#include #include // See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22201663/find-and-move-files-in-c #include "Engine.h" #include "UserInterface.h" #include "Utility.h" #include "View.h" #include // _chdir (not chdir--see): #include using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::wcerr; using std::wstring; using std::wstringstream; using namespace irr; using namespace irr::core; using namespace irr::scene; using namespace irr::video; using namespace irr::gui; /* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PRIVATE METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ bool Engine::getEnableWireframe() const { return m_EnableWireframe; } bool Engine::getEnableLighting() const { return m_EnableLighting; } bool Engine::getEnableTextureInterpolation() const { return m_EnableTextureInterpolation; } void Engine::setEnableWireframe(bool EnableWireframe) { if (this->m_EnableWireframe != EnableWireframe) { this->setMeshDisplayMode(EnableWireframe, this->m_EnableLighting, this->m_EnableTextureInterpolation); } } void Engine::setEnableLighting(bool EnableLighting) { if (this->m_EnableLighting != EnableLighting) { this->setMeshDisplayMode(this->m_EnableWireframe, EnableLighting, this->m_EnableTextureInterpolation); } } void Engine::setEnableTextureInterpolation(bool EnableTextureInterpolation) { if (this->m_EnableTextureInterpolation != EnableTextureInterpolation) debug() << "setEnableTextureInterpolation(..., setEnableTextureInterpolation:" << (EnableTextureInterpolation?"true":"false") << ")" << endl; if (this->m_EnableTextureInterpolation != EnableTextureInterpolation) { this->setMeshDisplayMode(this->m_EnableWireframe, this->m_EnableLighting, EnableTextureInterpolation); } } void Engine::addRecent(std::string path) { if (!this->hasRecent(path)) { int count = this->countRecent(); std::string name = "recent" + std::to_string(count); this->settings.set(name, path); } } void Engine::addRecentPaths(std::vector paths) { for (std::vector::iterator it = paths.begin(); it != paths.end(); ++it) { this->addRecent(*it); } } int Engine::countRecent() { int count = 0; while (this->settings.exists("recent" + std::to_string(count))) { count++; } return count; } bool Engine::hasRecent(std::string path) { int count = 0; while (true) { bool found = false; std::string value = this->settings.get("recent" + std::to_string(count), found); if (found) { if (value == path) { break; } count++; } else { break; } } return false; } std::vector Engine::recentPaths() { std::vector results; int count = 0; while (true) { bool found; std::string value = this->settings.get("recent" + std::to_string(count), found); if (found) { results.push_back(value); count++; } else { break; } } return results; } void Engine::setupScene() { // Setup Light m_SceneLight = m_Scene->addLightSceneNode(); m_SceneLight->setID(SIID_LIGHT); m_SceneLight->setLightType(ELT_DIRECTIONAL); m_SceneLight->getLightData().AmbientColor = SColorf(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f); m_SceneLight->getLightData().DiffuseColor = SColorf(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f); m_Scene->setAmbientLight(SColorf(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f)); // Setup Camera // (so z-forward characters face camera partially // (formerly vector3df(0, 0, -10), vector3df()) m_CamPos = vector3df(4.5, 3.5, 9); m_CamTarget = vector3df(0, 3, 0); // Below will be overridden by View m_Yaw and m_Pitch--see "calculate m_Yaw" // further down. ICameraSceneNode* camera = m_Scene->addCameraSceneNode(nullptr, m_CamPos, m_CamTarget); camera->setAspectRatio( static_cast(m_Driver->getScreenSize().Width) / static_cast(m_Driver->getScreenSize().Height) ); } IGUIEnvironment* Engine::getGUIEnvironment() const { return m_Device->getGUIEnvironment(); } void Engine::drawAxisLines() { SMaterial xMaterial; xMaterial.Lighting = false; xMaterial.EmissiveColor = SColor(255, 255, 0, 0); xMaterial.Thickness = 1.0f; SMaterial yMaterial(xMaterial); yMaterial.EmissiveColor = SColor(255, 0, 255, 0); SMaterial zMaterial(xMaterial); zMaterial.EmissiveColor = SColor(255, 0, 0, 255); SMaterial descenderMaterialVert(xMaterial); descenderMaterialVert.EmissiveColor = SColor(128, 100, 140, 190); // ARGB SMaterial descenderMaterialHorz(xMaterial); descenderMaterialHorz.EmissiveColor = SColor(255, 255, 255, 255); vector3df descend3df(0, 0, 0); // vector3df target = m_View->c bool enableAxisWidget = true; m_Driver->setTransform(ETS_WORLD, matrix4()); if (m_View != nullptr) { if (this->m_UserInterface->viewMenu->isItemChecked( this->m_UserInterface->viewTargetIdx)) { if (m_View->zUp()) { descend3df.Z = this->m_CamTarget.Z; } else { descend3df.Y = this->m_CamTarget.Y; } vector3df descendSideways3df(descend3df); descendSideways3df.X = this->m_CamTarget.X; vector3df descendSidewaysForward3df(descendSideways3df); if (m_View->zUp()) { descendSidewaysForward3df.Y = this->m_CamTarget.Y; } else { descendSidewaysForward3df.Z = this->m_CamTarget.Z; } m_Driver->setMaterial(descenderMaterialVert); m_Driver->draw3DLine(vector3df(), descend3df, descenderMaterialVert.EmissiveColor); m_Driver->setMaterial(descenderMaterialHorz); m_Driver->draw3DLine(descend3df, descendSideways3df, descenderMaterialHorz.EmissiveColor); m_Driver->draw3DLine(descendSideways3df, descendSidewaysForward3df, descenderMaterialHorz.EmissiveColor); f32 arrowDirection = 1.0f; vector3df arrowLeft3df(descendSidewaysForward3df); vector3df arrowRight3df(descendSidewaysForward3df); f32 arrowSize = this->m_View->cameraDistance() / 30; if (m_View->zUp()) { if (descendSidewaysForward3df.Y > descendSideways3df.Y) arrowDirection = -1.0f; arrowLeft3df.X += arrowSize; arrowLeft3df.Y += arrowSize * arrowDirection; arrowRight3df.X -= arrowSize; arrowRight3df.Y += arrowSize * arrowDirection; } else { if (descendSidewaysForward3df.Z > descendSideways3df.Z) arrowDirection = -1.0f; arrowLeft3df.X += arrowSize; arrowLeft3df.Z += arrowSize * arrowDirection; arrowRight3df.X -= arrowSize; arrowRight3df.Z += arrowSize * arrowDirection; } m_Driver->draw3DLine(descendSidewaysForward3df, arrowLeft3df, descenderMaterialHorz.EmissiveColor); m_Driver->draw3DLine(descendSidewaysForward3df, arrowRight3df, descenderMaterialHorz.EmissiveColor); // position2d targetPos2d = m_Scene->getSceneCollisionManager()->getScreenCoordinatesFrom3DPosition( // this->m_CamTarget // ); // dimension2d textSize; // if (m_AxisFont != nullptr) { // textSize = m_AxisFont->getDimension(L"target"); // m_AxisFont->draw(L"target", rect(targetPos2d, textSize), // descenderMaterial.EmissiveColor, true, // true); // } } enableAxisWidget = this->m_UserInterface->viewMenu->isItemChecked( this->m_UserInterface->viewAxisWidgetIdx ); } if (enableAxisWidget) { m_Driver->setMaterial(xMaterial); m_Driver->draw3DLine(vector3df(), vector3df(m_AxisLength, 0, 0), SColor(255, 255, 0, 0)); position2d textPos = m_Scene->getSceneCollisionManager()->getScreenCoordinatesFrom3DPosition( vector3df(m_AxisLength + m_AxisLength*.1f, 0, 0) ); dimension2d textSize; if (m_AxisFont != nullptr) { textSize = m_AxisFont->getDimension(L"X+"); m_AxisFont->draw(L"X+", rect(textPos, textSize), SColor(255, 255, 0, 0), true, true); } m_Driver->setMaterial(yMaterial); m_Driver->draw3DLine(vector3df(), vector3df(0, m_AxisLength, 0), SColor(255, 0, 255, 0)); textPos = m_Scene->getSceneCollisionManager()->getScreenCoordinatesFrom3DPosition( vector3df(0, m_AxisLength + m_AxisLength*.1f, 0) ); if (m_AxisFont != nullptr) { textSize = m_AxisFont->getDimension(L"Y+"); m_AxisFont->draw(L"Y+", rect(textPos, textSize), SColor(255, 0, 255, 0), true, true); } m_Driver->setMaterial(zMaterial); m_Driver->draw3DLine(vector3df(), vector3df(0, 0, m_AxisLength), SColor(255, 0, 0, 255)); textPos = m_Scene->getSceneCollisionManager()->getScreenCoordinatesFrom3DPosition( vector3df(0, 0, m_AxisLength + m_AxisLength*.1f) ); if (m_AxisFont != nullptr) { textSize = m_AxisFont->getDimension(L"Z+"); m_AxisFont->draw(L"Z+", rect(textPos, textSize), SColor(255, 0, 0, 255), true, true); } } } void Engine::drawBackground() { dimension2d screenSize = m_Driver->getScreenSize(); m_Driver->draw2DRectangle( rect(0, 0, static_cast(screenSize.Width), static_cast(screenSize.Height)), SColor(255, 128, 128, 255), SColor(255, 128, 128, 255), SColor(255, 224, 224, 255), SColor(255, 224, 224, 255) ); } void Engine::checkResize() { if ((m_WindowSize.Width != m_Driver->getScreenSize().Width) || (m_WindowSize.Height != m_Driver->getScreenSize().Height)) { m_WindowSize.Width = m_Driver->getScreenSize().Width; m_WindowSize.Height = m_Driver->getScreenSize().Height; // Send custom event IEventReceiver* eventReceiver = m_Device->getEventReceiver(); SEvent event; event.EventType = EET_USER_EVENT; event.UserEvent.UserData1 = UEI_WINDOWSIZECHANGED; eventReceiver->OnEvent(event); //m_UserInterface-> } } s32 Engine::getNumberOfVertices() { IMesh* mesh = m_LoadedMesh->getMesh()->getMesh(0, 255, -1, -1); int vertices = 0; for (irr::u32 bufferIndex = 0; bufferIndex < mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); bufferIndex++) vertices += mesh->getMeshBuffer(bufferIndex)->getVertexCount(); cout << vertices << endl; return vertices; } /* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ Engine::Engine() { this->m_EnableTestAndExit = false; settings.set_int("max_recent", 10); std::string profile = std::getenv("HOME"); // ^ changes to USERPROFILE below if blank std::string appdataParent; std::string appdatas; std::string myAppData; if (profile.length() == 0) { profile = std::getenv("USERPROFILE"); appdataParent = profile + path_separator_s + "AppData"; appdatas = appdataParent + path_separator_s + "Local"; } else { appdataParent = profile; appdatas = appdataParent + path_separator_s + ".config"; } if (appdatas.length() > 0) { myAppData = appdatas + path_separator_s + std::string("b3view"); if (!Utility::is_directory(myAppData)) { Utility::create_directory(myAppData); } } std::string settingsName = "settings.conf"; std::string settingsPath = settingsName; if (myAppData.length() > 0) { settingsPath = myAppData + path_separator_s + settingsName; } settings.load(settingsPath); // For monitoring single press: See // for (u32 i = 0; i < KEY_KEY_CODES_COUNT; ++i) KeyIsDown[i] = false; for (u32 i = 0; i < KEY_KEY_CODES_COUNT; ++i) keyState[i] = 0; LMouseState = 0; RMouseState = 0; this->m_EnableWireframe = false; this->m_EnableLighting = false; this->m_EnableTextureInterpolation = true; this->m_AxisLength = 10; this->m_WorldFPS = 60; this->m_PrevFPS = 30; this->m_TextureExtensions.push_back(L"png"); this->m_TextureExtensions.push_back(L"jpg"); this->m_TextureExtensions.push_back(L"bmp"); #if WIN32 m_Device = createDevice(EDT_DIRECT3D9, dimension2d(1024, 768), 32, false, false, false, nullptr); #else m_Device = createDevice(EDT_OPENGL, dimension2d(1024, 768), 32, false, false, false, nullptr); #endif m_Device->setResizable(true); m_EventHandler = new EventHandler(m_Device); m_Device->setEventReceiver(m_EventHandler); m_Driver = m_Device->getVideoDriver(); m_Scene = m_Device->getSceneManager(); wstringstream windowTitle; windowTitle << L"b3view (Blitz3D/Irrlicht Viewer) [" << m_Driver->getName() << L"]"; m_Device->setWindowCaption(windowTitle.str().c_str()); setupScene(); // Setup User Interface m_UserInterface = new UserInterface(this); m_EventHandler->addEventReceiver(ERT_USERINTERFACE, m_UserInterface); // Setup 3D View m_View = new View(this); m_EventHandler->addEventReceiver(ERT_3DVIEW, m_View); // Load font for displaying Axis names m_AxisFontFace = new CGUITTFace(); // NOTE: m_FontPath is modified y UserInterface constructor above if font // was missing if (m_AxisFontFace->load(m_FontPath.c_str())) { m_AxisFont = new CGUITTFont(m_UserInterface->getGUIEnvironment()); m_AxisFont->attach(m_AxisFontFace, 14); m_AxisFont->AntiAlias = false; } else { delete m_AxisFontFace; m_AxisFontFace = nullptr; } // Set Engine enabled m_RunEngine = true; m_LoadedMesh = nullptr; // Store actual window size m_WindowSize.Width = m_Driver->getScreenSize().Width; m_WindowSize.Height = m_Driver->getScreenSize().Height; // (do not calculate m_Yaw and m_Pitch here--see View constructor) this->playAnimation(); } Engine::~Engine() { m_Device->drop(); delete m_AxisFont; delete m_AxisFontFace; } vector3df Engine::camTarget() { return m_CamTarget; } bool Engine::loadMesh(const wstring& fileName, bool enableAddRecent) { bool ret = false; irr::scene::IAnimatedMesh* mesh = m_Scene->getMesh(fileName.c_str()); if (mesh != nullptr) { // this->addRecent(Utility::toString(fileName)); if (enableAddRecent) { this->m_UserInterface->addRecentMenuItem(Utility::toString(fileName), true); // ^ hasRecent throws "There was no menu for 1 in hasRecent" } this->m_LoadedTexturePath = L""; this->m_LoadedMeshPath = fileName; // even if bad, set this // to allow F5 to reload if (m_LoadedMesh != nullptr) m_LoadedMesh->remove(); this->m_LoadedMesh = nullptr; m_Device->setWindowCaption((wstring(L"b3view - ") + fileName).c_str()); m_LoadedMesh = m_Scene->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(mesh); Utility::dumpMeshInfoToConsole(m_LoadedMesh); std::cerr << "Arranging scene..." << std::flush; if (Utility::toLower(Utility::extensionOf(fileName)) == L"3ds") { m_View->setZUp(true); } else { m_View->setZUp(false); } if (m_LoadedMesh != nullptr) { std::cerr << "unloading old mesh..." << std::flush; ret = true; this->m_UserInterface->playbackFPSEditBox->setText( Utility::toWstring(m_LoadedMesh->getAnimationSpeed()).c_str() ); ICameraSceneNode* camera = this->m_Scene->getActiveCamera(); aabbox3d box = m_LoadedMesh->getTransformedBoundingBox(); //vector3d extents = box.getExtent(); if (m_View->zUp()) { float oldDist = m_CamPos.getDistanceFrom(m_CamTarget); float newDist = oldDist; if (Utility::equalsApprox(oldDist, 0.0f)) { vector3d center = box.getCenter(); vector3df edges[8]; box.getEdges(edges); /* /3--------/7 / | / | / | / | 1---------5 | | 2- - -| -6 | / | / |/ | / 0---------4/ */ newDist = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { float tryDist = center.getDistanceFrom(edges[i]); if (tryDist > newDist) newDist = tryDist; } newDist *= 2; // so camera doesn't touch model if (!Utility::equalsApprox(newDist, oldDist)) { float scale = newDist / oldDist; // already checked 0 vector3df oldCamPos = camera->getPosition(); m_CamPos = oldCamPos; m_CamPos.X = m_CamPos.X * scale; m_CamPos.Y = m_CamPos.Y * scale; m_CamPos.Z = m_CamPos.Z * scale; oldCamPos = m_CamPos; m_View->setCameraDistance( m_CamPos.getDistanceFrom(m_CamTarget) ); camera->setPosition(m_CamPos); } } } m_LoadedMesh->setMaterialType( video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF ); // EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL: constant transparency } std::cerr << "setting display mode..." << std::flush; this->setMeshDisplayMode(this->m_EnableWireframe, this->m_EnableLighting, this->m_EnableTextureInterpolation); std::cerr << "preparing UI..." << std::flush; if (this->m_UserInterface != nullptr) this->m_UserInterface->OnSelectMesh(); std::cerr << "checking for textures..." << std::flush; std::cerr << "OK" << std::endl; if (Utility::getTextureCount(m_LoadedMesh) == 0) { // NOTE: getMaterialCount doesn't work, since there may not // be loaded textures in any material. if (this->m_UserInterface != nullptr) { this->m_UserInterface->loadNextTexture(0); } } std::cerr << "detecting last frame..." << std::flush; std::wstring prevStartStr; std::wstring prevEndStr; if (this->m_UserInterface->playbackMenu->getItemText(UIE_PLAYBACKSTARTFRAMEEDITBOX) != nullptr) prevStartStr = std::wstring(this->m_UserInterface->playbackMenu->getItemText(UIE_PLAYBACKSTARTFRAMEEDITBOX)); if (this->m_UserInterface->playbackMenu->getItemText(UIE_PLAYBACKENDFRAMEEDITBOX) != nullptr) prevEndStr = std::wstring(this->m_UserInterface->playbackMenu->getItemText(UIE_PLAYBACKENDFRAMEEDITBOX)); f32 prevStart = -1; f32 prevEnd = -1; if (prevStartStr.length() > 0) prevStart = Utility::toF32(prevStartStr); // std::cerr << prevStart << "..." << std::flush; if (prevEndStr.length() > 0) prevEnd = Utility::toF32(prevEndStr); // std::cerr << prevEnd << "..." << std::flush; f32 endFrameF32 = static_cast(m_LoadedMesh->getEndFrame()); std::cerr << endFrameF32 << "..." << std::flush; if (prevEnd < 0 || prevEnd > endFrameF32) { std::cerr << "showing End Frame..." << std::flush; this->m_UserInterface->setPlaybackText( UIE_PLAYBACKENDFRAMEEDITBOX, Utility::toWstring(endFrameF32).c_str() ); } if (prevStart < 0 || prevStart > endFrameF32) { std::cerr << "showing Start Frame..." << std::flush; this->m_UserInterface->setPlaybackText( UIE_PLAYBACKSTARTFRAMEEDITBOX, L"0.0" ); } //this->m_UserInterface->playbackMenu->setItemText(UIE_PLAYBACKSTARTFRAMEEDITBOX, ); //; std::cerr << "OK" << std::endl; } // Don't do anything outside of the mesh != nullptr case that will try to // use mesh! return ret; } bool Engine::pushOption(const std::wstring& optionStr) { if (optionStr == L"--test-and-exit") { this->m_EnableTestAndExit = true; std::cerr << "* using option --test-and-exit" << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "The option is not valid: " << Utility::toString(optionStr) << std::endl; return false; } return true; } bool Engine::reloadMesh() { bool ret = false; if (this->m_LoadedMeshPath.length() > 