nature and contains the genome of a genetically engineered L-system tree. Every sapling of this kind is unique. Who knows what might grow from it when you plant it?", _doc_items_usagehelp = "Place the sapling on any floor and wait 5 seconds for the tree to appear. If you have the “lplant” privilege, you can grow it instantly by rightclicking it. If you hold down the sneak key while placing it, you will keep a copy of the sapling in your inventory. To create your own saplings, you need to have the “lplant” privilege and pick a tree from the L-System Tree Utility (accessed with the server command “treeform”).", drawtype = "plantlike", tiles = { "ltool_sapling.png" }, inventory_image = "ltool_sapling.png", selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { -10/32, -0.5, -10/32, 10/32, 12/32, 10/32 }, }, wield_image = "ltool_sapling.png", paramtype = "light", paramtype2= "wallmounted", walkable = false, groups = { dig_immediate = 3, not_in_creative_inventory=1, }, drop = "", sunlight_propagates = true, is_ground_content = false, after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing) -- Transfer metadata and start timer local nodemeta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local itemmeta = itemstack:get_meta() local itemtreedef = itemmeta:get_string("treedef") -- Legacy support for saplings with legacy metadata if itemtreedef == nil or itemtreedef == "" then itemtreedef = itemstack:get_metadata() if itemtreedef == nil or itemtreedef == "" then return nil end end nodemeta:set_string("treedef", itemtreedef) local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos) timer:start(5) if placer:get_player_control().sneak == true then return true else return nil end end, -- Insta-grow when sapling got rightclicked on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing) if minetest.get_player_privs(clicker:get_player_name()).lplant then place_tree(pos) end end, -- Grow after timer elapsed on_timer = place_tree, can_dig = function(pos, player) return minetest.get_player_privs(player:get_player_name()).lplant end, }) minetest.register_craftitem("ltool:tool", { description = "L-System Tree Utility", _doc_items_longdesc = "This gadget allows the aspiring genetic engineer to invent and change L-system trees, create L-system tree saplings and look at the inventions from other players.", _doc_items_usagehelp = "Punch to open the L-System editor. A tabbed form will open. To edit and create trees, you need the “ledit” privilege, to make saplings, you need “lplant”. Detailed usage help can be found in that menu. You can also access the same editor with the server command “treeform”.", inventory_image = "ltool_tool.png", wield_image = "ltool_tool.png", on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) ltool.show_treeform(user:get_player_name()) end, }) --[[ Register privileges ]] minetest.register_privilege("ledit", { description = "Can add, edit, rename and delete own L-system tree definitions of the ltool mod", give_to_singleplayer = false, }) minetest.register_privilege("lplant", { description = "Can place L-system trees and get L-system tree samplings of the ltool mod", give_to_singleplayer = false, }) --[[ Load previously saved data from file or initialize an empty tree table ]] do local filepath = minetest.get_worldpath().."/" local file =, "r") if(file) then local string = file:read() io.close(file) if(string ~= nil) then local savetable = minetest.deserialize(string) if(savetable ~= nil) then ltool.trees = savetable.trees ltool.next_tree_id = savetable.next_tree_id ltool.number_of_trees = savetable.number_of_trees minetest.log("action", "[ltool] Tree data loaded from "..filepath..".") else minetest.log("error", "[ltool] Failed to load tree data from "..filepath..".") end else minetest.log("error", "[ltool] Failed to load tree data from "..filepath..".") end else --[[ table of all trees ]] ltool.trees = {} --[[ helper variables to ensure unique IDs ]] ltool.number_of_trees = 0 ltool.next_tree_id = 1 end end --[[ Adds a tree to the tree table. name: The tree’s name. author: The author’s / owners’ name treedef: The full tree definition, see lua_api.txt returns the tree ID of the new tree ]] function ltool.add_tree(name, author, treedef) local id = ltool.next_tree_id ltool.trees[id] = {name = name, author = author, treedef = treedef} ltool.next_tree_id = ltool.next_tree_id + 1 ltool.number_of_trees = ltool.number_of_trees + 1 return id end --[[ Removes a tree from the database tree_id: ID of the tree to be removed returns nil ]] function ltool.remove_tree(tree_id) ltool.trees[tree_id] = nil ltool.number_of_trees = ltool.number_of_trees - 1 for k,v in pairs(ltool.playerinfos) do if(v.dbsel ~= nil) then if(v.dbsel > ltool.number_of_trees) then v.dbsel = ltool.number_of_trees end if(v.dbsel < 1) then v.dbsel = 1 end end end end --[[ Renames a tree in the database tree_id: ID of the tree to be renamed new_name: The name of the tree returns nil ]] function ltool.rename_tree(tree_id, new_name) ltool.trees[tree_id].name = new_name end --[[ Copies a tree in the database tree_id: ID of the tree to be copied returns: the ID of the copy on success; false on failure (tree does not exist) ]] function ltool.copy_tree(tree_id) local tree = ltool.trees[tree_id] if(tree == nil) then return false end return ltool.add_tree(,, tree.treedef) end --[[ Gives a L-system tree sapling to a player treedef: L-system tree definition table of tree the sapling will grow seed: Seed of the tree (optional; can be nil) playername: name of the player to which ignore_priv: if true, player’s lplant privilige is not checked (optional argument; default: false) treename: Descriptive name of the tree for the item description (optional, is ignored if nil or empty string) returns: true on success false, 1 if privilege is not sufficient false, 2 if player’s inventory is full ]] function ltool.give_sapling(treedef, seed, player_name, ignore_priv, treename) local privs = minetest.get_player_privs(player_name) if(ignore_priv == nil) then ignore_priv = false end if(ignore_priv == false and privs.lplant ~= true) then return false, 1 end local sapling = ItemStack("ltool:sapling") local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(player_name) treedef.seed = seed local smeta = sapling:get_meta() smeta:set_string("treedef", minetest.serialize(treedef)) if treename and treename ~= "" then smeta:set_string("description", string.format(sapling_format_string, treename)) end treedef.seed = nil local leftover = player:get_inventory():add_item("main", sapling) if(not leftover:is_empty()) then return false, 2 else return true end end --[[ Plants a tree as the specified position tree_id: ID of tree to be planted pos: Position of tree, in format {x=?, y=?, z=?