local S = minetest.get_translator("screwdriver2") if not minetest.raycast then minetest.log("error", "screwdriver2 requires minetest version 5.0 or newer") return end screwdriver2 = {} local function rotate_simple(_, _, _, _, new_param2) if new_param2 % 32 > 3 then return false end end -- If the screwdriver mod is not installed, create a fake screwdriver variable. -- (This mod has an optional dependancy on screwdriver, so minetest loads screwdriver first if it exists.) -- - Some mods will only set on_rotate when `screwdriver` exists. -- - Mods may expect `screwdiver` to exist if `on_rotate` is called. if not minetest.global_exists("screwdriver") then screwdriver = { ROTATE_FACE = 1, ROTATE_AXIS = 2, rotate_simple = rotate_simple, disallow = false, -- I doubt anyone actually used screwdriver.disallow but whatever. } end local get_pointed = dofile(minetest.get_modpath("screwdriver2").."/pointed.lua") -- Functions to choose rotation based on pointed location local insanity_2 = {xy = 1, yz = 1, zx = 1; zy = -1, yx = -1, xz = -1} -- Don't worry about this local function push_edge(normal, point) local biggest = 0 local biggest_axis local normal_axis -- Find the normal axis, and the axis of the with the -- greatest magnitude (other than the normal axis) for axis in pairs(point) do if normal[axis] ~= 0 then normal_axis = axis elseif math.abs(point[axis])>biggest then biggest = math.abs(point[axis]) biggest_axis = axis end end -- Find the third axis, which is the one to rotate around if normal_axis and biggest_axis then for axis in pairs(point) do if axis ~= normal_axis and axis ~= biggest_axis then -- Decide which direction to rotate (+ or -) return axis, insanity_2[normal_axis..biggest_axis] * math.sign(normal[normal_axis] * point[biggest_axis]) end end end return "y", 0 end local function rotate_face(normal, _) -- Find the normal axis for axis, value in pairs(normal) do if value ~= 0 then return axis, math.sign(value) end end return "y", 0 end -- Numbers taken from https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?p=73195#p73195 -- "How to rotate (clockwise) by axis from any facedir:" -- "(this will be made into a lua function)" -- 5 years later... local facedir_cycles = { x = {{12,13,14,15},{16,19,18,17},{ 0, 4,22, 8},{ 1, 5,23, 9},{ 2, 6,20,10},{ 3, 7,21,11}}, y = {{ 0, 1, 2, 3},{20,23,22,21},{ 4,13,10,19},{ 8,17, 6,15},{12, 9,18, 7},{16, 5,14,11}}, z = {{ 4, 5, 6, 7},{ 8,11,10, 9},{ 0,16,20,12},{ 1,17,21,13},{ 2,18,22,14},{ 3,19,23,15}}, } local wallmounted_cycles = { x = {0, 4, 1, 5}, y = {4, 2, 5, 3}, z = {0, 3, 1, 2}, } -- Functions to rotate a facedir/wallmounted value around an axis by a certain amount local rotate = { -- Facedir: lower 5 bits used for direction, 0 - 23 facedir = function(param2, axis, amount) local facedir = param2 % 32 for _, cycle in ipairs(facedir_cycles[axis]) do -- Find the current facedir -- Minetest adds table.indexof, but I refuse to use it because it returns -1 rather than nil for i, fd in ipairs(cycle) do if fd == facedir then return param2 - facedir + cycle[1+(i-1 + amount) % 4] -- If only Lua didn't use 1 indexing... end end end return param2 end, -- Wallmounted: lower 3 bits used, 0 - 5 wallmounted = function(param2, axis, amount) local wallmounted = param2 % 8 for i, wm in ipairs(wallmounted_cycles[axis]) do if wm == wallmounted then return param2 - wallmounted + wallmounted_cycles[axis][1+(i-1 + amount) % 4] end end return param2 end } rotate.colorfacedir = rotate.facedir rotate.colorwallmounted = rotate.wallmounted local function rect(angle, radius) return math.cos(2*math.pi * angle) * radius, math.sin(2*math.pi * angle) * radius end -- Generate the screwdriver particle effects local other_axes = {x = {"y","z"}, y = {"z","x"}, z = {"x","y"}} local function particle_ring(pos, axis, direction) local axis2, axis3 = unpack(other_axes[axis]) local particle_pos = vector.new() local particle_vel = vector.new() for i = 0, 0.999, 1/6 do particle_pos[axis3], particle_pos[axis2] = rect(i, 0.5^0.5) particle_vel[axis3], particle_vel[axis2] = rect(i - 1/4 * direction, 2) minetest.add_particle({ pos = vector.add(pos, particle_pos), velocity = particle_vel, acceleration = vector.multiply(particle_pos, -7), expirationtime = 0.25, size = 2, texture = "screwdriver2.png", }) end end -- Main -- Idea: split this into 2 functions -- 1: on_use parameters -> axis/amount/etc. -- 2: param2/axis/amount/etc. -> new param2 function screwdriver.use(itemstack, player, pointed_thing, is_right_click) if lzr_gamestate.get_state() == lzr_gamestate.LEVEL_COMPLETE then return end if pointed_thing.type ~= "node" then return end local pos = pointed_thing.under -- Check protection local player_name = player:get_player_name() if minetest.is_protected(pos, player_name) then minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, player_name) return end -- Get node info local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos) if not node then return end local def = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] if not def then return end -- probably unnessesary local rotatable = minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "rotatable") local gs = lzr_gamestate.get_state() -- Node MUST have 'rotatable' group -- TODO: Allow rotation in level editing/admin mode if rotatable <= 0 then return itemstack end -- rotatable=2: rotatable if takable or if in editor/menu mode if rotatable == 2 then if not (minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "takable") == 1 or (gs == lzr_gamestate.EDITOR or gs == lzr_gamestate.MENU)) then return itemstack end -- rotatable=3: rotatable in editor/menu mode only elseif rotatable == 3 then if not (gs == lzr_gamestate.EDITOR or gs == lzr_gamestate.MENU) then return itemstack end end local on_rotate = def.on_rotate if on_rotate == false then return end -- Choose rotation function based on paramtype2 (facedir/wallmounted) local rotate_function = rotate[def.paramtype2] if not rotate_function then return end -- Choose rotation axis/direction and param2 based on click type and pointed location local axis, amount local normal, point = get_pointed(player, pointed_thing) if not normal or vector.length(normal) == 0 then return end -- Raycast failed or player is inside selection box local control = player:get_player_control() if is_right_click then axis, amount = rotate_face(normal, point) else axis, amount = push_edge(normal, point) end if control.sneak then amount = -amount end local new_param2 = rotate_function(node.param2, axis, amount) -- Calculate particle position local particle_offset = vector.new() particle_offset[axis] = point[axis]--math.sign(normal[axis]) * 0.5 -- Handle node's on_rotate function local handled if type(on_rotate) == "function" then -- If a mod is loaded after screwdriver but before screwdriver2, -- it will still end up using the old `rotate_simple` function. -- So, we'll check that here, and override it in that case. if on_rotate == screwdriver.rotate_simple then on_rotate = rotate_simple end local result = on_rotate( vector.new(pos), table.copy(node), player, is_right_click and 2 or 1, -- Deprecated new_param2, -- New: axis, -- "x", "y", or "z" amount, -- 90 degrees = 1, etc. rotate_function -- function(node.param2, axis, amount) -> new_param2 ) if result == false then return elseif result == true then handled = true end end -- Draw particles (TODO: check if rotation was actually done) particle_ring(vector.add(pos, particle_offset), axis, amount) -- Play sound if def.sounds and def.sounds._rotate then minetest.sound_play(def.sounds._rotate, {pos=pos}, true) else minetest.sound_play({name="screwdriver2_rotate", gain=1}, {pos=pos}, true) end -- Replace node if not handled then if new_param2 == node.param2 then return end -- no rotation was done node.param2 = new_param2 minetest.swap_node(pos, node) end minetest.check_for_falling(pos) if def._after_rotate then def._after_rotate(pos) end end minetest.register_tool("screwdriver2:screwdriver",{ description = S("Rotating Hook").."\n"..S("Punch to push edge, place to rotate face"), inventory_image = "screwdriver2.png", on_use = function(itemstack, player, pointed_thing) return screwdriver.use(itemstack, player, pointed_thing, false) end, on_place = function(itemstack, player, pointed_thing) return screwdriver.use(itemstack, player, pointed_thing, true) end, })