-- Minetest 0.4 mod: default -- See README.txt for licensing and other information. -- The API documentation in here was moved into doc/lua_api.txt WATER_ALPHA = 160 WATER_VISC = 1 LAVA_VISC = 7 LIGHT_MAX = 14 -- Definitions made by this mod that other mods can use too default = {} -- Load other files dofile(minetest.get_modpath("default").."/mapgen.lua") -- -- Tool definition -- if minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then minetest.register_item(":", { type = "none", wield_image = "wieldhand.png", wield_scale = {x=1,y=1,z=2.5}, tool_capabilities = { full_punch_interval = 0.5, max_drop_level = 3, groupcaps = { crumbly = {times={[1]=0.5, [2]=0.5, [3]=0.5}, uses=0, maxlevel=3}, cracky = {times={[1]=0.5, [2]=0.5, [3]=0.5}, uses=0, maxlevel=3}, snappy = {times={[1]=0.5, [2]=0.5, [3]=0.5}, uses=0, maxlevel=3}, choppy = {times={[1]=0.5, [2]=0.5, [3]=0.5}, uses=0, maxlevel=3}, oddly_breakable_by_hand = {times={[1]=0.5, [2]=0.5, [3]=0.5}, uses=0, maxlevel=3}, } } }) minetest.register_on_placenode(function(pos, newnode, placer, oldnode, itemstack) return true end) else minetest.register_item(":", { type = "none", wield_image = "wieldhand.png", wield_scale = {x=1,y=1,z=2.5}, tool_capabilities = { full_punch_interval = 1.0, max_drop_level = 0, groupcaps = { fleshy = {times={[2]=2.00, [3]=1.00}, uses=0, maxlevel=1}, crumbly = {times={[2]=7.50, [3]=5.00}, uses=0, maxlevel=1}, snappy = {times={[3]=0.40}, uses=0, maxlevel=1}, immediately_breakable_by_hand = {times={[2]=0.50, [3]=0.00}, uses=0, maxlevel=3}, oddly_breakable_by_hand = {times={[1]=7.00,[2]=4.00,[3]=1.40}, uses=0, maxlevel=3}, } } }) end -- -- Crafting definition -- minetest.register_craft({ output = "default:sandstone", recipe = { {"default:sand", "default:sand"}, {"default:sand", "default:sand"}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "default:brick", recipe = { {"default:clay_brick", "default:clay_brick"}, {"default:clay_brick", "default:clay_brick"}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "default:paper", recipe = { {"default:papyrus", "default:papyrus", "default:papyrus"}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "default:book", recipe = { {"default:paper"}, {"default:paper"}, {"default:paper"}, } }) -- -- Crafting (tool repair) -- minetest.register_craft({ type = "toolrepair", additional_wear = -0.02, }) -- -- Cooking recipes -- minetest.register_craft({ type = "cooking", output = "default:glass", recipe = "default:sand", }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "cooking", output = "default:glass", recipe = "default:desert_sand", }) -- -- Fuels -- minetest.register_craft({ type = "fuel", recipe = "default:cactus", burntime = 15, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "fuel", recipe = "default:papyrus", burntime = 3, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "fuel", recipe = "default:bookshelf", burntime = 40, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "fuel", recipe = "default:fence_wood", burntime = 15, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "fuel", recipe = "default:torch", burntime = 3, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "fuel", recipe = "default:sign_wall", burntime = 20, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "fuel", recipe = "default:coal_lump", burntime = 30, }) -- -- Node definitions -- -- Default node sounds function default.node_sound_defaults(table) table = table or {} table.footstep = table.footstep or {name="", gain=1.0} table.dug = table.dug or {name="default_dug_node", gain=1.0} return table end function default.node_sound_stone_defaults(table) table = table or {} table.footstep = table.footstep or {name="default_hard_footstep", gain=0.2} default.node_sound_defaults(table) return table end function default.node_sound_dirt_defaults(table) table = table or {} table.footstep = table.footstep or {name="", gain=0.5} --table.dug = table.dug or -- {name="default_dirt_break", gain=0.5} default.node_sound_defaults(table) return table end function default.node_sound_sand_defaults(table) table = table or {} table.footstep = table.footstep or {name="default_grass_footstep", gain=0.25} --table.dug = table.dug or -- {name="default_dirt_break", gain=0.25} table.dug = table.dug or {name="", gain=0.25} default.node_sound_defaults(table) return table end function default.node_sound_wood_defaults(table) table = table or {} table.footstep = table.footstep or {name="default_hard_footstep", gain=0.3} default.node_sound_defaults(table) return table end function default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(table) table = table or {} table.footstep = table.footstep or {name="default_grass_footstep", gain=0.25} table.dig = table.dig or {name="default_dig_crumbly", gain=0.4} table.dug = table.dug or {name="", gain=1.0} default.node_sound_defaults(table) return table end function default.node_sound_glass_defaults(table) table = table or {} table.footstep = table.footstep or {name="default_hard_footstep", gain=0.25} table.dug = table.dug or {name="default_break_glass", gain=1.0} default.node_sound_defaults(table) return table end minetest.register_node("default:sand", { description = "Sand", tiles = {"default_sand.png"}, particle_image = {"default_sand.png"}, is_ground_content = true, groups = {crumbly=3, falling_node=1,drop_on_dig=1}, sounds = default.node_sound_sand_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("default:sand_with_clay", { description = "Clay", tiles = {"default_sand.png^default_clay.png"}, particle_image = {"default_clay_lump.png"}, is_ground_content = true, groups = {crumbly=3,drop_on_dig=1}, drop = "default:clay_lump 4", sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults({ footstep = "", }), }) minetest.register_node("default:desert_sand", { description = "Desert Sand", tiles = {"default_desert_sand.png"}, particle_image = {"default_desert_sand.png"}, is_ground_content = true, groups = {sand=1, crumbly=3, falling_node=1,drop_on_dig=1}, sounds = default.node_sound_sand_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("default:gravel", { description = "Gravel", tiles = {"default_gravel.png"}, particle_image = {"default_gravel.png"}, is_ground_content = true, groups = {crumbly=2, falling_node=1,drop_on_dig=1}, sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults({ footstep = {name="default_gravel_footstep", gain=0.45}, }), }) minetest.register_node("default:sandstone", { description = "Sandstone", tiles = {"default_sandstone.png"}, particle_image = {"default_sandstone.png"}, is_ground_content = true, groups = {crumbly=2,cracky=2,drop_on_dig=1}, drop = "default:sand", sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("default:brick", { description = "Brick Block", tiles = {"default_brick.png"}, particle_image = {"default_clay_brick.png"}, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=3,drop_on_dig=1}, drop = "default:clay_brick 4", sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("default:cactus", { description = "Cactus", tiles = {"default_cactus_top.png", "default_cactus_top.png", "default_cactus_side.png"}, groups = {snappy=2,choppy=3,flammable=2,dropping_node=1,drop_on_dig=1}, drawtype = "nodebox", paramtype = "light", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.4, -0.5, -0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 0.4}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.4}, {0.4, -0.5, -0.5, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -0.4, 0.5, 0.5, -0.4}, {-0.4, -0.5, -0.5, -0.4, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.4, -0.5, -0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 0.4}, }, }, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) minetest.register_abm({ nodenames = {"default:cactus"}, interval = 60, chance = 30, action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider) if not minetest.env:get_node_light(pos) or minetest.env:get_node_light(pos) < 8 then return end local h = 1 repeat if minetest.env:get_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y-h,z=pos.z}).name == node.name then h = h + 1 else break end if h > 2 then return end until h > 2 local grounds = { "default:sand", "default:desert_sand", "default:dirt", "default:dirt_with_clay", "default:dirt_with_grass", "default:dirt_with_grass_and_clay" } if minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.env:get_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y+1,z=pos.z}).name].buildable_to and table.contains(grounds, minetest.env:get_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y-h,z=pos.z}).name) then