} seed: Optional seed for randomness, equal seed makes equal trees returns false on failure, nil otherwise ]] function ltool.plant_tree(tree_id, pos, seed) local tree = ltool.trees[tree_id] if(tree==nil) then return false end local treedef if seed ~= nil then treedef = table.copy(tree.treedef) treedef.seed = seed else treedef = tree.treedef end minetest.spawn_tree(pos, treedef) end --[[ Tries to return a tree data structure for a given tree_id tree_id: ID of tee to be returned returns false on failure, a tree otherwise ]] function ltool.get_tree(tree_id) local tree = ltool.trees[tree_id] if(tree==nil) then return false end return tree end ltool.seed = os.time() --[=[ Here come the functions to build the main formspec. They do not build the entire formspec ]=] ltool.formspec_size = "size[12,9]" --[[ This is a part of the main formspec: Tab header ]] function ltool.formspec_header(index) return "tabheader[0,0;ltool_tab;Edit,Database,Plant,Help;"..tostring(index)..";true;false]" end --[[ This creates the edit tab of the formspec fields: A template used to fill the default values of the formspec. ]] function ltool.tab_edit(fields, has_ledit_priv, has_lplant_priv) if(fields==nil) then fields = ltool.default_edit_fields end local s = function(input) local ret if(input==nil) then ret = "" else ret = minetest.formspec_escape(tostring(input)) end return ret end -- Show save/clear buttons depending on privs local leditbuttons if has_ledit_priv then leditbuttons = "button[0,8.7;4,0;edit_save;Save tree to database]".. "button[4,8.7;4,0;edit_clear;Reset fields]" if has_lplant_priv then leditbuttons = leditbuttons .. "button[8,8.7;4,0;edit_sapling;Give me a sapling]" end else leditbuttons = "label[0,8.3;Read-only mode. You need the “ledit” privilege to save trees to the database.]" end local nlength = "3" local fields_select_item = "" if mod_select_item then nlength = "2.6" fields_select_item = "".. "button[2.4,5.7;0.5,0;edit_trunk;>]".. "button[5.4,5.7;0.5,0;edit_leaves;>]".. "button[8.4,5.7;0.5,0;edit_leaves2;>]".. "button[11.4,5.7;0.5,0;edit_fruit;>]".. "tooltip[edit_trunk;Select node]".. "tooltip[edit_leaves;Select node]".. "tooltip[edit_leaves2;Select node]".. "tooltip[edit_fruit;Select node]" end return "".. "field[0.2,1;11,0;axiom;Axiom;"..s(fields.axiom).."]".. "button[11,0.7;1,0;edit_axiom;+]".. "tooltip[edit_axiom;Opens larger text field for Axiom]".. "field[0.2,2;11,0;rules_a;Rules set A;"..s(fields.rules_a).."]".. "button[11,1.7;1,0;edit_rules_a;+]".. "tooltip[edit_rules_a;Opens larger text field for Rules set A]".. "field[0.2,3;11,0;rules_b;Rules set B;"..s(fields.rules_b).."]".. "button[11,2.7;1,0;edit_rules_b;+]".. "tooltip[edit_rules_b;Opens larger text field for Rules set B]".. "field[0.2,4;11,0;rules_c;Rules set C;"..s(fields.rules_c).."]".. "button[11,3.7;1,0;edit_rules_c;+]".. "tooltip[edit_rules_c;Opens larger text field for Rules set C]".. "field[0.2,5;11,0;rules_d;Rules set D;"..s(fields.rules_d).."]".. "button[11,4.7;1,0;edit_rules_d;+]".. "tooltip[edit_rules_d;Opens larger text field for Rules set D]".. "field[0.2,6;"..nlength..",0;trunk;Trunk node;"..s(fields.trunk).."]".. "field[3.2,6;"..nlength..",0;leaves;Leaves node;"..s(fields.leaves).."]".. "field[6.2,6;"..nlength..",0;leaves2;Secondary leaves node;"..s(fields.leaves2).."]".. "field[9.2,6;"..nlength..",0;fruit;Fruit node;"..s(fields.fruit).."]".. fields_select_item.. "field[0.2,7;3,0;trunk_type;Trunk type (single/double/crossed);"..s(fields.trunk_type).."]".. "tooltip[trunk_type;This field specifies the shape of the tree trunk. Possible values:\n- \"single\": trunk of size 1×1\n- \"double\": trunk of size 2×2\n- \"crossed\": trunk in cross shape (3×3).]".. "field[3.2,7;3,0;thin_branches;Thin branches? (true/false);"..s(fields.thin_branches).."]".. "tooltip[thin_branches;\"true\": All branches are just 1 node wide. \"false\": Branches can be larger.]".. "field[6.2,7;3,0;leaves2_chance;Secondary leaves chance (%);"..s(fields.leaves2_chance).."]".. "tooltip[leaves2_chance;Chance (in percent) to replace a leaves node by a secondary leaves node]".. "field[9.2,7;3,0;fruit_chance;Fruit chance (%);"..s(fields.fruit_chance).."]".. "tooltip[fruit_chance;Chance (in percent) to replace a leaves node by a fruit node.]".. "field[0.2,8;3,0;iterations;Iterations;"..s(fields.iterations).."]".. "tooltip[iterations;Maximum number of iterations, usually between 2 and 5.]".. "field[3.2,8;3,0;random_level;Randomness level;"..s(fields.random_level).."]".. "tooltip[random_level;Factor to lower number of iterations, usually between 0 and 3.]".. "field[6.2,8;3,0;angle;Angle (°);"..s(fields.angle).."]".. "field[9.2,8;3,0;name;Name;"..s("]".. "tooltip[name;Descriptive name for this tree, only used for convenience.]".. leditbuttons end --[[ This creates the database tab of the formspec. index: Selected index of the textlist playername: To whom the formspec is shown ]] function ltool.tab_database(index, playername) local treestr, tree_ids = ltool.build_tree_textlist(index, playername) if(treestr ~= nil) then local indexstr if(index == nil) then indexstr = "" else indexstr = tostring(index) end ltool.playerinfos[playername].treeform.database.textlist = tree_ids local leditbuttons if minetest.get_player_privs(playername).ledit then leditbuttons = "button[3,7.5;3,1;database_rename;Rename tree]".. "button[6,7.5;3,1;database_delete;Delete tree]" else leditbuttons = "label[0.2,7.2;Read-only mode. You need the “ledit” privilege to edit trees.]" end return "".. "textlist[0,0;11,7;treelist;"..treestr..";"..tostring(index)..";false]".. leditbuttons.. "button[3,8.5;3,1;database_copy;Copy tree to editor]".. "button[6,8.5;3,1;database_update;Reload database]" else return "label[0,0;The tree database is empty.]".. "button[6.5,8.5;3,1;database_update;Reload database]" end end --[[ This creates the "Plant" tab part of the main formspec ]] function ltool.tab_plant(tree, fields, has_lplant_priv) if(tree ~= nil) then local seltree = "label[0,-0.2;Selected tree: "..minetest.formspec_escape("]" if not has_lplant_priv then return seltree.. "label[0,0.3;Planting of trees is not allowed. You need to have the “lplant” privilege.]" end if(fields==nil) then fields = {} end local s = function(i) if(i==nil) then return "" else return tostring(minetest.formspec_escape(i)) end end local seed if(fields.seed == nil) then seed = tostring(ltool.seed) else seed = fields.seed end local dropdownindex if(fields.plantmode == "Absolute coordinates") then dropdownindex = 1 elseif(fields.plantmode == "Relative coordinates") then dropdownindex = 2 elseif(fields.plantmode == "Distance in viewing direction") then dropdownindex = 3 else dropdownindex = 1 end return "".. seltree.. "dropdown[-0.1,0.5;5;plantmode;Absolute coordinates,Relative coordinates,Distance in viewing direction;"..dropdownindex.."]".. --[[ NOTE: This tooltip does not work for the dropdown list in 0.4.10, but it is added anyways in case this gets