-- For translation collector script local N = function(s) return s end ----------------------------- -- DEFAULT CALENDAR CONFIG -- ----------------------------- -- Number of days in a month calendar.MONTH_DAYS = 30 -- List of long month names -- (also determines the number of months in a year) calendar.month_names = { N('January'), N('February'), N('March'), N('April'), N('May'), N('June'), N('July'), N('August'), N('September'), N('October'), N('November'), N('December') } -- Short month names -- (must have same length as `calendar.month.names`) calendar.month_names_short = { N('Jan'), N('Feb'), N('Mar'), N('Apr'), N('May'), N('Jun'), N('Jul'), N('Aug'), N('Sep'), N('Oct'), N('Nov'), N('Dec') } -- Long week day names -- (also determines the number of days in a week) calendar.weekday_names = { N("Monday"), N("Tuesday"), N("Wednesday"), N("Thursday"), N("Friday"), N("Saturday"), N("Sunday") } -- Short week day names -- (must have same length as `calendar.weekday_names`) calendar.weekday_names_short = { N("Mo"), N("Tu"), N("We"), N("Th"), N("Fr"), N("Sa"), N("Su") } -- Cardinal number of the week day that marks the beginning of a week calendar.FIRST_WEEK_DAY = 0