package amidst.gui.main; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Supplier; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import amidst.Application; import amidst.documentation.AmidstThread; import amidst.documentation.CalledOnlyBy; import amidst.documentation.NotThreadSafe; import amidst.gameengineabstraction.GameEngineType; import amidst.gui.crash.CrashWindow; import; import amidst.gui.main.viewer.ViewerFacade; import amidst.gui.seedsearcher.SeedSearcherWindow; import amidst.logging.AmidstLogger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import amidst.settings.biomeprofile.BiomeProfile; import amidst.settings.biomeprofile.BiomeProfileSelection; import amidst.util.FileExtensionChecker; @NotThreadSafe public class Actions { private final Application application; private final MainWindowDialogs dialogs; private final WorldSwitcher worldSwitcher; private final SeedSearcherWindow seedSearcherWindow; private final Supplier viewerFacadeSupplier; private final BiomeProfileSelection biomeProfileSelection; private final GameEngineType gameEngineType; @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public Actions( Application application, MainWindowDialogs dialogs, WorldSwitcher worldSwitcher, SeedSearcherWindow seedSearcherWindow, Supplier viewerFacadeSupplier, BiomeProfileSelection biomeProfileSelection, GameEngineType gameEngineType) { this.application = application; this.dialogs = dialogs; this.worldSwitcher = worldSwitcher; this.seedSearcherWindow = seedSearcherWindow; this.viewerFacadeSupplier = viewerFacadeSupplier; this.biomeProfileSelection = biomeProfileSelection; this.gameEngineType = gameEngineType; } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void newFromSeed() { WorldSeed seed = dialogs.askForSeed(gameEngineType); if (seed != null) { newFromSeed(seed); } } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void newFromRandom() { newFromSeed(WorldSeed.random(gameEngineType)); } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) private void newFromSeed(WorldSeed worldSeed) { WorldType worldType = dialogs.askForWorldType(); if (worldType != null) { worldSwitcher.displayWorld(worldSeed, worldType); } } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void searchForRandom() {; } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void openSaveGame() { File file = dialogs.askForSaveGame(); if (file != null) { worldSwitcher.displayWorld(file); } } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void export() { ViewerFacade viewerFacade = viewerFacadeSupplier.get(); if (viewerFacade != null) { viewerFacade.export(dialogs.askForExportConfiguration()); } } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void switchProfile() { application.displayProfileSelectWindow(); } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void exit() { application.exitGracefully(); } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void goToCoordinate() { ViewerFacade viewerFacade = viewerFacadeSupplier.get(); if (viewerFacade != null) { String input = dialogs.askForCoordinates(); if (input != null) { CoordinatesInWorld coordinates = CoordinatesInWorld.tryParse(input); if (coordinates != null) { viewerFacade.centerOn(coordinates); } else { AmidstLogger.warn("Invalid location entered, ignoring."); dialogs.displayError("You entered an invalid location."); } } } } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void goToSpawn() { ViewerFacade viewerFacade = viewerFacadeSupplier.get(); if (viewerFacade != null) { viewerFacade.centerOn(viewerFacade.getSpawnWorldIcon()); } } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void goToStronghold() { ViewerFacade viewerFacade = viewerFacadeSupplier.get(); if (viewerFacade != null) { WorldIcon stronghold = dialogs .askForOptions("Go to", "Select Stronghold:", viewerFacade.getStrongholdWorldIcons()); if (stronghold != null) { viewerFacade.centerOn(stronghold); } } } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void goToPlayer() { ViewerFacade viewerFacade = viewerFacadeSupplier.get(); if (viewerFacade != null) { List playerWorldIcons = viewerFacade.getPlayerWorldIcons(); if (!playerWorldIcons.isEmpty()) { WorldIcon player = dialogs.askForOptions("Go to", "Select player:", playerWorldIcons); if (player != null) { viewerFacade.centerOn(player); } } else { AmidstLogger.warn("There are no players in this world."); dialogs.displayError("There are no players in this world."); } } } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void zoomIn() { adjustZoom(-1); } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void zoomOut() { adjustZoom(1); } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void savePlayerLocations() { ViewerFacade viewerFacade = viewerFacadeSupplier.get(); if (viewerFacade != null) { if (dialogs.askToConfirmSaveGameManipulation()) { viewerFacade.savePlayerLocations(); } } } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void reloadPlayerLocations() { ViewerFacade viewerFacade = viewerFacadeSupplier.get(); if (viewerFacade != null) { viewerFacade.loadPlayers(); } } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void howCanIMoveAPlayer() { dialogs.displayInfo( "How can I move a player?", "If you load the world from a save game, you can change the player locations.