dofile(minetest.get_modpath("trees").."/leavesgen.lua") trees = {} trees.grounds = { "default:dirt", "default:dirt_with_grass", } trees.list = { "ash", "aspen", "birch", "chestnut", "mapple", "pine", } trees.desc_list = { "Ash", "Aspen", "Birch", "Chestnut", "Mapple", "Pine", } for i, tree in ipairs(trees.list) do minetest.register_node("trees:"..tree.."_trunk", { description = trees.desc_list[i].." Trunk", tiles = {"trees_"..tree.."_trunk_top.png", "trees_"..tree.."_trunk_top.png", "trees_"..tree.."_trunk.png"}, groups = {tree=1,snappy=1,choppy=2,flammable=2,dropping_node=1}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), drawtype = "nodebox", paramtype = "light", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.4,-0.5,-0.4,0.4,0.5,0.4}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.4,-0.5,-0.4,0.4,0.5,0.4}, }, }, }) minetest.register_node("trees:"..tree.."_leaves", { description = trees.desc_list[i].." Leaves", drawtype = "allfaces_optional", visual_scale = 1.3, tiles = {"trees_"..tree.."_leaves.png"}, paramtype = "light", groups = {snappy=3, leafdecay=3, flammable=2}, drop = { max_items = 1, items = { { items = {'trees:'..tree..'_sapling'}, rarity = 15, }, { items = {'trees:'..tree..'_stick'}, rarity = 2, }, { items = {"trees:"..tree.."_leaves"}, } } }, sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(), walkable = false, climbable = true, }) minetest.register_node("trees:"..tree.."_planks", { description = trees.desc_list[i].." Planks", tiles = {"trees_"..tree.."_planks.png"}, groups = {snappy=1,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2,flammable=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) minetest.register_craftitem("trees:"..tree.."_stick", { description = trees.desc_list[i].." Stick", inventory_image = "trees_"..tree.."_stick.png", groups = {sticks=1}, on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) if pointed_thing.type ~= "node" then return end trees.make_tree(pointed_thing.above, 4, 12, TREES_GEN_PINE_LIST, "trees:"..tree.."_trunk", "trees:"..tree.."_leaves") end, }) minetest.register_node("trees:"..tree.."_sapling", { description = trees.desc_list[i].." Sapling", drawtype = "plantlike", visual_scale = 1.0, tiles = {"trees_"..tree.."_sapling.png"}, inventory_image = "trees_"..tree.."_sapling.png", wield_image = "trees_"..tree.."_sapling.png", paramtype = "light", walkable = false, groups = {snappy=2,dig_immediate=3,flammable=2}, sounds = default.node_sound_defaults(), }) --[[minetest.register_abm({ nodenames = {"trees:"..tree.."_sapling"}, interval = 9.0, chance = 1.0, action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider) posn = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z} minetest.env:set_node(pos,{name="air"}) local s = minetest.env:get_node(posn).name if s ~= "default:dirt" and s ~= "default:dirt_with_grass" then return end --gen_ash(posn) end, })]] end function trees.make_tree(pos, arlenght, height, genlist, trunk, leaves) for i, tree in ipairs(trees.list) do if minetest.env:find_node_near(pos, arlenght, "trees:"..tree.."_trunk") then return end end for i = 0,height do if minetest.env:get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+i, z=pos.z}).name == "air" then minetest.env:add_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+i, z=pos.z}, {name=trunk}) end end for i = 1,#genlist do local p = {x=pos.x+genlist[i][1], y=pos.y+height+genlist[i][2], z=pos.z+genlist[i][3]} if minetest.env:get_node(p).name == "air" or minetest.env:get_node(p).name == "ignore" then minetest.env:add_node(p, {name=leaves}) end end end function trees.get_tree_height(trunk) local height = { ["trees:ash_trunk"] = 4 + math.random(4), ["trees:mapple_trunk"] = 7 + math.random(5), ["trees:birch_trunk"] = 10 + math.random(4), ["trees:aspen_trunk"] = 10 + math.random(4), ["trees:chestnut_trunk"] = 9 + math.random(2), ["trees:pine_trunk"] = 13 + math.random(4), } return height[trunk] end local function generate(genlist, arlenght, trunk, leaves, grounds, minp, maxp, seed, chunks_per_volume, ore_per_chunk, height_min, height_max) if maxp.y < height_min or minp.y > height_max then return end local y_min = math.max(minp.y, height_min) local y_max = math.min(maxp.y, height_max) local volume = (maxp.x-minp.x+1)*(y_max-y_min+1)*(maxp.z-minp.z+1) local pr = PseudoRandom(seed) local num_chunks = math.floor(chunks_per_volume * volume) local chunk_size = 3 if ore_per_chunk <= 4 then chunk_size = 2 end local inverse_chance = math.floor(chunk_size*chunk_size*chunk_size / ore_per_chunk) for i=1,num_chunks do local y0 = pr:next(y_min, y_max-chunk_size+1) if y0 >= height_min and y0 <= height_max then local x0 = pr:next(minp.x, maxp.x-chunk_size+1) local z0 = pr:next(minp.z, maxp.z-chunk_size+1) local p0 = {x=x0, y=y0, z=z0} for x1=0,chunk_size-1 do for y1=0,chunk_size-1 do for z1=0,chunk_size-1 do if pr:next(1,inverse_chance) == 1 then local x2 = x0+x1 local y2 = y0+y1 local z2 = z0+z1 local p2 = {x=x2, y=y2, z=z2} local p3 = {x=x2, y=y2+1, z=z2} if table.contains(grounds, minetest.env:get_node(p2).name) and minetest.env:get_node(p3).name == "air" then trees.make_tree(p3, arlenght, trees.get_tree_height(trunk), genlist, trunk, leaves) end end end end end end end end minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp, seed) local pr = PseudoRandom(seed) if pr:next(1,3) == 1 then generate(TREES_GEN_ASH_LIST, 5, "trees:ash_trunk","trees:ash_leaves", trees.grounds, minp, maxp, seed, 1/8/2, 1, -50, 100) end if pr:next(1,6) == 1 then generate(TREES_GEN_MAPPLE_LIST, 5, "trees:mapple_trunk", "trees:mapple_leaves", trees.grounds, minp, maxp, seed, 1/8/2, 1, -50, 100) end if pr:next(1,6) == 1 then generate(TREES_GEN_BIRCH_LIST, 5, "trees:birch_trunk", "trees:birch_leaves", trees.grounds, minp, maxp, seed, 1/8/2, 1, -50, 100) end if pr:next(1,6) == 1 then generate(TREES_GEN_ASPEN_LIST, 5, "trees:aspen_trunk", "trees:aspen_leaves", trees.grounds, minp, maxp, seed, 1/8/2, 1, -50, 100) end if pr:next(1,6) == 1 then generate(TREES_GEN_CHESTNUT_LIST, 10, "trees:chestnut_trunk", "trees:chestnut_leaves", trees.grounds, minp, maxp, seed, 1/8/2, 1, -50, 100) end if pr:next(1,6) == 1 then generate(TREES_GEN_PINE_LIST, 6, "trees:pine_trunk", "trees:pine_leaves", trees.grounds, minp, maxp, seed, 1/8/2, 1, -50, 100) end end)