using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Threading; using System.Collections.Generic; using HtmlAgilityPack; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace ModIndexer { /* Indev = 9, Mods = 11, Old = 13, Games = 15 */ class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Write("Select a mode:\n" + "\n\t1) MR titles" + "\n\t2) MR topics" + "\n\t3) WIP titles" + "\n\t4) WIP topics" + "\n\t5) Game topics" + "\n\t6) Old Mods titles" + "\n\t7) Exit" + "\n\nYour choice: "); ConsoleKeyInfo k = new ConsoleKeyInfo(); while (k.Key != ConsoleKey.D1 && k.Key != ConsoleKey.D2 && k.Key != ConsoleKey.D3 && k.Key != ConsoleKey.D4 && k.Key != ConsoleKey.D5 && k.Key != ConsoleKey.D6) { k = Console.ReadKey(true); if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.D7) return; } Console.WriteLine(k.KeyChar + "\n"); byte forum = 11; bool fetch_topics = false; if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.D2) fetch_topics = true; if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.D3) forum = 9; if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.D4) { forum = 9; fetch_topics = true; } if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.D5) { forum = 15; fetch_topics = true; } if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.D6) forum = 13; Console.Write("Start page: "); string start = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("End page: "); string stop = Console.ReadLine(); new Engine(forum, start, stop, fetch_topics); Console.WriteLine("=== DONE!\nPress any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(false); } } /* Database types 1 mod 2 modpack 3 indev mod 4 indev modpack 5 old mod 6 game */ class ForumData { public int topicId, userId, type; public string title, userName, link; public ForumData(int _topicId, string _title, int _type, int _userId, string _userName, string _link) { topicId = _topicId; title = _title; type = _type; userId = _userId; userName = _userName; link = _link; } } class Engine { System.Text.Encoding enc = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; List update_data; WebClient cli = new WebClient(); bool fetch_topics; public Engine(int forum, string start, string stop, bool _fetch_topics) { update_data = new List(); ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += ValidateRemoteCertificate; fetch_topics = _fetch_topics; int begin, end; if (!int.TryParse(start, out begin)) begin = 1; if (!int.TryParse(stop, out end)) end = 1; for (int i = begin - 1; i < end; i++) Start(i, forum); byte[] answer = Config.Upload(ref update_data); try { int[] topics = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(enc.GetString(answer)); for (int i = 0; i < topics.Length; i++) { foreach (ForumData d in update_data) { if (d.topicId == topics[i]) { Console.WriteLine("\t" + d.title); break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(enc.GetString(answer)); } Console.WriteLine("Done."); } bool ValidateRemoteCertificate(object sender, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate cert, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain chain, System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors error) { // If the certificate is a valid, signed certificate, return true. if (error == System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.None || error == System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNameMismatch) return true; Console.WriteLine("X509Certificate [{0}] Policy Error: '{1}'", cert.Subject, error.ToString()); return true; } // Download page and convert to a HtmlNode object HtmlNodeCollection OpenPage(string url, string nodes) { string text = enc.GetString(cli.DownloadData(url)); HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); htmlDoc.LoadHtml(text); if (htmlDoc.ParseErrors != null) { int count = 0; foreach (HtmlParseError er in htmlDoc.ParseErrors) { count++; } if (count > 0) { Console.WriteLine("ParseErrors: " + count); } } // If valid html page if (htmlDoc.DocumentNode == null) { Console.WriteLine("DocumentNode null"); return null; } HtmlNodeCollection bodyNode = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(nodes); if (bodyNode == null) { Console.WriteLine("bodyNode null"); return null; } return bodyNode; } // Analyze the topic list in a forum void Start(int page, int forum) { Console.WriteLine("=== Forum " + forum + " - Page " + (page + 1)); HtmlNodeCollection bodyNode = OpenPage( "" + forum + "&start=" + (page * 30), "//ul[@class='topiclist topics']//dt/a"); if (bodyNode == null) return; bool canAdd = false; string title = "", author = ""; int topicId = 0, authorId = 0; foreach (HtmlNode dtNode in bodyNode) { #region extract IDs string link = dtNode.GetAttributeValue("href", ""); link = link.Replace("&", "&"); string[] linkArgs = link.Split('&'); if (!canAdd) { for (int i = 0; i < linkArgs.Length; i++) { if (linkArgs[i].Length < 3) continue; string first = linkArgs[i][0].ToString() + linkArgs[i][1]; if (first == "t=") { topicId = int.Parse(linkArgs[i].Remove(0, 2)); } } title = dtNode.InnerText; } else { for (int i = 0; i < linkArgs.Length; i++) { if (linkArgs[i].Length < 3) continue; string first = linkArgs[i][0].ToString() + linkArgs[i][1]; if (first == "u=") { authorId = int.Parse(linkArgs[i].Remove(0, 2)); } } author = dtNode.InnerText; } #endregion if (canAdd && title.Length > 10) { #region filter byte type = 0; //not a mod string lowTitle = title.ToLower(); if (lowTitle.StartsWith("[wip]")) { bool end_space = (title[5] == ' '); lowTitle = lowTitle.Remove(0, end_space ? 6 : 5); title = title.Remove(0, end_space ? 6 : 5); } if (lowTitle.StartsWith("[mod]")) { title = title.Remove(0, 5); type = 1; } else if (lowTitle.StartsWith("[modpack]")) { title = title.Remove(0, 9); type = 2; } else if (lowTitle.StartsWith("[game]") && forum == 15) { title = title.Remove(0, 6); type = 6; } if (type == 0) { canAdd = !canAdd; continue; } switch (forum) { case 9: type += 2; break; // make indev case 13: type = 5; break; // is old } #endregion string mod_name = null; title = specCharsToHex(removeTrash(title, out mod_name)); string download = ""; if (fetch_topics && type != 5) { bool is_git = getLink(topicId, author, mod_name, ref download); if (!(type <= 2 || type == 6 || is_git)) download = null; } update_data.Add(new ForumData(topicId, title, type, authorId, author, download)); author = ""; title = ""; } canAdd = !canAdd; } } // Analyze topic contents and get link bool getLink(int topicId, string author, string mod_name, ref string link) { Console.WriteLine("=== Topic " + topicId); Thread.Sleep(200); link = ""; HtmlNodeCollection bodyNode = OpenPage( "" + topicId, "//div[@class='content']"); if (bodyNode == null) return false; HtmlNodeCollection content = bodyNode[0].SelectNodes(".//a[@class='postlink']"); if (content == null) return false; string download = "", source = ""; int forum_download = 0; foreach (HtmlNode dtNode in content) { string url = dtNode.GetAttributeValue("href", ""); string text = dtNode.InnerText; if (url.EndsWith(".git")) { source = url; continue; } if (url[url.Length - 1] == '/') { url = url.Remove(url.Length - 1); } if (url.StartsWith("./download/file.php?id=")) { int pos = 23; int number = 0; while (pos < url.Length) { char cur = url[pos]; if (cur < 48 || cur > 57) break; number = number * 10 + (cur - 48); pos++; } string text_lower = text.ToLower().Replace('-', '_'); if (text_lower.Contains(mod_name) && number > forum_download) { forum_download = number; } } else if (url.Contains(".zip") || url.Contains("/zipball/") || url.Contains("/tarball/") || url.Contains("/archive/") || url.Contains("")) { // Direct download link if (url.Contains("://")) continue; bool contains_git = url.Contains("git"); if (contains_git) { byte count = 0, pos = 0; for (byte i = 0; i < url.Length; i++) { if (url[i] == '/') { if (count == 4) pos = i; count++; } } if (count == 6) { source = url.Substring(0, pos); // Try to find another link if it's not contained in the name string src_lower = source.ToLower().Replace('-', '_'); if (src_lower.Contains(mod_name) || (src_lower.Contains(author.ToLower()) && source == "")) break; } } if (download == "") download = url; } else if (url.Contains("://") || url.Contains("://")) { if (url.Contains("/minetest/minetest") || url.Contains("/commits")) continue; byte count = 0, pos = 0; for (byte i = 0; i < url.Length; i++) { if (url[i] == '/') { if (count == 4) { // If it's too long pos = i; } count++; } } if (count < 4 || count > 5) continue; // url.EndsWith("/tree") || url.EndsWith("/master") // //github/user/proj/master if (count == 5) source = url.Substring(0, pos); else source = url; string src_lower = source.ToLower().Replace('-', '_'); if (src_lower.Contains(mod_name) || (src_lower.Contains(author.ToLower()) && source == "")) break; } } if (source == "" && download == "" && forum_download == 0) return false; link = source != "" ? source : download; if (link == "" && forum_download > 0) link = "" + forum_download; return source != ""; } // Remove common control characters and spaces string FastTrim(string t, string rm) { int index = 0; bool space_begin = true; char[] ret = new char[t.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < t.Length; i++) { char cur = t[i]; bool found = false; if (space_begin) { space_begin = ( cur == ' ' || cur == '\t' || cur == '\n' || cur == '\r' ); found = space_begin; } for (int k = 0; k < rm.Length && !found; k++) { if (rm[k] == cur) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { ret[index] = cur; index++; } } if (index < t.Length) Array.Resize(ref ret, index); return new string(ret); } // Remove useless tags from the forum titles string bad_chars = ". !?"; string[] bad_prefix = { "minetest", "mod", "mods" }; string removeTrash(string t, out string mod_name) { mod_name = ""; string raw = t; int pos = -1, open_pos = 0; bool opened = false, delete = false; for (int i = 0; i < t.Length; i++) { pos++; char cur = t[i]; if (cur == '[' || cur == '{') { opened = true; open_pos = pos; continue; } if (cur == ']' || cur == '}') { opened = false; int len = pos - open_pos + 1; string content = raw.Substring(open_pos + 1, len - 2).ToLower(); int num = 0xC0FFEE; bool is_number = int.TryParse(content, out num); if (delete || (num != 0xC0FFEE && is_number) || content == "git" || content == "github" || content == "wip" || content == "beta") { raw = raw.Remove(open_pos, len); pos -= len; } else { content = content.ToLower().Replace('-', '_'); int start_substr = 0; foreach (string prefix in bad_prefix) { if (content.Length <= start_substr + prefix.Length + 1) break; if (content.Substring(start_substr, prefix.Length) == prefix) start_substr += prefix.Length; if (content[start_substr] == '_') start_substr++; } mod_name = content.Substring(start_substr); } delete = false; continue; } if (opened && !delete && strContains(bad_chars, cur)) { delete = true; } } delete = true; pos = 0; char[] ret = new char[raw.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < raw.Length; i++) { char cur = raw[i]; bool is_space = (cur == ' '); if (delete && is_space) continue; if (is_space && i == raw.Length - 1) continue; delete = is_space; ret[pos] = cur; pos++; } if (pos < ret.Length) Array.Resize(ref ret, pos); return new string(ret); } // Convert special characters to HTML code string specCharsToHex(string t) { char[] fromCr = { '"', '\'', '\\', '{', '}', '|', '%', ':', '<', '>' }; string[] toStr = { """, "'", "\", "{", "}", "|", "%", ":", "<", ">" }; System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); bool wasSpace = false; for (int i = 0; i < t.Length; i++) { bool isSpace = (t[i] == ' '); if (wasSpace && isSpace) continue; // Cut off non-ASCII if ((ushort)t[i] > 0xFF) continue; bool found = false; for (int k = 0; k < fromCr.Length; k++) { if (t[i] == fromCr[k]) { sb.Append(toStr[k]); found = true; break; } } wasSpace = isSpace; if (!found) sb.Append(t[i]); } return sb.ToString(); } bool strContains(string t, char c) { for (int i = 0; i < t.Length; i++) { if (t[i] == c) return true; } return false; } } }