fixed in later Minetest versions. ]] "tooltip[plantmode;".. "- \"Absolute coordinates\": Fields \"x\", \"y\" and \"z\" specify the absolute world coordinates where to plant the tree\n".. "- \"Relative coordinates\": Fields \"x\", \"y\" and \"z\" specify the relative position from your position\n".. "- \"Distance in viewing direction\": Plant tree relative from your position in the direction you look to, at the specified distance".. "]".. "field[0.2,-2;6,10;x;x;"..s(fields.x).."]".. "tooltip[x;Field is only used by absolute and relative coordinates.]".. "field[0.2,-1;6,10;y;y;"..s(fields.y).."]".. "tooltip[y;Field is only used by absolute and relative coordinates.]".. "field[0.2,0;6,10;z;z;"..s(fields.z).."]".. "tooltip[z;Field is only used by absolute and relative coordinates.]".. "field[0.2,1;6,10;distance;Distance;"..s(fields.distance).."]".. "tooltip[distance;This field is used to specify the distance (in node lengths) from your position\nin the viewing direction. It is ignored if you use coordinates.]".. "field[0.2,2;6,10;seed;Randomness seed;"..seed.."]".. "tooltip[seed;A number used for the random number generators. Identical randomness seeds will produce identical trees. This field is optional.]".. "button[3.5,8;3,1;plant_plant;Plant tree]".. "tooltip[plant_plant;Immediately place the tree at the specified position]".. "button[6.5,8;3,1;sapling;Give me a sapling]".. "tooltip[sapling;This gives you an item which you can place manually in the world later]" else local notreestr = "No tree in database selected or database is empty." if has_lplant_priv then return "label[0,0;"..notreestr.."]" else return "label[0,0;"..notreestr.."\nYou are not allowed to plant trees anyway as you don't have the “lplant” privilege.]" end end end --[[ This creates the cheat sheet tab ]] function ltool.tab_cheat_sheet() return "".. "tablecolumns[text;text]".. "tableoptions[background=#000000;highlight=#000000;border=false]".. "table[-0.15,0.75;12,8;cheat_sheet;".. "Symbol,Action,".. "G,Move forward one unit with the pen up,".. "F,Move forward one unit with the pen down drawing trunks and branches,".. "f,Move forward one unit with the pen down drawing leaves,".. "T,Move forward one unit with the pen down drawing trunks,".. "R,Move forward one unit with the pen down placing fruit,".. "A,Replace with rules set A,".. "B,Replace with rules set B,".. "C,Replace with rules set C,".. "D,Replace with rules set D,".. "a,Replace with rules set A\\, chance 90%,".. "b,Replace with rules set B\\, chance 80%,".. "c,Replace with rules set C\\, chance 70%,".. "d,Replace with rules set D\\, chance 60%,".. "+,Yaw the turtle right by angle parameter,".. "-,Yaw the turtle left by angle parameter,".. "&,Pitch the turtle down by angle parameter,".. "^,Pitch the turtle up by angle parameter,".. "/,Roll the turtle to the right by angle parameter,".. "*,Roll the turtle to the left by angle parameter,".. "\\[,Save in stack current state info,".. "\\],Recover from stack state info]" end function ltool.tab_help_intro() return "".. "tablecolumns[text]".. "tableoptions[background=#000000;highlight=#000000;border=false]".. "table[-0.15,0.75;12,7;help_intro;".. string.format("You are using the L-System Tree Utility, version %s.,", ltool.VERSION.STRING).. ",".. "The purpose of this utility is to aid with the creation of L-system trees.,".. "You can create\\, save\\, manage and plant L-system trees.,".. "All trees are saved into / on server shutdown.,".. "It assumes you already understand the concept of L-systems\\;,".. "this is mainly aimed towards modders.,".. ",".. "The usual workflow goes like this:,".. ",".. "1. Create a new tree in the \"Edit\" tab and save it,".. "2. Select it in the database,".. "3. Plant it,".. ",".. "To help you get started\\, you can create an example tree for the \"Edit\" tab,".. "by pressing this button:]".. "button[4,8;4,1;create_template;Create template]" end function ltool.tab_help_edit() return "".. "tablecolumns[text]".. "tableoptions[background=#000000;highlight=#000000;border=false]".. "table[-0.15,0.75;12,8;help_edit;".. "To create a L-system tree\\, switch to the \"Edit\" tab.,".. "When you are done\\, hit \"Save tree to database\". The tree will be stored in,".. "the database. The \"Reset fields\" button resets the input fields to defaults.,".. "To understand the meaning of the fields\\, read the introduction to L-systems.,".. "All trees must have an unique name. You are notified in case there is a name,".. "clash. If the name clash is with one of your own trees\\, you can choose to,".. "replace it.]" end function ltool.tab_help_database() return "".. "tablecolumns[text]".. "tableoptions[background=#000000;highlight=#000000;border=false]".. "table[-0.15,0.75;12,8;help_database;".. "The database contains a list of all created trees among all players.,".. "Each tree has an \"owner\". This kind of ownership is limited:,".. "The owner may rename\\, change and delete their own trees\\,,".. "everyone else is prevented from doing that. But all trees can be,".. "copied freely by everyone\\;,".. "To do so\\, simply hit \"Copy tree to editor\"\\, change the name and hit,".. "\"Save tree to database\". If you like someone else's tree definition\\,,".. "it is recommended to make a copy for yourself\\, since the original owner,".. "can at any time choose to delete or edit the tree. The trees which you \"own\",".. "are written in a yellow font\\, all other trees in a white font.,".. "In order to plant a tree\\, you have to select a tree in the database first.]" end function ltool.tab_help_plant() return "".. "tablecolumns[text]".. "tableoptions[background=#000000;highlight=#000000;border=false]".. "table[-0.15,0.75;12,8;help_plant;".. "To plant a tree from a previously created tree definition\\, first select,".. "it in the database\\, then open the \"Plant\" tab.,".. "In this tab\\, you can directly place the tree or request a sapling.,".. "If you choose to directly place the tree\\, you can either specify absolute,".. "or relative coordinates or specify that the tree should be planted in your,".. "viewing direction. Absolute coordinates are the world coordinates as specified,".. "by the \"x\"\\, \"y\"\\, and \"z\" fields. Relative coordinates are relative,".. "to your position and use the same fields. When you choose to plant the tree,".. "based on your viewing direction\\, the tree will be planted at a distance,".. "specified by the field \"distance\" away from you in the direction you look to.,".. "When using coordinates\\, the \"distance\" field is ignored\\, when using,".. "direction\\, the coordinate fields are ignored.,".. ",".. "You can also use the “lplant” server command to plant trees.,".. ",".. "If you got a sapling\\, you can place it practically anywhere you like to.,".. "After placing it\\, the sapling will be replaced by the