List of groups used in Hades Revisited (info for developers) ------------------------------------------------------------ Note: If no group rating is specified, use 1. Node identities: * `tree`: Tree Trunk * `sapling`: Sapling * `leaves`: Leaves * `bark`: Bark * `seaweed`: Seaweed * `waterlily`: Waterlily * `plant`: Farming plant * `grass`: Grass * `flower`: Flower * `vines=1`: Vines (sideways) * `vines=2` Vines (centered) * `vines_rotten=1`: Rotten vines * `simple_bush`: Bush * `seed`: Seed * `seed_farming`: Seed from the `hades_farming` mod * `wheat`: Wheat plant * `strawberry` Strawberry plant * `tomato` Tomato plant * `cotton`: Cotton plant * `colwood`: Colored wooden planks * `claybricks`: Clay bricks * `wool`: Wool * `carpet`: Carpet * `table`: Table * `chair`: Chair * `armchair`: Armchair * `window_wood`: Wooden window * `chest`: Chest * `unlocked_chest`: Unlocked chest * `locked_chest`: Locked chest * `furnace`: Furnace * `torch`: Torch * `door`: Door * `steel_door`: Steel Door * `pipe`: Pipe * `bed`: Bed * `fence`: Fence * `fence_gate`: Fence gate * `fence_metal`: Metal fence * `fence_wood`: Wooden fence * `wall`: Wall * `ladder`: Ladder * `vessel`: Vessel, like glass bottle * `mossy`: Block has moss on it * `burned_node`: Node that was "burned" by lava like Burned Stone * `ore`: Ore * `sandstone`: Sandstone * `ash`: Ash * `liquid`: Liquid * `water`: Water * `lava`: Lava Digging groups: * `choppy`: Wood, etc. * `cracky`: Stone, etc. * `oddly_breakable_by_hand`: Breakable by hand for ... reasons * `snappy`: Leaves, plants, etc. Crafting groups: * `wood`: Wooden planks * `sand`: Sand * `stone`: Stone or stone-like Items: * `shears`: Shears * `shovel`: Shovel * `axe`: Axe * `pickaxe`: Pickaxe * `sword`: Sword * `tool`: Tool * `dye`: Dye * `spawn_egg`: Spawn egg Action groups: * `bagslots=X`: Bag with X slots * `equipment=1`: Item for the Equipment slots * `food=1`: Food (unspecified type) * `food=2`: Food (eating) * `food=3`: Food (drinking) * `eatable=X`: Item can be eaten or consumed (restoring X food points) * `leafdecay=X`: Leaves that decay when not near a node specified in `_hades_trees_trunk` field (X=distance from node) * `leafdecay_any`: In combination with `leafdecay`, will expect a `group:tree` node instead to prevent decay * `leafdecay_drop`: Node will drop itself when leaf-decaying * `wet` Considered wet for farming purposes * `fruit_regrow=3`: Regrowing fruit * `fruit_regrow=2`: Regrowing fruit (flower stage) * `fruit_regrow=1`: Regrowing fruit (bud stage) * `ash_fertilizer=X`: Node slowly turns nearby Volcanic Ash to Fertile Sand (distance X, usually 3) * `porous`: If water is above this node, water droplets might appear below it * `fake_liquid`: Node is registerd as liquid but it's not actually a liquid * `flora`: This is a plant that spreads on Dirt with Grass * `soil`: Usable by hoe * `not_in_craft_guide`: Item won't appear in craft guide Legacy groups: * `flammable`: Considered flammable (Note: This game has no fire) * `puts_out_fire`: Node is supposed to put out neighboring fire (Note: This game has no fire) * `desert`: soil category for farming * `grassland`: soil category for farming * `field`: soil category for farming