# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/). ## [Unreleased] Allow to lock the doors using per-material keys (e.g. wooden key, stone key, etc.) Allow to lockpick the doors. ## [1.10.2] - 2018-07-12 ### Added screenshot.png ### Changed Default options' values are no longer written on minetest.conf. Minor code changes. changelog.txt -> changelog.md README.txt -> README.md ## [1.10.1] ### Changed Code fix due to changed or removed Moreblocks nodes. ## [1.10.0] ### Added Added self removing option. Settings/Advanced Settings/Mods/hidden_doors ## [1.9.0] ### Added Added sand, silver sand and desert sand doors. ## [1.8.0] ### Added Added support for the Moreblocks module. Added bookshelf door from Minetest Game (vessels dependency). ### Changed Moved the doors registrations into subfiles named after their respective modules (e.g. darkage.lua); for an easier maintenance. ## [1.7.2] ### Changed Removed goto statement, changed the code to accomplish the same task without it. ## [1.7.1] ### Changed Disabled textures' scaling for Darkage: when using texture packs having a resolution higher than 16px, Darkage's textures will be kept at their native resolution. ## [1.7.0] ### Added Added support for the Darkage module (Addi's fork). ## [1.6.0] ### Added Texture resolution configurable via GUI under Advanced Settings. Stone doors' sound volume as above. Hardcoded check for invalid resolutions. Hidden doors made of ice. Locale template updated. Italian locale updated. ## [1.5.2] ### Changed Minor fix - Stone doors' sound increased. ## [1.5.1] ### Changed Bugfix - Textures applied correctly to doors, inventory images are generated as they should. Napiophelios ## [1.5.0] ### Added New hidden doors: dirt, brick, metals, gems. ## [1.4.0] ### Changed Texture combiner's code changed to be more easier to understand and mantain. Optional support for resolutions higher than 16px using hidden_doors_res = into minetest.conf; defaults to 16. Supported resolutions: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 ## [1.3.0] ### Added Added the opening and closing sounds for the stone doors. ### Changed Changed the module's description. Code re-formatted to fit into 80 columns. Recipes changed to prevent any conflict. ## [1.2.0] ### Added Added localization support: intllib by Diego Martínez (kaeza) Added the Italian locale file. ### Changed Updated the function to handle sound's specification to allow different sounds for different materials doors. ## [1.1.0] ### Added Napiophelios added texture handling and the function to dynamically register the doors. Hamlet added the new doors. ## [1.0.0] ### Added Initial stable release. Cobble, stone and stone brick's doors available.