minetest.env:set_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y+1,z=pos.z}, {name=node.name}) end end }) minetest.register_node("default:papyrus", { description = "Papyrus", drawtype = "plantlike", tiles = {"default_papyrus.png"}, particle_image = {"default_papyrus.png"}, inventory_image = "default_papyrus.png", wield_image = "default_papyrus.png", paramtype = "light", is_ground_content = true, walkable = false, groups = {snappy=3,flammable=2, dropping_node=1,drop_on_dig=1}, sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(), cause_drop = function(pos, node) local b_pos = {x=pos.x,y=pos.y-1,z=pos.z} local b_node = minetest.env:get_node(b_pos) if b_node.name ~= node.name and minetest.registered_nodes[b_node.name].walkable == false then return true end end }) minetest.register_abm({ nodenames = {"default:papyrus"}, interval = 40, chance = 20, action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider) if not minetest.env:get_node_light(pos) or minetest.env:get_node_light(pos) < 8 then return end local h = 1 repeat if minetest.env:get_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y-h,z=pos.z}).name == node.name then h = h + 1 else break end if h > 2 then return end until h > 2 local sides = {{x=-1,y=-1,z=0},{x=1,y=-1,z=0},{x=0,y=-1,z=-1},{x=0,y=-1,z=1}} local water = false for _, side in ipairs(sides) do if minetest.env:get_node({x=pos.x+side.x,y=pos.y+side.y-h+1,z=pos.z+side.z}).name == "default:water_source" then water = true break end end local grounds = { "default:sand", "default:desert_sand", "default:dirt", "default:dirt_with_clay", "default:dirt_with_grass", "default:dirt_with_grass_and_clay" } if water and minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.env:get_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y+1,z=pos.z}).name].buildable_to and table.contains(grounds, minetest.env:get_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y-h,z=pos.z}).name) then minetest.env:set_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y+1,z=pos.z}, {name=node.name}) end end }) minetest.register_node("default:glass", { description = "Glass", drawtype = "glasslike", tiles = {"default_glass.png"}, inventory_image = minetest.inventorycube("default_glass.png"), particle_image = {"default_glass.png"}, paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, is_ground_content = true, groups = {snappy=2,cracky=3,oddly_breakable_by_hand=3,drop_on_dig=1}, sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("default:water_flowing", { description = "Flowing Water", inventory_image = minetest.inventorycube("default_water.png"), drawtype = "flowingliquid", tiles = {"default_water.png"}, drop = "", special_tiles = { { image="default_water_flowing_animated.png", backface_culling=false, animation={type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=0.8} }, { image="default_water_flowing_animated.png", backface_culling=true, animation={type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=0.8} }, }, alpha = WATER_ALPHA, paramtype = "light", walkable = false, pointable = false, diggable = false, buildable_to = true, liquidtype = "flowing", liquid_alternative_flowing = "default:water_flowing", liquid_alternative_source = "default:water_source", liquid_viscosity = WATER_VISC, post_effect_color = {a=64, r=100, g=100, b=200}, groups = {water=3, liquid=3, puts_out_fire=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1}, }) minetest.register_node("default:water_source", { description = "Water Source", inventory_image = minetest.inventorycube("default_water.png"), drawtype = "liquid", tiles = { {name="default_water_source_animated.png", animation={type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=2.0}} }, special_tiles = { -- New-style water source material (mostly unused) {name="default_water.png", backface_culling=false}, }, drop = "", alpha = WATER_ALPHA, paramtype = "light", walkable = false, pointable = false, diggable = false, buildable_to = true, liquidtype = "source", liquid_alternative_flowing = "default:water_flowing", liquid_alternative_source = "default:water_source", liquid_viscosity = WATER_VISC, post_effect_color = {a=64, r=100, g=100, b=200}, groups = {water=3, liquid=3, puts_out_fire=1}, }) minetest.register_node("default:lava_flowing", { description = "Flowing Lava", inventory_image = minetest.inventorycube("default_lava.png"), drawtype = "flowingliquid", tiles = {"default_lava.png"}, special_tiles = { { image="default_lava_flowing_animated.png", backface_culling=false, animation={type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=3.3} }, { image="default_lava_flowing_animated.png", backface_culling=true, animation={type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=3.3} }, }, drop = "", paramtype = "light", light_source = LIGHT_MAX - 1, walkable = false, pointable = false, diggable = false, buildable_to = true, liquidtype = "flowing", liquid_alternative_flowing = "default:lava_flowing", liquid_alternative_source = "default:lava_source", liquid_viscosity = LAVA_VISC, damage_per_second = 4*2, post_effect_color = {a=192, r=255, g=64, b=0}, groups = {lava=3, liquid=2, hot=3, igniter=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1}, }) minetest.register_node("default:lava_source", { description = "Lava Source", inventory_image = minetest.inventorycube("default_lava.png"), drawtype = "liquid", tiles = { {name="default_lava_source_animated.png", animation={type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=3.0}} }, special_tiles = { -- New-style lava source material (mostly unused) {name="default_lava.png", backface_culling=false}, }, drop = "", paramtype = "light", light_source = LIGHT_MAX - 1, walkable = false, pointable = false, diggable = false, buildable_to = true, liquidtype = "source", liquid_alternative_flowing = "default:lava_flowing", liquid_alternative_source = "default:lava_source", liquid_viscosity = LAVA_VISC, damage_per_second = 4*2, post_effect_color = {a=192, r=255, g=64, b=0}, groups = {lava=3, liquid=2, hot=3, igniter=1}, }) minetest.register_node("default:torch", { description = "Torch", drawtype = "torchlike", --tiles = {"default_torch_on_floor.png", "default_torch_on_ceiling.png", "default_torch.png"}, tiles = { {name="default_torch_on_floor_animated.png", animation={type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=3.0}}, {name="default_torch_on_ceiling_animated.png", animation={type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=3.0}}, {name="default_torch_animated.png", animation={type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=3.0}} }, inventory_image = "default_torch_on_floor.png", wield_image = "default_torch_on_floor.png", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "wallmounted", sunlight_propagates = true, walkable = false, light_source = LIGHT_MAX-1, selection_box = { type = "wallmounted", wall_top = {-0.1, 0.5-0.6, -0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.1}, wall_bottom = {-0.1, -0.5, -0.1, 0.1, -0.5+0.6, 0.1}, wall_side = {-0.5, -0.3, -0.1, -0.5+0.3, 0.3, 0.1}, }, groups = {choppy=2,dig_immediate=3,flammable=1}, sounds = default.node_sound_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("default:sign_wall", { description = "Sign", drawtype = "signlike", tiles = {"default_sign_wall.png"}, inventory_image = "default_sign_wall.png", wield_image = "default_sign_wall.png", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "wallmounted", sunlight_propagates = true, walkable = false, selection_box = { type = "wallmounted", --wall_top = --wall_bottom = --wall_side = }, groups = {choppy=2,dig_immediate=2}, sounds = default.node_sound_defaults(), on_construct = function(pos) --local n = minetest.env:get_node(pos) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("formspec", "hack:sign_text_input") meta:set_string("infotext", "\"\"") end, on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender) --print("Sign at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos).." got "..dump(fields)) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) fields.text = fields.text or "" print((sender:get_player_name() or "").." wrote \""..fields.text.. "\" to sign at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) meta:set_string("text", fields.text) meta:set_string("infotext", "\""..fields.text.."