build_chest.preview_image_draw_tile = function( content_id, image, x, z, dx, dz, tile_nr ) if( not( image )) then local node_name = minetest.get_name_from_content_id( content_id ); if( not( node_name )) then return ''; end local node_def = minetest.registered_nodes[ node_name ]; if( not( node_def )) then return ''; end local tiles = node_def.tiles; if( not( tiles )) then tiles = node_def.tile_images; end local tile = nil; if( tiles ~= nil ) then if( not(tile_nr) or tile_nr > #tiles or tile_nr < 1 ) then tile_nr = 1; end tile = tiles[tile_nr]; end if type(tile)=="table" then tile=tile["name"] end image = tile; if( not( image )) then image = "unknown_object.png"; end end return "image["..tostring(x)..",".. tostring(z) ..";"..dx..','";" .. image .."]"; end -- creates a 2d preview image (or rather, the data structure for it) of the building -- internal function build_chest.preview_image_create_one_view = function( data, side ) local params = {1, data.size.x, 1, 1, data.size.z, 1, 0, 0}; if( side==1 ) then params = {1, data.size.x, 1, 1, data.size.z, 1, 0, 0}; elseif( side==2 ) then params = {1, data.size.z, 1, 1, data.size.x, 1, 1, 1}; elseif( side==3 ) then params = {1, data.size.x, 1, data.size.z, 0, -1, 0, 1}; elseif( side==4 ) then params = {1, data.size.z, 1, data.size.x, 0, -1, 1, 0}; end -- do not create preview images for buildings that are too big if( params[2] * params[4] > 2500 ) then return nil; end local preview = {}; for y = 1, data.size.y do preview[ y ] = {}; for x = params[1], params[2], params[3] do local found = nil; local z = params[4]; local target_x = x; if( params[8]==1 ) then target_x = math.max( params[1],params[2] )- x; end while( not( found ) and z~= params[5]) do local node = -1; if( params[7]==0 ) then node = data.scm_data_cache[y][x][z]; else node = data.scm_data_cache[y][z][x]; end if( node and node[1] and data.nodenames[ node[1] ] and data.nodenames[ node[1] ] ~= 'air' and data.nodenames[ node[1] ] ~= 'ignore' and data.nodenames[ node[1] ] ~= 'mg:ignore' and data.nodenames[ node[1] ] ~= 'default:torch' ) then -- a preview node is only set if there's no air there preview[y][target_x] = node[1]; found = 1; end z = z+params[6]; end if( not( found )) then preview[y][target_x] = -1; end end end return preview; end -- internal function build_chest.preview_image_create_view_from_top = function( data ) -- no view from top if the image is too big if( data.size.z * data.size.y > 2500 ) then return nil; end local preview = {}; for z = 1, data.size.z do preview[ z ] = {}; for x = 1, data.size.x do local found = nil; local y = data.size.y; while( not( found ) and y > 1) do local node = data.scm_data_cache[y][x][z]; if( node and node[1] and data.nodenames[ node[1] ] and data.nodenames[ node[1] ] ~= 'air' and data.nodenames[ node[1] ] ~= 'ignore' and data.nodenames[ node[1] ] ~= 'mg:ignore' and data.nodenames[ node[1] ] ~= 'default:torch' ) then -- a preview node is only set if there's no air there preview[z][x] = node[1]; found = 1; end y = y-1; end if( not( found )) then preview[z][x] = -1; end end end return preview; end -- function called by the build chest to display one view build_chest.preview_image_formspec = function( building_name, replacements, side_name ) if( not( building_name ) or not( build_chest.building[ building_name ] ) or not( build_chest.building[ building_name ].preview )) then return ""; end local side_names = {"front","right","back","left","top"}; local side = 1; for i,v in ipairs( side_names ) do if( side_name and side_name==v ) then side = i; end end local formspec = ""; for i=1,5 do if( i ~= side ) then formspec = formspec.."button["..tostring(3.3+1.2*(i-1)).. ",2.2;1,0.5;preview;"..side_names[i].."]"; else formspec = formspec.."label["..tostring(3.3+1.2*(i-1))..",2.2;"..side_names[i].."]"; end end local data = build_chest.building[ building_name ]; -- the draw_tile function is based on content_id local content_ids = {}; for i,v in ipairs( data.nodenames ) do local found = false; for j,w in ipairs( replacements ) do if( w and w[1] and w[1]==v) then found = true; if( minetest.registered_nodes[ w[2]] ) then content_ids[ i ] = minetest.get_content_id( w[2] ); end end end if( not( found )) then if( minetest.registered_nodes[ v ]) then content_ids[ i ] = minetest.get_content_id( v ); elseif( v ~= 'air' ) then content_ids[ i ] = -1; end end end local scale = 0.5; local tile_nr = 3; -- view from the side if( side ~= 5 ) then local scale_y = 6.0/data.size.y; local scale_z = 10.0/data.size.z; if( scale_y > scale_z) then scale = scale_z; else scale = scale_y; end else local scale_x = 10.0/data.size.x; -- only relevant for view from top local scale_z = 6.0/data.size.z; if( scale_x > scale_z) then scale = scale_z; else scale = scale_x; end tile_nr = 1; -- view from top end if( not( side )) then side = 1; end local preview = data.preview[ side ]; if( not( preview )) then formspec = formspec.."label[3,3;Sorry, this schematic is too big for a preview image.]"; return formspec; end for y,y_values in ipairs( preview ) do for l,v in ipairs( y_values ) do -- air, ignore and mg:ignore are not stored if( v and content_ids[ v ]==-1 ) then formspec = formspec..build_chest.preview_image_draw_tile( nil, "unknown_node.png", (l*scale), 9-(y*scale), scale*1.3, scale*1.2, tile_nr); elseif( v and v>0 and content_ids[v]) then formspec = formspec..build_chest.preview_image_draw_tile( content_ids[ v ], nil, (l*scale), 9-(y*scale), scale*1.3, scale*1.2, tile_nr); end end end return formspec; end -- create all five preview images build_chest.preview_image_create_views = function( res, orients ) -- create a 2d overview image (or rather, the data structure for it) local preview = { build_chest.preview_image_create_one_view( res, 2 ), build_chest.preview_image_create_one_view( res, 1 ), build_chest.preview_image_create_one_view( res, 4 ), build_chest.preview_image_create_one_view( res, 3 )}; -- the building might be stored in rotated form if( orients and #orients and orients[1] ) then if( orients[1]==1 ) then preview = {preview[2],preview[3],preview[4],preview[1]}; elseif( orients[1]==2 ) then preview = {preview[3],preview[4],preview[1],preview[2]}; elseif( orients[1]==3 ) then preview = {preview[4],preview[1],preview[2],preview[3]}; end end -- ...and add a preview image from top preview[5] = build_chest.preview_image_create_view_from_top( res ); return preview; end -- this function makes sure that the building will always extend to the right and in front of the build chest