L-system tree after,".. "5 seconds\\, unless it was destroyed in the meantime.,".. "All requested saplings are independent from the moment they are created.,".. "The sapling will still work\\, even if the original tree definiton has been,".. "deleted.]" end function ltool.tab_help(index) local formspec = "tabheader[0.1,1;ltool_help_tab;Introduction,Creating Trees,Managing Trees,Planting Trees,Cheat Sheet;"..tostring(index)..";true;false]" if(index==1) then formspec = formspec .. ltool.tab_help_intro() elseif(index==2) then formspec = formspec .. ltool.tab_help_edit() elseif(index==3) then formspec = formspec .. ltool.tab_help_database() elseif(index==4) then formspec = formspec .. ltool.tab_help_plant() elseif(index==5) then formspec = formspec .. ltool.tab_cheat_sheet() end return formspec end function ltool.formspec_editplus(fragment) local formspec = "".. "size[12,8]".. "textarea[0.2,0.5;12,3;"..fragment.."]".. "label[0,3.625;Draw:]".. "button[2,3.5;1,1;editplus_c_G;G]".. "tooltip[editplus_c_G;Move forward one unit with the pen up]".. "button[3,3.5;1,1;editplus_c_F;F]".. "tooltip[editplus_c_F;Move forward one unit with the pen down drawing trunks and branches]".. "button[4,3.5;1,1;editplus_c_f;f]".. "tooltip[editplus_c_f;Move forward one unit with the pen down drawing leaves]".. "button[5,3.5;1,1;editplus_c_T;T]".. "tooltip[editplus_c_T;Move forward one unit with the pen down drawing trunks]".. "button[6,3.5;1,1;editplus_c_R;R]".. "tooltip[editplus_c_R;Move forward one unit with the pen down placing fruit]".. "label[0,4.625;Rules:]".. "button[2,4.5;1,1;editplus_c_A;A]".. "tooltip[editplus_c_A;Replace with rules set A]".. "button[3,4.5;1,1;editplus_c_B;B]".. "tooltip[editplus_c_B;Replace with rules set B]".. "button[4,4.5;1,1;editplus_c_C;C]".. "tooltip[editplus_c_C;Replace with rules set C]".. "button[5,4.5;1,1;editplus_c_D;D]".. "tooltip[editplus_c_D;Replace with rules set D]".. "button[6.5,4.5;1,1;editplus_c_a;a]".. "tooltip[editplus_c_a;Replace with rules set A, chance 90%]".. "button[7.5,4.5;1,1;editplus_c_b;b]".. "tooltip[editplus_c_b;Replace with rules set B, chance 80%]".. "button[8.5,4.5;1,1;editplus_c_c;c]".. "tooltip[editplus_c_c;Replace with rules set C, chance 70%]".. "button[9.5,4.5;1,1;editplus_c_d;d]".. "tooltip[editplus_c_d;Replace with rules set D, chance 60%]".. "label[0,5.625;Rotate:]".. "button[3,5.5;1,1;editplus_c_+;+]".. "tooltip[editplus_c_+;Yaw the turtle right by the value specified in \"Angle\"]".. "button[2,5.5;1,1;editplus_c_-;-]".. "tooltip[editplus_c_-;Yaw the turtle left by the value specified in \"Angle\"]".. "button[4.5,5.5;1,1;editplus_c_&;&]".. "tooltip[editplus_c_&;Pitch the turtle down by the value specified in \"Angle\"]".. "button[5.5,5.5;1,1;editplus_c_^;^]".. "tooltip[editplus_c_^;Pitch the turtle up by the value specified in \"Angle\"]".. "button[8,5.5;1,1;editplus_c_/;/]".. "tooltip[editplus_c_/;Roll the turtle to the right by the value specified in \"Angle\"]".. "button[7,5.5;1,1;editplus_c_*;*]".. "tooltip[editplus_c_*;Roll the turtle to the left by the value specified in \"Angle\"]".. "label[0,6.625;Stack:]".. "button[2,6.5;1,1;editplus_c_P;\\[]".. "tooltip[editplus_c_P;Save current state info into stack]".. "button[3,6.5;1,1;editplus_c_p;\\]]".. "tooltip[editplus_c_p;Recover from current stack state info]".. "button[2.5,7.5;3,1;editplus_save;Save]".. "button[5.5,7.5;3,1;editplus_cancel;Cancel]" return formspec end --[[ creates the content of a textlist which contains all trees. index: Selected entry playername: To which the main formspec is shown to. Used for highlighting owned trees returns (string to be used in the text list, table of tree IDs) ]] function ltool.build_tree_textlist(index, playername) local string = "" local colorstring if(ltool.number_of_trees == 0) then return nil end local tree_ids = ltool.get_tree_ids() for i=1,#tree_ids do local tree_id = tree_ids[i] local tree = ltool.trees[tree_id] if( == playername) then colorstring = "#FFFF00" else colorstring = "" end string = string .. colorstring .. tostring(tree_id) .. ": " .. minetest.formspec_escape( if(i~=#tree_ids) then string = string .. "," end end return string, tree_ids end --[=[ Here come functions which show formspecs to players ]=] --[[ Shows the main tree form to the given player, starting with the "Edit" tab ]] function ltool.show_treeform(playername) local privs = minetest.get_player_privs(playername) local formspec = ltool.formspec_size..ltool.formspec_header(1)..ltool.tab_edit(ltool.playerinfos[playername].treeform.edit.fields, privs.ledit, privs.lplant) minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_edit", formspec) end --[[ spawns a simple dialog formspec to a player ]] function ltool.show_dialog(playername, formname, message) local formspec = "size[12,2;]label[0,0.2;"..message.."]".. "button[4.5,1.5;3,1;okay;OK]" minetest.show_formspec(playername, formname, formspec) end --[=[ End of formspec-relatec functions ]=] --[[ This function does a lot of parameter checks and returns (tree, tree_name) on success. If ANY parameter check fails, the whole function fails. On failure, it returns (nil, ).]] function ltool.evaluate_edit_fields(fields, ignore_name) local treedef = {} -- Validation helper: Checks for invalid characters for the fields “axiom” and the 4 rule sets local v = function(str) local match = string.match(str, "[^][abcdfABCDFGTR+-/*&^]") if(match==nil) then return true else return false end end -- Validation helper: Checks for balanced brackets local b = function(str) local brackets = 0 for c=1, string.len(str) do local char = string.sub(str, c, c) if char == "[" then brackets = brackets + 1 elseif char == "]" then brackets = brackets - 1 if brackets < 0 then return false end end end return brackets == 0 end if(v(fields.axiom) and v(fields.rules_a) and v(fields.rules_b) and v(fields.rules_c) and v(fields.rules_d)) then if(b(fields.axiom) and b(fields.rules_a) and b(fields.rules_b) and b(fields.rules_c) and b(fields.rules_d)) then treedef.rules_a = fields.rules_a treedef.rules_b = fields.rules_b treedef.rules_c = fields.rules_c treedef.rules_d = fields.rules_d treedef.axiom = fields.axiom else return nil, "The brackets are unbalanced! For each of the axiom and the rule sets, each opening bracket must be matched by a closing bracket." end else return nil, "The axiom or one of the rule sets contains at least one invalid character.