Lazarr! A laser puzzle game by Wuzzy. Send lasers to the detector to get to the next level. There are 10 levels. --------------- External mods used: * `show_wielded_items` * `no_fall_damage` * `player_api`, `stairs`, `xpanes`, * `xdecor` (heavily modified) Here’s the stuff not done by Wuzzy: --- Textures: - Water, tool, hand, player textures come from “PixelBOX” texture pack by jp (WTFPL) - Other textures come from “MTUOTP” texture pack by GamingAssociation39 (CC BY-SA 4.0) - Textures in xdecor mod made by jp (WTFPL) Models: - Player models comes from Minetest Game (see license of Minetest Game for details) Sounds: - All sounds come from Minetest Game (see license of Minetest Game for details) - Exception: Ocean waves come from done by inchadney (CC BY 3.0) Code: - `player_api`, `stairs`, `xpanes` come from Minetest Game, by Minetest Game developers (see README.txt in that folder) Other stuff: - See the licence files of the individual mods Code for all the mods that begin with "lzr_" - done by Wuzzy (GPLv3+) Everything else done by Wuzzy is CC0!!!