\"") end, }) minetest.register_node("default:dry_shrub", { description = "Dry Shrub", drawtype = "plantlike", visual_scale = 1.0, tiles = {"default_dry_shrub.png"}, inventory_image = "default_dry_shrub.png", particle_image = {"default_dry_shrub.png"}, wield_image = "default_dry_shrub.png", paramtype = "light", walkable = false, groups = {snappy=3,flammable=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(), selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = {-1/3, -1/2, -1/3, 1/3, 1/6, 1/3}, }, }) -- -- Crafting items -- minetest.register_craftitem("default:paper", { description = "Paper", inventory_image = "default_paper.png", }) minetest.register_craftitem("default:book", { description = "Book", inventory_image = "default_book.png", }) minetest.register_craftitem("default:coal_lump", { description = "Charcoal", inventory_image = "default_charcoal.png", }) minetest.register_craftitem("default:clay_lump", { description = "Clay Lump", inventory_image = "default_clay_lump.png", }) minetest.register_craftitem("default:clay_brick", { description = "Clay Brick", inventory_image = "default_clay_brick.png", }) realtest.register_stair_and_slab("default:stone") realtest.register_stair_and_slab("default:stone_flat") realtest.register_stair_and_slab("default:desert_stone") realtest.register_stair_and_slab("default:desert_stone_flat") realtest.register_stair_and_slab("default:cobbleblock_flat") realtest.register_stair("default:brick",nil,nil,nil,"Brick Stair",nil,"default:clay_brick 3") realtest.register_slab("default:brick",nil,nil,nil,"Brick Slab",nil,"default:clay_brick 2") minetest.register_craft({ output = "default:brick_slab", recipe = { {"default:clay_brick","default:clay_brick"}, }, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "default:brick_stair", recipe = { {"default:clay_brick",""}, {"default:clay_brick","default:clay_brick"}, }, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "default:brick_stair", recipe = { {"","default:clay_brick"}, {"default:clay_brick","default:clay_brick"}, }, }) -- -- Global callbacks -- -- Global environment step function function on_step(dtime) -- print("on_step") end minetest.register_globalstep(on_step) function on_placenode(p, node) --print("on_placenode") end minetest.register_on_placenode(on_placenode) function on_dignode(p, node) --print("on_dignode") end minetest.register_on_dignode(on_dignode) function on_punchnode(p, node) end minetest.register_on_punchnode(on_punchnode) -- END minetest.register_on_dignode(function(pos, oldnode, digger) local sides = {{x=-1,y=0,z=0}, {x=1,y=0,z=0}, {x=0,y=0,z=-1}, {x=0,y=0,z=1}, {x=0,y=-1,z=0}, {x=0,y=1,z=0},} for _, s in ipairs(sides) do if minetest.env:get_node({x=pos.x+s.x,y=pos.y+s.y,z=pos.z+s.z}).name == "default:stone" then local fall = true for _2, s2 in ipairs(sides) do if minetest.env:get_node({x=pos.x+s.x+s2.x,y=pos.y+s.y+s2.y,z=pos.z+s.z+s2.z}).name ~= "air" then fall = false break end end if fall then minetest.env:remove_node({x=pos.x+s.x,y=pos.y+s.y,z=pos.z+s.z}) minetest.env:add_item({x=pos.x+s.x,y=pos.y+s.y,z=pos.z+s.z}, "default:stone") end end end end) minetest.register_abm({ nodenames = {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, interval = 30, chance = 5, neighbors = {"air"}, action = function(pos, node) if math.random() > 0.4 then return end if minetest.env:get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z}).name == "air" then minetest.env:set_node(pos, {name="default:dirt"}) nodeupdate_single(pos) end end }) minetest.register_abm({ nodenames = {"default:dirt_with_clay"}, interval = 30, chance = 5, action = function(pos, node) pos.y = pos.y+1 local n = minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.env:get_node(pos).name] if not n then return end if not n.sunlight_propagates then return end if n.liquidtype and n.liquidtype ~= "none" then return end if not minetest.env:get_node_light(pos) then return end if minetest.env:get_node_light(pos) < 13 then return end pos.y = pos.y-1 minetest.env:set_node(pos, {name="default:dirt_with_grass_and_clay"}) end }) minetest.register_abm({ nodenames = {"default:dirt_with_grass_and_clay"}, interval = 30, chance = 5, action = function(pos, node) pos.y = pos.y+1 local n = minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.env:get_node(pos).name] if not n then return end if not n.sunlight_propagates or (n.liquidtype and n.liquidtype ~= "none") then pos.y = pos.y-1 minetest.env:set_node(pos, {name="default:dirt_with_clay"}) end end })