\nSee the cheat sheet for a list of allowed characters." end treedef.trunk = fields.trunk treedef.leaves = fields.leaves treedef.leaves2 = fields.leaves2 treedef.leaves2_chance = fields.leaves2_chance treedef.angle = tonumber(fields.angle) if(treedef.angle == nil) then return nil, "The field \"Angle\" must contain a number." end treedef.iterations = tonumber(fields.iterations) if(treedef.iterations == nil) then return nil, "The field \"Iterations\" must contain a natural number greater or equal to 0." elseif(treedef.iterations < 0) then return nil, "The field \"Iterations\" must contain a natural number greater or equal to 0." end treedef.random_level = tonumber(fields.random_level) if(treedef.random_level == nil) then return nil, "The field \"Randomness level\" must contain a number." end treedef.fruit = fields.fruit treedef.fruit_chance = tonumber(fields.fruit_chance) if(treedef.fruit_chance == nil) then return nil, "The field \"Fruit chance\" must contain a number." elseif(treedef.fruit_chance > 100 or treedef.fruit_chance < 0) then return nil, "Fruit chance must be between 0% and 100%." end if(fields.trunk_type == "single" or fields.trunk_type == "double" or fields.trunk_type == "crossed") then treedef.trunk_type = fields.trunk_type else return nil, "Trunk type must be \"single\", \"double\" or \"crossed\"." end treedef.thin_branches = fields.thin_branches if(fields.thin_branches == "true") then treedef.thin_branches = true elseif(fields.thin_branches == "false") then treedef.thin_branches = false else return nil, "Field \"Thin branches?\" must be \"true\" or \"false\"." end local name = if(ignore_name ~= true and name == "") then return nil, "Name is empty." end return treedef, name end --[=[ Here come several utility functions ]=] --[[ converts a given tree to field names, as if they were given to a minetest.register_on_plyer_receive_fields callback function ]] function ltool.tree_to_fields(tree) local s = function(i) if(i==nil) then return "" else return tostring(i) end end local fields = {} fields.axiom = s(tree.treedef.axiom) fields.rules_a = s(tree.treedef.rules_a) fields.rules_b = s(tree.treedef.rules_b) fields.rules_c = s(tree.treedef.rules_c) fields.rules_d = s(tree.treedef.rules_d) fields.trunk = s(tree.treedef.trunk) fields.leaves = s(tree.treedef.leaves) fields.leaves2 = s(tree.treedef.leaves2) fields.leaves2_chance = s(tree.treedef.leaves2) fields.fruit = s(tree.treedef.fruit) fields.fruit_chance = s(tree.treedef.fruit_chance) fields.angle = s(tree.treedef.angle) fields.iterations = s(tree.treedef.iterations) fields.random_level = s(tree.treedef.random_level) fields.trunk_type = s(tree.treedef.trunk_type) fields.thin_branches = s(tree.treedef.thin_branches) = s( return fields end -- returns a simple table of all the tree IDs function ltool.get_tree_ids() local ids = {} for tree_id, _ in pairs(ltool.trees) do table.insert(ids, tree_id) end table.sort(ids) return ids end --[[ In a table of tree IDs (returned by ltool.get_tree_ids, parameter tree_ids), this function searches for the first occourance of the value searched_tree_id and returns its index. This is basically a reverse lookup utility. ]] function ltool.get_tree_id_index(searched_tree_id, tree_ids) for i=1, #tree_ids do local table_tree_id = tree_ids[i] if(searched_tree_id == table_tree_id) then return i end end end -- Returns the selected tree of the given player function ltool.get_selected_tree(playername) local sel = ltool.playerinfos[playername].dbsel if(sel ~= nil) then local tree_id = ltool.playerinfos[playername].treeform.database.textlist[sel] if(tree_id ~= nil) then return ltool.trees[tree_id] end end return nil end -- Returns the ID of the selected tree of the given player function ltool.get_selected_tree_id(playername) local sel = ltool.playerinfos[playername].dbsel if(sel ~= nil) then return ltool.playerinfos[playername].treeform.database.textlist[sel] end return nil end ltool.treeform = ltool.formspec_size..ltool.formspec_header(1)..ltool.tab_edit() minetest.register_chatcommand("treeform", { params = "", description = "Open L-System Tree Utility.", privs = {}, func = function(playername, param) ltool.show_treeform(playername) end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("lplant", { description = "Plant a L-system tree at the specified position", privs = { lplant = true }, params = " []", func = function(playername, param) local p = {} local tree_id, x, y, z, seed = string.match(param, "^([^ ]+) +([%d.-]+)[, ] *([%d.-]+)[, ] *([%d.-]+) *([%d.-]*)") tree_id, p.x, p.y, p.z, seed = tonumber(tree_id), tonumber(x), tonumber(y), tonumber(z), tonumber(seed) if not tree_id or not p.x or not p.y or not p.z then return false, "Invalid usage, see /help lplant." end local lm = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("map_generation_limit") or 31000) if p.x < -lm or p.x > lm or p.y < -lm or p.y > lm or p.z < -lm or p.z > lm then return false, "Cannot plant tree out of map bounds!" end local success = ltool.plant_tree(tree_id, p, seed) if success == false then return false, "Unknown tree ID!" else return true end end }) function ltool.dbsel_to_tree(dbsel, playername) return ltool.trees[ltool.playerinfos[playername].treeform.database.textlist[dbsel]] end function ltool.save_fields(playername,formname,fields) if(formname=="ltool:treeform_edit") then ltool.playerinfos[playername].treeform.edit.fields = fields elseif(formname=="ltool:treeform_database") then ltool.playerinfos[playername].treeform.database.fields = fields elseif(formname=="ltool:treeform_plant") then ltool.playerinfos[playername].treeform.plant.fields = fields end end --[=[ Callback functions start here ]=] function ltool.process_form(player,formname,fields) local playername = player:get_player_name() local seltree = ltool.get_selected_tree(playername) local seltree_id = ltool.get_selected_tree_id(playername) local privs = minetest.get_player_privs(playername) local s = function(input) local ret if(input==nil) then ret = "" else ret = minetest.formspec_escape(tostring(input)) end return ret end --[[ process clicks on the tab header ]] if(formname == "ltool:treeform_edit" or formname == "ltool:treeform_database" or formname == "ltool:treeform_plant" or formname == "ltool:treeform_help") then if fields.ltool_tab ~= nil then ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields) local tab = tonumber(fields.ltool_tab) local formspec, subformname, contents if(tab==1) then contents = ltool.tab_edit(ltool.playerinfos[playername].treeform.edit.fields, privs.ledit, privs.lplant) subformname = "edit" elseif(tab==2) then contents = ltool.tab_database(ltool.playerinfos[playername].dbsel, playername) subformname = "database" elseif(tab==3) then if(ltool.number_of_trees > 0) then contents = ltool.tab_plant(seltree, ltool.playerinfos[playername].treeform.plant.fields, privs.lplant) else contents = ltool.tab_plant(nil, nil, privs.lplant) end subformname = "plant" elseif(tab==4) then contents = ltool.tab_help(ltool.playerinfos[playername] subformname = "help" end formspec = ltool.formspec_size..ltool.formspec_header(tab)..contents minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_" .. subformname, formspec) return end end --[[ "Plant" tab ]] if(formname == "ltool:treeform_plant") then if(fields.plant_plant) then if(seltree ~= nil) then if(privs.lplant ~= true) then ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields) local message = "You can't plant trees, you need to have the \"lplant\" privilege." ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_lplant", message) return end minetest.log("action","[ltool] Planting tree") local treedef = seltree.treedef local x,y,z = tonumber(fields.x), tonumber(fields.y), tonumber(fields.z) local distance = tonumber(fields.distance) local tree_pos local fail_coordinates = function() ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields) ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_badplantfields", "Error: When using coordinates, you have to specifiy numbers in the fields \"x\", \"y\", \"z\".") end local fail_distance = function() ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields) ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_badplantfields", "Error: When using viewing direction for planting trees,\nyou must specify how far away you want the tree to be placed in the field \"Distance\".") end if(fields.plantmode == "Absolute coordinates") then if(type(x)~="number" or type(y) ~= "number" or type(z) ~= "number") then fail_coordinates() return end tree_pos = {x=x, y=y, z=z} elseif(fields.plantmode == "Relative coordinates") then if(type(x)~="number" or type(y) ~= "number" or type(z) ~= "number") then fail_coordinates() return end tree_pos = player:getpos() tree_pos.x = tree_pos.x + x tree_pos.y = tree_pos.y + y tree_pos.z = tree_pos.z + z elseif(fields.plantmode == "Distance in viewing direction") then if(type(distance)~="number") then fail_distance() return end tree_pos = vector.round(vector.add(player:getpos(), vector.multiply(player:get_look_dir(), distance))) else minetest.log("error", "[ltool] fields.plantmode = "..tostring(fields.plantmode)) end if(tonumber(fields.seed)~=nil) then treedef.seed = tonumber(fields.seed) end ltool.plant_tree(seltree_id, tree_pos) treedef.seed = nil end elseif(fields.sapling) then if(seltree ~= nil) then if(privs.lplant ~= true) then ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields) local message = "You can't request saplings, you need to have the \"lplant\" privilege." ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_sapling", message) return end local seed = nil if(tonumber(fields.seed)~=nil) then seed = tonumber(fields.seed) end local ret, ret2 = ltool.give_sapling(ltool.trees[seltree_id].treedef, seed, playername, true, ltool.trees[seltree_id].name) if(ret==false and ret2==2) then ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields) ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_sapling", "Error: The sapling could not be given to you. Probably your inventory is full.") end end end --[[ "Edit" tab ]] elseif(formname == "ltool:treeform_edit") then if(fields.edit_save or fields.edit_sapling) then local param1, param2 param1, param2 = ltool.evaluate_edit_fields(fields, fields.edit_sapling ~= nil) if(fields.edit_save and privs.ledit ~= true) then ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields) local message = "You can't save trees, you need to have the \"ledit\" privilege." ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_ledit", message) return end if(fields.edit_sapling and privs.lplant ~= true) then ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields) local message = "You can't request saplings, you need to have the \"lplant\" privilege." ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_ledit", message) return end local tree_ok = true local treedef, name if(param1 ~= nil) then treedef = param1 name = param2 for k,v in pairs(ltool.trees) do if(fields.edit_save and == name) then ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields) if( == playername) then local formspec = "size[6,2;]label[0,0.2;You already have a tree with this name.\nDo you want to replace it?]".. "button[0,1.5;3,1;replace_yes;Yes]".. "button[3,1.5;3,1;replace_no;No]" minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_replace", formspec) else ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_nameclash", "Error: This name is already taken by someone else.\nPlease choose a different name.") end return end end else tree_ok = false end ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields) if(tree_ok == true) then if fields.edit_save then ltool.add_tree(name, playername, treedef) elseif fields.edit_sapling then local ret, ret2 = ltool.give_sapling(treedef, tostring(ltool.seed), playername, true, if(ret==false and ret2==2) then ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields) ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_sapling", "Error: The sapling could not be given to you. Probably your inventory is full.") end end else local message = "Error: The tree definition is invalid.\n".. minetest.formspec_escape(param2) ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_badtreedef", message) end end if(fields.edit_clear) then local privs = minetest.get_player_privs(playername) ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, {}) local formspec = ltool.formspec_size..ltool.formspec_header(1)..ltool.tab_edit(nil, privs.ledit, privs.lplant) --[[ hacky_spaces part of a workaround, see comment on hacky_spaces in ltool.join. This workaround will slightly change the formspec by adding 0-5 spaces to the end, changing the number of spaces on each send. This forces Minetest to re-send the formspec. Spaces are completely harmless in a formspec.]] -- BEGIN OF WORKAROUND local hacky_spaces = ltool.playerinfos[playername].treeform.hacky_spaces hacky_spaces = hacky_spaces .. " " if string.len(hacky_spaces) > 5 then hacky_spaces = "" end ltool.playerinfos[playername].treeform.hacky_spaces = hacky_spaces local real_formspec = formspec .. hacky_spaces -- END OF WORKAROUND minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_edit", real_formspec) end if(fields.edit_axiom or fields.edit_rules_a or fields.edit_rules_b or fields.edit_rules_c or fields.edit_rules_d) then local fragment if(fields.edit_axiom) then fragment = "axiom;Axiom;"..s(fields.axiom) elseif(fields.edit_rules_a) then fragment = "rules_a;Rules set A;"..s(fields.rules_a) elseif(fields.edit_rules_b) then fragment = "rules_b;Rules set B;"..s(fields.rules_b) elseif(fields.edit_rules_c) then fragment = "rules_c;Rules set C;"..s(fields.rules_c) elseif(fields.edit_rules_d) then fragment = "rules_d;Rules set D;"..s(fields.rules_d) end ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields) local formspec = ltool.formspec_editplus(fragment) minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_editplus", formspec) end if(mod_select_item and (fields.edit_trunk or fields.edit_leaves or fields.edit_leaves2 or fields.edit_fruit)) then ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields) -- Prepare sorting. -- Move tree, leaves, apple/leafdecay nodes to the beginning local compare_group, fruit if fields.edit_trunk then compare_group = "tree" elseif fields.edit_leaves or fields.edit_leaves2 then compare_group = "leaves" elseif fields.edit_fruit or fields.edit_fruit then compare_group = "leafdecay" local alias = minetest.registered_aliases["mapgen_apple"] if alias and minetest.registered_nodes[alias] then fruit = alias end end select_item.