CREDITS for Lazarr! Lazarr! is a puzzle game by Wuzzy, using some textures, sounds and code from others. External mods used: * `show_wielded_item` * `no_fall_damage` * `player_api`, `xpanes`, `stairs`, `screwdriver` * `xdecor` (heavily modified, non-free textures removed) --- Textures: - Water, wood, tree, stone, tools, hand, player textures come from “PixelBOX” texture pack by jp (CC0) - Textures in xdecor mod made by jp (CC0) - Crosshair, wieldhand, `smoke_puff.png`: trivial textures by Wuzzy (CC0) Models: - Player models comes from Minetest Game (see license of Minetest Game 5.4.1 for details) Sounds: - All sounds come from Minetest Game (see license of Minetest Game 5.4.1 for details) - Exception 1: Ocean waves come from - by inchadney (CC BY 3.0) - Excecption 2: Screwdriver sounds - Created by InspectorJ of (CC BY 3.0): - `screwdriver_use.1.ogg` - `screwdriver_use.2.ogg` - `screwdriver_use.3.ogg` - `screwdriver_use.4.ogg` - (Original file name: Screwdriver, Ratchet, C.wav) Code: - `player_api`, `stairs`, `xpanes`, `screwdriver` come from Minetest Game 5.4.1 (mods modified for Lazarr!), by Minetest Game developers (see README.txt in those folders) - `xdecor` by jp (BSD-3 clause license; massively-simplified version from the original) Other stuff: - See the licence files of the individual mods Code for all the mods that begin with "lzr_" (e.g. the mod "`lzr_laser`") - done by Wuzzy (GPLv3+) `no_fall_damage`, `no_multiplayer`, `show_wielded_item` mods - done by Wuzzy (CC0)