local disallowed = { ["^guest"] = "Temporary 'GuestXXXX' usernames are disallowed on this server. ".. "Please choose a proper username and try again.", ["^player"] = "Temporary 'PlayerXXXX' usernames are disallowed on this server. ".. "Please choose a proper username and try again.", ["^squeakecraft"] = "Temporary 'Squeakecraft' usernames are disallowed on this server. ".. "Please choose a proper username and try again.", ["[4a]dm[1il]n"] = "That is a clearly false, misleading, or otherwise disallowed username. ".. "Please choose a unique username and try again.", ["^[0-9]+$"] = "All-numeric usernames are disallowed on this server. ".. "Please choose a proper username and try again.", ["[0-9].-[0-9].-[0-9]"] = "Too many numbers in your username. ".. "Please try again with less than three digits in your username." } -- Original implementation (in Python) by sfan5 local function judge(msg) local numspeakable = 0 local numnotspeakable = 0 local cn = 0 local lastc = '____' for c in msg:gmatch(".") do c = c:lower() if c:find("[aeiou0-9_-]") then if cn > 2 and not c:find("[0-9]") then numnotspeakable = numnotspeakable + 1 elseif not c:find("[0-9]") then numspeakable = numspeakable + 1 end cn = 0 else if (cn == 1) and (lastc == c) and (lastc ~= 's') then numnotspeakable = numnotspeakable + 1 cn = 0 end if cn > 2 then numnotspeakable = numnotspeakable + 1 cn = 0 end if lastc:find("[aeiou]") then numspeakable = numspeakable + 1 cn = 0 end if not ((lastc:find("[aipfom]") and c == "r") or (lastc == "c" and c == "h")) then cn = cn + 1 end end lastc = c end if cn > 0 then numnotspeakable = numnotspeakable + 1 end return (numspeakable >= numnotspeakable) end minetest.register_on_prejoinplayer(function(name, ip) local lname = name:lower() for re, reason in pairs(disallowed) do if lname:find(re) and not minetest.auth_table[name] then return reason end end if #name < 2 then return "Too short of a username. ".. "Please pick a name with at least two letters and try again." end if not judge(name) and #name > 5 then return "Your username just plain looks like gibberish. ".. "Please pick something readable and try again." end end) minetest.register_on_prejoinplayer(function(name, ip) local lname = name:lower() for iname, data in pairs(minetest.auth_table) do if iname:lower() == lname and iname ~= name then return "Sorry, someone else is already using this " .."name, or maybe you mistyped it? Please " .."check your typing or pick another name." end end end) minetest.register_chatcommand("choosecase", { description = "Choose the casing that a player name should have", params = "", privs = {server=true}, func = function(name, params) local lname = params:lower() local worldpath = minetest.get_worldpath() for iname, data in pairs(minetest.auth_table) do if iname:lower() == lname and iname ~= params then minetest.auth_table[iname] = nil assert(not iname:find("/")) os.remove(worldpath.."/players/"..iname) end end minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Done.") end, })