function fl_brains.villager_brain(self) if mobkit.timer(self,1) then fl_wildlife.node_dps_dmg(self) end --if in nodes with damage take damage mobkit.vitals(self) if self.hp <= 0 then --kill self if 0 hp local item_drops = fl_wildlife.drops(self.drops) if item_drops ~= nil then for _, i in pairs(item_drops) do minetest.add_item(mobkit.get_stand_pos(self), i) end end mobkit.clear_queue_high(self) fl_wildlife.hq_die(self) return end if mobkit.timer(self,1) then local prty = mobkit.get_queue_priority(self) if prty < 20 and self.isinliquid then mobkit.hq_liquid_recovery(self,20) return end if mobkit.is_queue_empty_high(self) then --mobkit.animate(self, "walk") mobkit.hq_roam(self,0) --fl_wildlife.hq_npc_roam(self, 0) end end end