\n" + "1. Scroll the map to and right-click on the new player location, this opens a popup menu.\n" + "2. Select the player you want to move to the new location.\n" + "3. Enter the new player height (y-coordinate).\n" + "4. Save player locations."); } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void copySeedToClipboard() { ViewerFacade viewerFacade = viewerFacadeSupplier.get(); if (viewerFacade != null) { String seed = "" + viewerFacade.getWorldSeed().getLong(); StringSelection selection = new StringSelection(seed); Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(selection, selection); } } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void takeScreenshot() { ViewerFacade viewerFacade = viewerFacadeSupplier.get(); if (viewerFacade != null) { BufferedImage image = viewerFacade.createScreenshot(); String suggestedFilename = "screenshot_" + viewerFacade.getWorldType().getFilenameText() + "_" + viewerFacade.getWorldSeed().getLong() + ".png"; File file = dialogs.askForScreenshotSaveFile(suggestedFilename); if (file != null) { file = appendPNGFileExtensionIfNecessary(file); if (file.exists() && !file.isFile()) { String message = "Unable to write screenshot, because the target exists but is not a file: " + file.getAbsolutePath(); AmidstLogger.warn(message); dialogs.displayError(message); } else if (!canWriteToFile(file)) { String message = "Unable to write screenshot, because you have no writing permissions: " + file.getAbsolutePath(); AmidstLogger.warn(message); dialogs.displayError(message); } else if (!file.exists() || dialogs.askToConfirmYesNo( "Replace file?", "File already exists. Do you want to replace it?\n" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "")) { saveImageToFile(image, file); } } image.flush(); } } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void selectBiomeProfile(BiomeProfile profile) { biomeProfileSelection.set(profile); ViewerFacade viewerFacade = viewerFacadeSupplier.get(); if (viewerFacade != null) { viewerFacade.reloadBackgroundLayer(); } } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void displayLogMessages() { CrashWindow.showForInterest(); } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void checkForUpdates() { application.checkForUpdates(dialogs); } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void viewLicense() { application.displayLicenseWindow(); } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void about() { dialogs.displayInfo( "About", "Amidst - Advanced Minecraft Interfacing and Data/Structure Tracking\n\n" + "Author: Skidoodle aka skiphs\n" + "Mail:\n" + "Project Page:"); } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) private void adjustZoom(int notches) { ViewerFacade viewerFacade = viewerFacadeSupplier.get(); if (viewerFacade != null) { viewerFacade.adjustZoom(notches); } } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void adjustZoom(Point mousePosition, int notches) { ViewerFacade viewerFacade = viewerFacadeSupplier.get(); if (viewerFacade != null) { viewerFacade.adjustZoom(mousePosition, notches); } } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void selectWorldIcon(WorldIcon worldIcon) { ViewerFacade viewerFacade = viewerFacadeSupplier.get(); if (viewerFacade != null) { viewerFacade.selectWorldIcon(worldIcon); } } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void showPlayerPopupMenu(CoordinatesInWorld targetCoordinates, Component component, int x, int y) { ViewerFacade viewerFacade = viewerFacadeSupplier.get(); if (viewerFacade != null) { if (viewerFacade.canSavePlayerLocations()) { new MovePlayerPopupMenu(this, viewerFacade.getMovablePlayerList(), targetCoordinates) .show(component, x, y); } } } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) public void movePlayer(Player player, CoordinatesInWorld targetCoordinates) { ViewerFacade viewerFacade = viewerFacadeSupplier.get(); if (viewerFacade != null) { PlayerCoordinates currentCoordinates = player.getPlayerCoordinates(); long currentHeight = currentCoordinates.getY(); String input = dialogs.askForPlayerHeight(currentHeight); if (input != null) { player.moveTo(targetCoordinates, tryParseLong(input, currentHeight), currentCoordinates.getDimension()); viewerFacade.reloadPlayerLayer(); if (dialogs.askToConfirmYesNo("Save Player Locations", "Do you want to save the player locations?")) { if (dialogs.askToConfirmSaveGameManipulation()) { viewerFacade.savePlayerLocations(); } } } } } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) private long tryParseLong(String text, long defaultValue) { try { return Long.parseLong(text); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defaultValue; } } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) private boolean canWriteToFile(File file) { File parentFile = file.getParentFile(); return file.canWrite() || (!file.exists() && parentFile != null && parentFile.canWrite()); } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) private void saveImageToFile(BufferedImage image, File file) { try { ImageIO.write(image, "png", file); } catch (IOException e) { AmidstLogger.warn(e); dialogs.displayError(e); } } @CalledOnlyBy(AmidstThread.EDT) private File appendPNGFileExtensionIfNecessary(File file) { String filename = file.getAbsolutePath(); if (!FileExtensionChecker.hasFileExtension(filename, "png")) { filename += ".png"; } return new File(filename); } }