0) { ret = loadMesh(this->m_LoadedMeshPath, false); } if (this->m_UserInterface != nullptr) this->m_UserInterface->OnSelectMesh(); return ret; } std::wstring Engine::saveMesh(const io::path path, const std::string& nameOrBlank, const std::string& extension) { wstring ret = L""; // see also https://bitbucket.org/mzeilfelder/irr-playground-micha/src/default/obj_readwrite.cpp (saves scene::EMWT_OBJ) scene::ISceneManager* smgr = m_Device->getSceneManager(); scene::IMeshWriter* meshWriter = nullptr; // this->m_FileName = ""; io::path fileName = io::path(); io::path mtlName = io::path(); std::string beginning = "export-"; std::string mtlTryName = "export.mtl"; if (nameOrBlank.length() > 0) { beginning = nameOrBlank + "#" + Utility::toString(static_cast(round(m_LoadedMesh->getFrameNr()))) + "-"; mtlTryName = nameOrBlank + ".mtl"; } mtlName = mtlTryName.c_str(); std::string partial = beginning + Utility::dateTimeNowPathString(); if (extension == "dae") { fileName = (partial + ".dae").c_str(); meshWriter = smgr->createMeshWriter(scene::EMWT_COLLADA); } else if (extension == "obj") { fileName = (partial + ".obj").c_str(); meshWriter = smgr->createMeshWriter(scene::EMWT_OBJ); } else if (extension == "irrmesh") { fileName = (partial + ".irrmesh").c_str(); meshWriter = smgr->createMeshWriter(scene::EMWT_IRR_MESH); } else if (extension == "stl") { fileName = (partial + ".stl").c_str(); meshWriter = smgr->createMeshWriter(scene::EMWT_STL); } if (meshWriter != nullptr) { // io::path filePath = path + fileName; io::path filePath = path + "/" + fileName; io::path mtlDestPath = path + "/" + mtlName; // TODO: chdir is deprecated due to not following POSIX naming rules--see // . // Therefore, normally use _chdir or _wchdir instead. // However, it is undeclared while using gcc even after including unistd.h. chdir(path.c_str()); io::IWriteFile* meshFile = m_Device->getFileSystem()->createAndWriteFile(filePath); if (!meshWriter->writeMesh(meshFile, m_LoadedMesh->getMesh())) { debug() << "saving failed" << endl; } else { debug() << "saving ok" << endl; ret = Utility::toWstring(filePath.c_str()); debug() << "checking for " << mtlTryName << "..." << std::flush; if (Utility::isFile(mtlDestPath.c_str())){ debug() << "chdir succeeded, so file is in " << mtlDestPath.c_str() << "." << endl; ret += L";\n" + Utility::toWstring(mtlDestPath.c_str()); } else if (Utility::isFile(mtlTryName)) { // NOTE: std::filesystem::rename // requires: C++17 (on gcc 8.0.1, link against -lstdc++fs and #include ) // (See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22201663/find-and-move-files-in-c), // so use std::rename and instead: if (std::rename(mtlTryName.c_str(), mtlDestPath.c_str()) < 0) { ret += L";\n" + Utility::toWstring(mtlTryName.c_str()); std::cerr << strerror(errno) << std::endl; } else { ret += L";\n" + Utility::toWstring(mtlDestPath.c_str()); debug() << "moved to " << mtlDestPath.c_str() << "." << endl; } // try { // std::filesystem::rename(mtlTryName.c_str(), mtlDestPath.c_str()) // ret += L";" + Utility::toWstring(mtlDestPath.c_str()); // } catch (std::filesystem::filesystem_error& e) { // std::cerr << e.what() << '\n'; // ret += L";" + Utility::toWstring(mtlTryName.c_str()); // } } else { debug() << "not found." << endl; ret += L";\n"; } } meshFile->drop(); meshWriter->drop(); } else if (extension == "irr") { fileName = (partial + ".irr").c_str(); io::path filePath = path + "/" + fileName; if (!smgr->saveScene(filePath)) { debug() << "saving failed" << endl; } else { debug() << "saving ok" << endl; ret = Utility::toWstring(filePath.c_str()); } } return ret; } bool Engine::reloadTexture() { bool result = false; if (this->m_LoadedTexturePath.length() > 0) { if (wcslen(this->m_UserInterface->texturePathEditBox->getText()) == 0) result = loadTexture(this->m_UserInterface->texturePathEditBox->getText()); else result = loadTexture(this->m_LoadedTexturePath); } return result; } bool Engine::loadTexture(const wstring& fileName) { bool ret = false; if (m_LoadedMesh != nullptr) { ITexture* texture = this->m_Driver->getTexture(fileName.c_str()); if (texture != nullptr) { m_LoadedMesh->setMaterialTexture(0, texture); ret = true; } this->m_LoadedTexturePath = fileName; std::cerr << "Setting texture path box to " << Utility::toString(this->m_LoadedTexturePath) << std::endl; this->m_UserInterface->texturePathEditBox->setText( this->m_LoadedTexturePath.c_str() ); } else { std::cerr << "NOT Setting texture path box to " << Utility::toString(this->m_LoadedTexturePath) << std::endl; } return ret; } void Engine::setMeshDisplayMode(bool wireframe, bool lighting, bool textureInterpolation) { this->m_EnableWireframe = wireframe; this->m_EnableLighting = lighting; this->m_EnableTextureInterpolation = textureInterpolation; if (m_LoadedMesh != nullptr) { for (u32 materialIndex = 0; materialIndex < m_LoadedMesh->getMaterialCount(); materialIndex++) { // Set Wireframe display m_LoadedMesh->getMaterial(materialIndex).Wireframe = wireframe; // Set Lighting if (!lighting) { m_LoadedMesh->getMaterial(materialIndex).Lighting = false; m_LoadedMesh->getMaterial(materialIndex).EmissiveColor = SColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); } else { m_LoadedMesh->getMaterial(materialIndex).Lighting = true; m_LoadedMesh->getMaterial(materialIndex).EmissiveColor = SColor( 255, 0, 0, 0 ); } // m_LoadedMesh->setMaterialType( // video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL // ); // already done on load // // requires EMT_ONETEXTURE: // m_LoadedMesh->setMaterialFlag(video::E_ALPHA_SOURCE, true); if (textureInterpolation) { m_LoadedMesh->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, true); m_LoadedMesh->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_TRILINEAR_FILTER, true); } else { m_LoadedMesh->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, false); m_LoadedMesh->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_TRILINEAR_FILTER, false); // m_LoadedMesh->setMaterialFlag(video::E_ALPHA_SOURCE, true); // below doesn't work for some reason: // video::SMaterial mat = m_LoadedMesh->getMaterial( // materialIndex // ); // mat.UseMipMaps = false; // mat.setFlag(video::EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, false); // mat.setFlag(video::EMF_TRILINEAR_FILTER, false); // below would require patching Irrlicht: // GLint filteringMipMaps = GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST // // above is used by glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, // // GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, // // filteringMipMaps); } } } else debug() << "WARNING in setMeshDisplayMode: No mesh is loaded " << endl; } bool Engine::isAnimating() { return this->m_IsPlaying; } void Engine::playAnimation() { if (this->animationFPS() < 1) { this->setAnimationFPS(5); } if (!this->isAnimating()) { if (this->m_LoadedMesh != nullptr) { if (this->m_PrevFPS < 