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:node", function(itemstring) if itemstring ~= "air" and minetest.registered_nodes[itemstring] ~= nil then return true end end, function(i1, i2) if fruit and i1 == fruit then return true end if fruit and i2 == fruit then return false end local i1t = minetest.get_item_group(i1, compare_group) local i2t = minetest.get_item_group(i2, compare_group) local i1d = minetest.registered_items[i1].description local i2d = minetest.registered_items[i2].description local i1nici = minetest.get_item_group(i1, "not_in_creative_inventory") local i2nici = minetest.get_item_group(i2, "not_in_creative_inventory") if (i1d == "" and i2d ~= "") then return false elseif (i1d ~= "" and i2d == "") then return true end if (i1nici == 1 and i2nici == 0) then return false elseif (i1nici == 0 and i2nici == 1) then return true end if i1t < i2t then return false elseif i1t > i2t then return true end return i1 < i2 end) end --[[ Larger edit fields for axiom and rules fields ]] elseif(formname == "ltool:treeform_editplus") then local editfields = ltool.playerinfos[playername].treeform.edit.fields local function addchar(c) local fragment if(c=="P") then c = "[" end if(c=="p") then c = "]" end if(fields.axiom) then fragment = "axiom;Axiom;"..s(fields.axiom..c) elseif(fields.rules_a) then fragment = "rules_a;Rules set A;"..s(fields.rules_a..c) elseif(fields.rules_b) then fragment = "rules_b;Rules set B;"..s(fields.rules_b..c) elseif(fields.rules_c) then fragment = "rules_c;Rules set C;"..s(fields.rules_c..c) elseif(fields.rules_d) then fragment = "rules_d;Rules set D;"..s(fields.rules_d..c) end local formspec = ltool.formspec_editplus(fragment) minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_editplus", formspec) end if(fields.editplus_save) then local function o(writed, writer) if(writer~=nil) then return writer else return writed end end editfields.axiom = o(editfields.axiom, fields.axiom) editfields.rules_a = o(editfields.rules_a, fields.rules_a) editfields.rules_b = o(editfields.rules_b, fields.rules_b) editfields.rules_c = o(editfields.rules_c, fields.rules_c) editfields.rules_d = o(editfields.rules_d, fields.rules_d) local formspec = ltool.formspec_size..ltool.formspec_header(1)..ltool.tab_edit(editfields, privs.ledit, privs.lplant) minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_edit", formspec) elseif(fields.editplus_cancel or fields.quit) then local formspec = ltool.formspec_size..ltool.formspec_header(1)..ltool.tab_edit(editfields, privs.ledit, privs.lplant) minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_edit", formspec) else for id, field in pairs(fields) do if(string.sub(id,1,11) == "editplus_c_") then local char = string.sub(id,12,12) addchar(char) end end end --[[ "Database" tab ]] elseif(formname == "ltool:treeform_database") then if(fields.treelist) then local event = minetest.explode_textlist_event(fields.treelist) if(event.type == "CHG") then ltool.playerinfos[playername].dbsel = event.index local formspec = ltool.formspec_size..ltool.formspec_header(2)..ltool.tab_database(event.index, playername) minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_database", formspec) end elseif(fields.database_copy) then if(seltree ~= nil) then if(ltool.playerinfos[playername] ~= nil) then local formspec = ltool.formspec_size..ltool.formspec_header(1)..ltool.tab_edit(ltool.tree_to_fields(seltree), privs.ledit, privs.lplant) minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_edit", formspec) end else ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_nodbsel", "Error: No tree is selected.") end elseif(fields.database_update) then local formspec = ltool.formspec_size..ltool.formspec_header(2)..ltool.tab_database(ltool.playerinfos[playername].dbsel, playername) minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_database", formspec) elseif(fields.database_delete) then if(privs.ledit ~= true) then ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields) local message = "You can't delete trees, you need to have the \"ledit\" privilege." ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_ledit_db", message) return end if(seltree ~= nil) then if(playername == then local remove_id = ltool.get_selected_tree_id(playername) if(remove_id ~= nil) then ltool.remove_tree(remove_id) local formspec = ltool.formspec_size..ltool.formspec_header(2)..ltool.tab_database(ltool.playerinfos[playername].dbsel, playername) minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_database", formspec) end else ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_delete", "Error: This tree is not your own. You may only delete your own trees.") end else ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_nodbsel", "Error: No tree is selected.") end elseif(fields.database_rename) then if(seltree ~= nil) then if(privs.ledit ~= true) then ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields) local message = "You can't rename trees, you need to have the \"ledit\" privilege." ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_ledit_db", message) return end if(playername == then local formspec = "field[newname;New name:;"..minetest.formspec_escape("]" minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_rename", formspec) else ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_rename_forbidden", "Error: This tree is not your own. You may only rename your own trees.") end else ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_nodbsel", "Error: No tree is selected.") end end --[[ Process "Do you want to replace this tree?" dialog ]] elseif(formname == "ltool:treeform_replace") then local editfields = ltool.playerinfos[playername].treeform.edit.fields local newtreedef, newname = ltool.evaluate_edit_fields(editfields) if(privs.ledit ~= true) then local message = "You can't overwrite trees, you need to have the \"ledit\" privilege." minetest.