# Developer information This file explains information to document the code of Repixture and information for people wanting to develop or mod Repixture. Note the focus of Repixture is not to be a "base for modding", but to be a standalone game in its own right. That having said, Repixture also doesn't actively oppose modding. ## Core development ### Testing There are some hidden testing/debug settings. Add them into `minetest.conf` to activate: * `rp_testing_enable=true`: Enables Testing Mode. Performs some simple benchmarks on startup (See the log file / console) and also enables testing the validity of crafting recipes, gold trades, and more (printing errors if any errors were found). This also enables a few helper chat commands (see `/help`). * `hunger_debug=true`: Enables Hunger Debug. This displays the internal hunger values on the screen. ## Some modding rules * Crafting recipes (except cooking and fuel recipes) **MUST** be registered through `rp_crafting`. * Modifying player physics (like running speed) **MUST** be done via `rp_player_effects`. ## Mod APIs Some mods provide APIs to interact with. Check out the respective mod directories for a file named `API.md`. Mods with documented APIs: * `rp_armor`: Armor information * `rp_achievements`: Add and trigger achievements * `rp_bed`: Get, set and unset (re)spwan position * `rp_crafting`: Add crafting recipes * `rp_default`: Sapling helpers, biome information * `rp_door`: Add doors * `rp_drop_items_on_die`: You only need this mod if you added an inventory list to the player and you want its contents to be dropped on death. * `rp_farming`: Add farmable plants * `rp_formspec`: Build formspecs and inventory pages * `rp_goodies`: Fill container nodes with random loot * `rp_hunger`: Get and set hunger * `rp_item_drop`: Add a function to simulate an item drop * `rp_itemshow`: Needed when your item needs a custom appearance in the item frame / item showcase * `rp_jewels`: Register jeweled tools, and more * `rp_locks`: Get info about lockable nodes * `rp_partialblocks`: Register partial blocks (slabs, stairs) * `rp_player`: Player model handling, model animation, textures * `rp_player_effects`: Add player effects (required if you want to modify player physics) * `rp_sounds`: Node sounds * `rp_util`: Helper functions for Repixture * `rp_tnt`: Ignite and blow up TNT, also spawn TNT-less explosions * `tt`: Custom tooltips Beware: Calling functions that are not documented are NOT guaranted to be stable in future versions, so use them with care. ## Groups A reference of all groups used in this game can be found in `DEV_GROUPS.md`.