# OpenMiner
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/Unarelith/OpenMiner.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/Unarelith/OpenMiner)
- [Project goal](#project-goal)
- [Wiki](#wiki)
- [Keys](#keys)
- [How to compile](#how-to-compile)
- [Discussion](#discussion)
- [Project status](#project-status)
- [Screenshots](#screenshots)
- [Previous attempts](#previous-attempts)
- [Credits](#credits)
## Project goal
The long-term goal of this project is to provide a viable alternative to Minecraft modding.
## Wiki
- [Getting started](https://github.com/Unarelith/OpenMiner/wiki/Getting-Started)
- [Lua API Overview](https://github.com/Unarelith/OpenMiner/wiki/Lua-API-Overview)
## Keys
- Movement: WASD
- Inventory: E
- Creative window: H
- Chat: T
- Jump: Space
- Sprint: Ctrl
- Jetpack: X
- Exit: Escape
- Debug: F3
- Fullscreen: F11
## How to compile
### Using Linux
- Dependencies:
- A compiler with C++14 support
- [CMake](http://www.cmake.org/download/)
- [GameKit](http://github.com/Unarelith/GameKit) (requires `SDL2` + `tinyxml2`, will switch to `SFML` starting from 2.6)
- [SFML](https://www.sfml-dev.org/) (only used for network)
- [Lua](http://www.lua.org)
- _Linux users: Check your distribution repositories for packages._
- Run `cmake .`
- Run `make -j8`
- Run the server with `./server/openminer_server`
- Run the client with `./client/openminer`
### Using Windows
- [Wiki: Compiling on Windows using CMake and MinGW-w64](https://github.com/Unarelith/OpenMiner/wiki/Compiling-on-Windows-with-MinGW-w64)
- [Wiki: Compiling on Windows using CMake and Visual Studio 2017](https://github.com/Unarelith/OpenMiner/wiki/Compiling-on-Windows-with-Visual-Studio-2017)
## Discussion
- Discord: [join server](https://discord.gg/eN8k8wt)
- IRC: irc.freenode.net `#openminer`
## Project status
This list is non exhaustive.
### Implemented features
- Menus (title screen, server selection, pause menu, settings menu)
- Basic worldgen (biomes, lakes, trees, flowers, pseudo-caves)
- Infinite world in X/Y/Z axis ([#25](https://github.com/Unarelith/OpenMiner/pull/25))
- Lighting system with smooth lighting
- Networking ([#20](https://github.com/Unarelith/OpenMiner/pull/20))
- Chat system with support for commands ([#57](https://github.com/Unarelith/OpenMiner/pull/57))
- Lua API
- Block/item/recipe definition
- Custom GUI creation
- Special blocks (workbench, furnace)
- Block metadata
- Player model display (currently without rotation nor animation)
- Dimensions (like the Nether or the Ender in Minecraft) ([#80](https://github.com/Unarelith/OpenMiner/pull/80))
### Missing features
- Texture pack system ([#34](https://github.com/Unarelith/OpenMiner/issues/34))
- World loading/saving ([#26](https://github.com/Unarelith/OpenMiner/issues/26))
- Fluid propagation ([#62](https://github.com/Unarelith/OpenMiner/issues/62))
- Day/night cycle with sun/moon display ([#73](https://github.com/Unarelith/OpenMiner/issues/73))
- Real worldgen (seed-based, cave tunnels) ([#79](https://github.com/Unarelith/OpenMiner/issues/79))
- Clouds ([#52](https://github.com/Unarelith/OpenMiner/pull/52))
- Particle system
- Entities (block drops, mobs, etc...)
## Screenshots
## Credits
- xMrVizzy ([Faithful 32x](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/faithful-32x) texture pack, will completely replace Vanilla textures)