1) this->m_PrevFPS = 5; this->m_LoadedMesh->setAnimationSpeed(this->m_PrevFPS); } } this->m_IsPlaying = true; } void Engine::pauseAnimation() { if (this->isAnimating()) { this->m_PrevFPS = animationFPS(); if (this->m_LoadedMesh != nullptr) { this->m_PrevFPS = this->m_LoadedMesh->getAnimationSpeed(); this->m_LoadedMesh->setAnimationSpeed(0); } } this->m_IsPlaying = false; } void Engine::toggleAnimation() { if (this->isAnimating()) { this->pauseAnimation(); debug() << "paused " << this->animationFPS() << "fps" << endl; } else { this->playAnimation(); debug() << "unpaused " << this->animationFPS() << "fps" << endl; } } void Engine::setAnimationFPS(u32 animationFPS) { if (this->m_LoadedMesh != nullptr) { if (animationFPS > 0) this->m_IsPlaying = true; // Do NOT call playAnimation, otherwise infinite recursion occurs // (it calls setAnimationFPS). this->m_LoadedMesh->setAnimationSpeed(animationFPS); this->m_UserInterface->playbackFPSEditBox->setText( Utility::toWstring(this->m_LoadedMesh->getAnimationSpeed()).c_str() ); } } void Engine::incrementAnimationFPS(irr::f32 by) { if (this->m_LoadedMesh != nullptr) { if (by < 0) { if (this->m_LoadedMesh->getAnimationSpeed() + by >= 0.999999f) // don't use this->animationFPS() above--its unsigned! this->setAnimationFPS(this->m_LoadedMesh->getAnimationSpeed() + by); else this->setAnimationFPS(1); } else { this->setAnimationFPS(this->animationFPS() + by); } } } void Engine::setZUp(bool zUp) { if (this->m_View != nullptr) { this->m_View->setZUp(zUp); } } u32 Engine::animationFPS() { f32 ret = 0; if (this->m_LoadedMesh != nullptr) { ret = this->m_LoadedMesh->getAnimationSpeed(); } return static_cast(ret); } void Engine::run() { u32 timePerFrame = 1000.0f; if (this->m_WorldFPS > 0) { timePerFrame = static_cast(1000.0f / this->m_WorldFPS); } ITimer* timer = m_Device->getTimer(); // Run the Device with fps frames/sec while (m_Device->run() && m_RunEngine) { if (this->m_EnableTestAndExit) { std::cerr << "* running tests..." << std::endl; this->m_EnableTestAndExit = false; std::cerr << "* loading test model..." << std::endl; if (!this->loadMesh(L"dist/share/b3view/meshes/penguin-lowpoly-poikilos.b3d", false)) { throw "loading dist/share/b3view/meshes/penguin-lowpoly-poikilos.b3d failed."; } std::cerr << "* loading test model's next texture..." << std::endl; if (!this->m_UserInterface->loadNextTexture(1)) { throw "loading the next texture for dist/share/b3view/meshes/penguin-lowpoly-poikilos.b3d failed."; } this->m_RunEngine = false; // Don't break yet. Test the main event loop tooo. } u32 startTime = timer->getRealTime(); checkResize(); if (this->m_LoadedMesh != nullptr) { if (m_IsPlaying) { this->m_LoadedMesh->setLoopMode(true); this->m_UserInterface->playbackSetFrameEditBox->setText( Utility::toWstring(this->m_LoadedMesh->getFrameNr()).c_str() ); } else { this->m_LoadedMesh->setLoopMode(false); } } m_Driver->beginScene(); drawBackground(); // Draw Background drawAxisLines(); // Draw XYZ Axis m_Scene->drawAll(); // Draw Scenegraph m_UserInterface->getGUIEnvironment()->drawAll(); m_UserInterface->drawStatusLine(); m_Driver->endScene(); u32 sleepTime = timePerFrame - (timer->getRealTime() - startTime); if (sleepTime > 0 && sleepTime < timePerFrame) m_Device->sleep(sleepTime, false); } } bool Engine::loadScene(const std::wstring &fileName) { scene::ISceneManager* smgr = this->m_Device->getSceneManager(); bool result = smgr->loadScene(fileName.c_str()); return result; }