# Group reference This file is developer documentation that documents all the non-special groups (i.e. not special according to `lua_api.txt`) used in this game. ## Item groups This is the list of all groups used for items. Note: If no number/rating is specified, use 1 as rating. ## Interactive item groups * `not_in_creative_inventory`: Item won't show up in Creative Inventory * `not_in_craft_guide`: Item won't show up in crafting guide * `no_item_drop`: This item can't exist as a dropped item on the ground. When dropping it, it is deleted instantly * `immortal_item`: In entity form, this item withstands damage and won't be destroyed by nodes that deal damage ## Creative categorization These groups are mainly used for a better item sorting in Creative Mode. * `node`: Add this group for items that are considered nodes *in a gameplay* sense. Rarely needed, use this for items that are technically not nodes themselves, but they behave like placable nodes from the player-point of view. Example: Door craftitems. Implied if it was registered with `minetest.register_node`. * `tool`: Add this group for items that are considered tools *in a gameplay* sense. That’s an item that the player can use to perform a direct action, like digging, igniting blocks. Implied if item was registered with `minetest.register_tool`. * `craftitems`: Add this group for items that are considered craftitems *in a gameplay* sense. That’s an item that is neither a node nor tool. Usually for items only used for crafting with no inherent direct use. Implied if it was registered with `minetest.register_craftitem`. * `creative_decoblock`: Classifies nodes as "decorative node". This is for non-full cubes except slabs and stairs ### Tools * `axe`: Axe * `shears`: Shears * `shovel`: Shovel * `sword`: Sword * `spear`: Spear * `supertool`: Super tool, i.e. a powerful tool for Creative Mode use only * `sheep_cuts`: For shears. Rating specifies how often it can shear sheep ## Armor * `is_armor`: Item is an armor piece * `armor`: Item is an armor piece and rating specifies armor percentage * `armor_material`: Rating specifies armor material; number is assigned dynamically. Equal number means equal material. * `armor_slot`: Rating says which slot the armor piece belongs to: 1 = Helmet, 2 = Chestplate, 3 = Boots ### Other item categorizations * `stick`: Stick * `bucket`: Any bucket * `bucket_water`: Bucket with water * `food`: Can be eaten by player. Rating: 2 = eatable, 3 = drinkable, 1 = unknown food type * `nav_compass`: Compass. Rating: 1 = normal compass, 2 = magnocompass * `spawn_egg`: Item that spawns mobs ## Node groups This is the list of all groups used for nodes. Note: If no number/rating is specified, use 1 as rating. ### Digging groups * `choppy`: Can be dug by brute force, like wood * `cracky`: Hard material like stone * `crumbly`: Soft material like dirt * `snappy`: Can be dug with fine tools like shears * `fleshy`: Node represents some kind of (semi-)living organism, so it can be "dug" easily by weapons * `handy`: Can be dug with bare hand * `oddly_breakable_by_hand`: Can be dug with bare hand, but for nodes where it seems unrealistic ### Interactive node groups: * `soil`: For blocks that allow several plants to grow * `leafdecay`: Node decays if not close to a `tree` group node (max. distance = rating). Decaying will destroy the node and release the item drop except dropping itself. * `leafdecay_drop`: Must be used in combination with `leafdecay`. Decaying will release the item drop, and it can even drop itself. * `magnetic`: Node is magnetic and can magnetize stuff (like compass) * `unmagnetic`: Node is "unmagnetic", this means it can de-magnetize stuff * `locked`: Node is considered to be locked * `container`: Node has an inventory to store item(s) * `interactive_node`: Node can be interacted with (excluding pure container nodes) * `no_spawn_allowed_on`: If set, players can not (initially) spawn on this block * `spawn_allowed_in`: If set, players can spawn into this block (note: this group is ignored for the 'air' and 'ignore' nodes) * `_attached_node_top=1`: Node attaches to the top of another node. If the node above disappears, the node itself detaches ### Node categorization * `dirt`: Any dirt (with or without cover) * `normal_dirt`: Any "normal" common dirt found in most temperate biomes (i.e. not swamp dirt or dry dirt) (with or without cover) * `dry_dirt`: Any dry dirt (with or without cover) * `swamp_dirt`: Any swamp dirt (with or without cover) * `grass_cover`: This node is covered with grass * `grass`: Any grass clump * `green_grass`: Any grass clump that is lush (“green”) * `normal_grass`: "Normal" grass clump * `dry_grass`: Dry grass clump * `swamp_grass`: Swamp grass clump * `plant`: Any node that is a plant (also for rooted plants) * `rooted_plant`: Node is a plant/full block hybrid using `plantlike_rooted` drawtype * `farming_plant`: Any plant used for farming * `plant_cotton`: Cotton plant (rating = growth stage) * `plant_wheat`: Wheat plant (rating = growth stage) * `sapling`: Sapling * `fern`: Fern * `flower`: Flower * `seed`: Seed * `seagrass`: Seagrass * `alga`: Alga * `leaves`: Any leaves * `dry_leaves`: Dry leaves * `lush_leaves`: Any non-dry leaves * `plantable_dry`: You can plant farming plants on it and this node is considered to be dry * `plantable_sandy`: You can plant farming plants on it and this node is considered to be made out of sand * `plantable_soil`: You can plant farming plants on it and this node is considered to be "normal" soil * `plantable_fertilizer`: This node is fertilized #### Shaped * `slab`: Slab (1 = normal slab, 2 = path slab) * `stair`: Stair * `path`: A path node like the Dirt Path (1 = normal path, 2 = path slab) * `door`: Any door * `door_wood`: Wooden door * `fence`: Fence * `sign`: Sign * `bed`: Bed segment * `torch`: Torch ### Node material groups (used for full nodes only): * `planks`: Wooden planks * `wood`: Made out of wood * `tree`: Tree trunks * `stone`: Stone * `ore`: Ore * `sand`: Sand * `gravel`: Gravel * `sandstone`: Sandstone * `glass`: Glass * `fuzzy`: Wool, cotton bale, etc. ### Liquids * `liquid`: Any liquid * `water`: Any water * `flowing_water`: Flowing water * `river_water`: Any river water * `swamp_water`: Any swamp water ### Unused node groups * `flammable` ## Damage groups This is the list of damage groups. * `fleshy`: This is the damage group used for everything that takes damage.