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_ledit", message) return end if(fields.replace_yes) then for tree_id,tree in pairs(ltool.trees) do if( == newname) then --[[ The old tree is deleted and a new one with a new ID is created ]] local new_tree_id = ltool.next_tree_id ltool.trees[new_tree_id] = {} ltool.trees[new_tree_id].treedef = newtreedef ltool.trees[new_tree_id].name = newname ltool.trees[new_tree_id].author = ltool.next_tree_id = ltool.next_tree_id + 1 ltool.trees[tree_id] = nil ltool.playerinfos[playername].dbsel = ltool.number_of_trees end end end local formspec = ltool.formspec_size..ltool.formspec_header(1)..ltool.tab_edit(editfields, privs.ledit, privs.lplant) minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_edit", formspec) elseif(formname == "ltool:treeform_help") then local tab = tonumber(fields.ltool_help_tab) if(tab ~= nil) then ltool.playerinfos[playername] = tab local formspec = ltool.formspec_size..ltool.formspec_header(4)..ltool.tab_help(tab) minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_help", formspec) end if(fields.create_template) then local newfields = { axiom="FFFFFAFFBF", rules_a="[&&&FFFFF&&FFFF][&&&++++FFFFF&&FFFF][&&&----FFFFF&&FFFF]", rules_b="[&&&++FFFFF&&FFFF][&&&--FFFFF&&FFFF][&&&------FFFFF&&FFFF]", trunk="mapgen_tree", leaves="mapgen_leaves", leaves2_chance="0", angle="30", iterations="2", random_level="0", trunk_type="single", thin_branches="true", fruit_chance="10", fruit="mapgen_apple", name = "Example Tree "..ltool.next_tree_id } ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, newfields) local formspec = ltool.formspec_size..ltool.formspec_header(1)..ltool.tab_edit(newfields, privs.ledit, privs.lplant) minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_edit", formspec) end --[[ Tree renaming dialog ]] elseif(formname == "ltool:treeform_rename") then if(privs.ledit ~= true) then ltool.save_fields(playername, formname, fields) local message = "You can't delete trees, you need to have the \"ledit\" privilege." ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_ledit_delete", message) return end if(fields.newname ~= "" and fields.newname ~= nil) then ltool.rename_tree(ltool.get_selected_tree_id(playername), fields.newname) local formspec = ltool.formspec_size..ltool.formspec_header(2)..ltool.tab_database(ltool.playerinfos[playername].dbsel, playername) minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_database", formspec) else ltool.show_dialog(playername, "ltool:treeform_error_bad_rename", "Error: This name is empty. The tree name must be non-empty.") end --[[ Here come various error messages to handle ]] elseif(formname == "ltool:treeform_error_badtreedef" or formname == "ltool:treeform_error_nameclash" or formname == "ltool:treeform_error_ledit") then local formspec = ltool.formspec_size..ltool.formspec_header(1)..ltool.tab_edit(ltool.playerinfos[playername].treeform.edit.fields, privs.ledit, privs.lplant) minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_edit", formspec) elseif(formname == "ltool:treeform_error_badplantfields" or formname == "ltool:treeform_error_sapling" or formname == "ltool:treeform_error_lplant") then local formspec = ltool.formspec_size..ltool.formspec_header(3)..ltool.tab_plant(seltree, ltool.playerinfos[playername].treeform.plant.fields, privs.lplant) minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_plant", formspec) elseif(formname == "ltool:treeform_error_delete" or formname == "ltool:treeform_error_rename_forbidden" or formname == "ltool:treeform_error_nodbsel" or formname == "ltool:treeform_error_ledit_db") then local formspec = ltool.formspec_size..ltool.formspec_header(2)..ltool.tab_database(ltool.playerinfos[playername].dbsel, playername) minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_database", formspec) elseif(formname == "ltool:treeform_error_bad_rename") then local formspec = "field[newname;New name:;"..minetest.formspec_escape("]" minetest.show_formspec(playername, "ltool:treeform_rename", formspec) else -- Action for Inventory++ button if fields.ltool and minetest.get_modpath("inventory_plus") then ltool.show_treeform(playername) return end end end if mod_select_item then select_item.register_on_select_item(function(playername, dialogname, itemstring) if dialogname == "ltool:node" then if itemstring then local f = ltool.playerinfos[playername].treeform.edit.fields if f.edit_trunk then f.trunk = itemstring elseif f.edit_leaves then f.leaves = itemstring elseif f.edit_leaves2 then f.leaves2 = itemstring elseif f.edit_fruit then f.fruit = itemstring end end ltool.show_treeform(playername) return false end end) end --[[ These 2 functions are basically just table initializions and cleanups ]] function ltool.leave(player) ltool.playerinfos[player:get_player_name()] = nil end function ltool.join(player) local infotable = {} infotable.dbsel = nil infotable.treeform = {} infotable.treeform.database = {} --[[ This table stores a mapping of the textlist IDs in the database formspec and the tree IDs. It is updated each time ltool.tab_database is called. ]] infotable.treeform.database.textlist = {} --[[ the “fields” tables store the values of the input fields of a formspec. It is updated whenever the formspec is changed, i.e. on tab change ]] infotable.treeform.database.fields = {} infotable.treeform.plant = {} infotable.treeform.plant.fields = {} infotable.treeform.edit = {} infotable.treeform.edit.fields = ltool.default_edit_fields = {} = 1 --[[ Workaround for annoying bug in Minetest: When you call the identical formspec twice, Minetest does not send the second one. This is an issue when the player has changed the input fields in the meanwhile, resetting fields will fail sometimes. TODO: Remove workaround when not needed anymore. ]] -- BEGIN OF WORKAROUND infotable.treeform.hacky_spaces = "" -- END OF WORKAROUND ltool.playerinfos[player:get_player_name()] = infotable -- Add Inventory++ support if minetest.get_modpath("inventory_plus") then inventory_plus.register_button(player, "ltool", "L-System Tree Utility") end end function ltool.save_to_file() local savetable = {} savetable.trees = ltool.trees savetable.number_of_trees = ltool.number_of_trees savetable.next_tree_id = ltool.next_tree_id local savestring = minetest.serialize(savetable) local filepath = minetest.get_worldpath().."/" local file =, "w") if(file) then file:write(savestring) io.close(file) minetest.log("action", "[ltool] Tree data saved to "..filepath..".") else minetest.log("error", "[ltool] Failed to write ltool data to "..filepath".") end end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(ltool.process_form) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(ltool.leave) minetest.register_on_joinplayer(ltool.join) minetest.register_on_shutdown(ltool.save_to_file) local button_action = function(player) ltool.show_treeform(player:get_player_name()) end if minetest.get_modpath("unified_inventory") ~= nil then unified_inventory.register_button("ltool", { type = "image", image = "ltool_sapling.png", tooltip = "L-System Tree Utility", action = button_action, }) end if minetest.get_modpath("sfinv_buttons") ~= nil then sfinv_buttons.register_button("ltool", { title = "L-System Tree Utility", tooltip = "Invent your own trees and plant them", image = "ltool_sapling.png", action = button_action, }) end