### HIDDEN DOORS ![Hidden Doors' screenshot](screenshot.png) **_Adds various wood, stone, etc. doors._** Allows self-removal via Settings/Advanced Settings/Mods/hidden_doors **Version:** 1.10.2 **Source code's license:** GPL v3.0 **Media (Textures, Sounds) license:** CC BY-SA 4.0 International **Dependencies:** default, doors, stairs, vessels (found in Minetest Game) **Supported:** Darkage (Addi's fork), Moreblocks ### Installation Unzip the archive, rename the folder to hidden_doors and place it in ../minetest/mods/ If you only want this to be used in a single world, place it in ../minetest/worlds/WORLD_NAME/worldmods/ GNU+Linux - If you use a system-wide installation place it in ~/.minetest/mods/ For further information or help see: https://wiki.minetest.net/Help:Installing_Mods