build_chest.add_files_to_menu = function( path, add_path ) local file,err = path, "rb") if (file == nil) then return; end local text = file:read("*a"); file:close(); for schem_file_name in string.gmatch(text, "([^\r\n]*)[\r\n]*") do if( schem_file_name and schem_file_name ~= "" ) then local help = string.split( schem_file_name, '/', true, -1, false); local i = #help; local found = 1; -- search from the end of the file name for the first occourance of "mods" or "worlds" -- as that will be the path where we will put it into the menu while (i>1 and found==1) do if( help[i]=='mods' or help[i]=='worlds' ) then found = i; end i = i-1; end local name = help[#help]; local length1 = string.len( name ); local length2 = string.len( schem_file_name ); -- remove the file name extension if( string.sub( name, -4 )=='.mts' ) then name = string.sub( name, 1, length1-4 ); schem_file_name = string.sub( schem_file_name, 1, length2-4 ); elseif( string.sub( name, -3 )=='.we' ) then name = string.sub( name, 1, length1-3 ); schem_file_name = string.sub( schem_file_name, 1, length2-3 ); elseif( string.sub( name, -10 )==".schematic" ) then name = string.sub( name, 1, length1-10); schem_file_name = string.sub( schem_file_name, 1, length2-10); end help[#help] = name; -- build the new menu path local menu_path = {'main'}; for j=(i+1),#help do table.insert( menu_path, help[j] ); end schem_file_name = add_path..schem_file_name; table.insert( menu_path, schem_file_name ); build_chest.add_entry( menu_path ); build_chest.add_building( schem_file_name, {scm=help[#help], typ='nn'}); end end end build_chest.add_files_to_menu( minetest.get_modpath( minetest.get_current_modname()).."/list_of_schematics.txt", "");