local build_chest_add_files_to_menu_from_directory = function( schem, path, entry_name, backup_name, menu_path_list) -- we need the filename without extension (*.mts, *.we, *.wem) local schemname = schem; local i = string.find( schem, '.mts', -4 ); if( i ) then schemname = string.sub( schem, 1, i-1 ); else i = string.find( schem, '.we', -3 ); if( i ) then schemname = string.sub( schem, 1, i-1 ); else i = string.find( schem, '.wem', -4 ); if( i ) then schemname = string.sub( schem, 1, i-1 ); else return; end end end -- only add known file types if( not( schemname )) then return; end i = string.find( schemname, 'backup_' ); menu_path_list[ #menu_path_list+1 ] = schemname; menu_path_list[ #menu_path_list+1 ] = path..schemname; -- probably one of those automatic backups of the landscape if( i and i==1 and backup_name) then menu_path_list[1] = backup_name; -- normal entry else menu_path_list[1] = entry_name; end build_chest.add_entry( menu_path_list); build_chest.add_building( path..schemname, {scm=schemname, typ='nn'}); end -- search for mods and modpacks containing schematics in any form local build_chest_check_all_directories_mods_and_modpacks = function( path, menu_title, gamename ) local d2 = minetest.get_dir_list( path..'/mods', true ); for _,modname in ipairs( d2 ) do local d3 = minetest.get_dir_list( path..'/mods/'..modname, true ); for _,subdir in ipairs( d3 ) do if( subdir ~= 'textures' and subdir ~= 'sounds' and subdir ~= 'models' and subdir ~= '.git' and subdir ~= 'locale') then local d4 = minetest.get_dir_list( path..'/mods/'..modname..'/'..subdir, false ); for _,filename in ipairs( d4 ) do build_chest_add_files_to_menu_from_directory( filename, path..'/mods/'..modname..'/'..subdir..'/', menu_title, nil, {'OVERWRITE THIS', gamename, modname} ); end -- it might be a modpack d4 = minetest.get_dir_list( path..'/mods/'..modname..'/'..subdir, true ); for _,subsubdir in ipairs( d4 ) do if( subsubdir ~= 'textures' and subsubdir ~= 'sounds' and subsubdir ~= 'models' and subsubdir ~= '.git' and subsubdir ~= 'locale') then local d5 = minetest.get_dir_list( path..'/mods/'..modname..'/'..subdir..'/'..subsubdir, false ); for _,filename in ipairs( d5 ) do build_chest_add_files_to_menu_from_directory( filename, path..'/mods/'..modname..'/'..subdir..'/'..subsubdir..'/', menu_title, nil, -- folders from modpacks get marked with a *..* {'OVERWRITE THIS', gamename, '*'..subdir..'*'} ); end end end end end end end build_chest.add_files_from_path = function( worldpath, worldname ) -- get list of subdirectories local path = worldpath..'/'..worldname; local subdir_list = minetest.get_dir_list( path, true ); if( not( subdir_list )) then return; end for _,subdir in ipairs( subdir_list ) do if( subdir=='schems' ) then local file_list = minetest.get_dir_list( path..'/schems', false ); for _,filename in ipairs( file_list ) do build_chest_add_files_to_menu_from_directory( filename, path..'/schems/', 'import from world', 'landscape backups', {'OVERWRITE THIS', worldname }); end end end end local build_chest_check_all_directories = function() -- find the name of the directory directly above the current worldpath local worldpath = minetest.get_worldpath(); local p = 1; local last_found = 1; while( last_found ) do p = last_found; last_found = string.find( worldpath, '/', last_found+1 ); end -- abort on Windows if( p == 1 ) then return; end worldpath = string.sub( worldpath, 1, p ); --[[ local p = 1; while( not( string.find( worldpath, '/', -1*p ))) do p = p+1; end local found = 1; for p=string.len( worldpath ),1,-1 do if( p>found and (string.byte( worldpath, p )=='/' or string.byte( worldpath, p )=='\\')) then found = p; end end --]] -- worldpath = string.sub( worldpath, 1, string.len( worldpath )-p ); -- locate .mts, .wem and .we files in the worlds/WORLDNAME/schems/* folders local d1 = minetest.get_dir_list( worldpath, true ); for _,worldname in ipairs( d1 ) do build_chest.add_files_from_path( worldpath, worldname ); end local main_path = string.sub( worldpath, 1, string.len(worldpath)-string.len('/worlds')); -- search in MODS/* subfolder build_chest_check_all_directories_mods_and_modpacks( main_path, 'import from mod', 'mods' ); -- search in all GAMES/* folders for mods containing schematics local game_path = main_path..'/games'; d1 = minetest.get_dir_list( game_path, true ); for _,gamename in ipairs( d1 ) do build_chest_check_all_directories_mods_and_modpacks( game_path..'/'..gamename, 'import from game', gamename ); end end -- TODO: hopfefully, security will get more relaxed regarding reading directories in the future -- if security is enabled, our options to get schematics are a bit limited if( minetest.setting_getbool( 'secure.enable_security' )) then local worldpath = minetest.get_worldpath(); local d3 = minetest.get_dir_list( worldpath..'/schems', false ); if( d3 ) then for _,filename in ipairs( d3 ) do build_chest_add_files_to_menu_from_directory( filename, worldpath..'/schems/', 'import from world', 'landscape backups', {'OVERWRITE THIS', '-current world-' }); end end else -- check worlds, mods and games folders for schematics and add them to the menu build_chest_check_all_directories() end