CREDITS for Lazarr! Lazarr! is a puzzle game by Wuzzy, using some textures, sounds and code from others. External mods used: * `show_wielded_item` * `player_api`, `xpanes`, `stairs`, `screwdriver2` --- Textures: - Water, wood, tree, stone, tools, hand, gold block, ship lightbox, player textures, crates, seaweed, purple coral, crab grass come from “PixelBOX” texture pack by jp (CC0) - Textures in `lzr_decor` mod made by jp (CC0) - Crosshair, wieldhand, `smoke_puff.png`: trivial textures by Wuzzy (CC0) - Emitter, detector textures: Derivate works of xdecor textures by jp (CC0) - Mirror textures: by Wuzzy (CC0) - Screwdriver texture: by 12Me21 (CC0) - Hotbar textures are a recolored version from from the hotbar textures of the Isabella Texture Pack by Bonemouse ( (CC BY 3.0) - `default_dirt.png`, `default_sand.png`, `lzr_core_seabed.png`, `lzr_core_shrub_leaves.png`, `lzr_core_palm_leaves.png`. `lzr_core_palm_leaves_top.png`, `lzr_core_palm_tree.png`, `lzr_core_palm_tree_top.png`, `islands_tall_grass.png`: by TheThermos (MIT) - `lzr_gui_bg.png`: Based on two works: - 1) by Q\_x (CC0) - 2) by Lamoot (CC BY 3.0) - `lzr_gui_button.png`, `lzr_gui_button_hover.png`, `lzr_gui_button_pressed.png`: - Based on by Lamoot (CC BY 3.0) - Hook texture: 2D Game Assets - Derivate work of - License: OGA-BY 3.0 - `xocean_*.png`: - By StarNinjas - License: MIT License - `lzr_decor_ocean_pillar.png`: - By StarNinjas - License: MIT License - Original file name `xocean_pillar.png` - `lzr_decor_ocean_pillar_top.png`: - By StarNinjas and Wuzzy - Derivate work of `xocean_pillar.png` - License: MIT License Models: - Player models comes from Minetest Game (see license of Minetest Game 5.4.1 for details) Sounds: - Ocean waves come from - by inchadney (CC BY 3.0) - Mirror rotation sound comes from - by killanm97 (CC0) - `screwdriver2_rotate.ogg` comes from - by `el_boss` (CC0) - Glass sounds: - Footstep: Derivate work from - by `deleted_user_2104797` (CC0) - Dig: Derivate work from - by `kelsey_w` (CC BY 3.0) - Place: Derivate work of - by kbnevel (CC0) - Wood sounds: - Footstep: - by Jan Schupke 'Vehicle' ( - License: CC0 - Origin: - - - - All sounds are organic and unprocessed, apart from normalization and downmixing to mono. - 96 files, 44.1kHz, 16bit. - Place/dug: - by youandbiscuitme - License: CC BY 3.0 - Origin: - Changes were made - `lzr_laser_emitter_activate.ogg`: - by PhonosUPF - License: CC0 - `lzr_levels_level_start.ogg`: - by original\_sound - License: CC BY 3.0 - `lzr_levels_level_complete.ogg`: - by Fupicat - Edit by Wuzzy (higher pitch) - License: CC0 - `lzr_sounds_button.ogg`: - by Fourier - Edit by Wuzzy (shortened) - License: CC BY 3.0 - `lzr_sounds_footstep_stone.*.ogg`, `default_dirt_footstep.*.ogg`, `lzr_sounds_footstep_leaves.*.ogg`, `lzr_sounds_dug_grass.*.ogg`: - by Wuzzy - License: MIT License - All other sounds come from Minetest Game (see license of Minetest Game 5.4.1 for details) Code: - `player_api`, `stairs`, `xpanes` come from Minetest Game 5.4.1 (mods modified for Lazarr!), by Minetest Game developers (see README.txt in those folders) - `screwdriver2` by 12Me21, modified version (CC0) - `lzr_decor` is based on `xdecor` by jp (BSD-3 clause license; massively-simplified version from the original) Other stuff: - See the licence files of the individual mods Code for all the mods that begin with "lzr_" (e.g. the mod "`lzr_laser`") - done by Wuzzy (GPLv3+) `no_fall_damage`, `no_multiplayer`, `show_wielded_item` mods - done by Wuzzy (CC0)