#include "Utility.h" // #include "Debug.h" #include "settings.h" #include #include #include #include // std::find #include using namespace std; void Settings::init_default_symbols() { this->init(" = ", "# "); } void Settings::init(std::string assignmentOperatorAndSpacing, std::string commentMarkAndSpacing) { this->ao_and_spacing = assignmentOperatorAndSpacing; this->cm_and_spacing = commentMarkAndSpacing; this->enable_autosave = true; } Settings::Settings() { this->init_default_symbols(); } Settings::Settings(std::string confPath) { this->init_default_symbols(); this->path = confPath; this->load(confPath); } void Settings::clear() { this->section = ""; this->sections.clear(); this->table.clear(); } void Settings::clear_types() { this->types.clear(); } bool Settings::load(std::string path) { bool readable = false; this->section = ""; this->path = path; fstream newfile; this->pre = ""; std::string ao = this->ao_trimmed(); std::string cm = this->cm_trimmed(); newfile.open(path, ios::in); if (newfile.is_open()) { std::string line; int lineN = 0; // Set this to 1 before use. while (getline(newfile, line)) { lineN += 1; this->pre = this->path + ":" + std::to_string(lineN) + ": "; // must end with space for outputinspector line = Utility::trim(line); std::size_t signPos = line.find(ao); std::string typeStr = "string"; if ((line.length() >= cm.length()) && (line.substr(0, cm.length()) == cm)) { // comment } else if (line.length() == 0) { // blank } else if (signPos != std::string::npos) { std::string name = Utility::trim(line.substr(0, signPos)); std::string value = Utility::trim(line.substr(signPos+1)); std::string::size_type iSz; std::string::size_type fSz; int valueI; int valueF; try { valueI = std::stoi(value, &iSz); } catch (const std::invalid_argument& ex) { valueI = 0; iSz = 0; } try { valueF = std::stof(value, &iSz); } catch (const std::invalid_argument& ex) { valueF = 0.0f; fSz = 0; } // ^ radix (3rd param) default is 10 (base-10 number system) cerr << name << std::endl; cerr << " valueI length: " << iSz << std::endl; cerr << " valueF length: " << fSz << std::endl; if (fSz > iSz) { typeStr = "float"; } else if (iSz == value.length()) { typeStr = "int"; } else if (iSz > 0) { cerr << this->pre << "WARNING: The value \"" << value << "\" starts with a number but is not a number." << std::endl; } this->types[name] = typeStr; this->table[name] = value; if (this->types.find(name) != this->types.end()) { if (this->types[name] != typeStr) { cerr << this->pre << "WARNING: The file has a " << typeStr << " for " << name << ", but " << this->types[name] << " was expected." << std::endl; } } if (this->section.length() > 0) { this->sections[name] = this->section; } } else { if ( (line.length() >= 3) && Utility::startsWith(line, "[") && Utility::endsWith(line, "]") ) { std::string section = Utility::trim(line.substr(1, line.length()-2)); if (section.length() > 0) { this->section = section; } else { cerr << this->pre << "WARNING: The file has a blank section \"" << line << "\" (expected section name)." << std::endl; } } else { cerr << this->pre << "WARNING: \"" << line << "\" is not understood (expected comment with '" << cm <<"' (settable via this->setCM(commentMark))," << " section enclosed in '[' and ']' or assignment containing '" << ao << "' [settable via this->setAO(assignmentOperator)])." << std::endl; } } } newfile.close(); readable = true; cerr << "* load finished reading " << path << " (elements:" << this->table.size() << ")" << endl; } this->section = ""; this->pre = ""; return readable; } bool Settings::save(std::string path) { bool ok = true; this->path = path; ofstream myfile; myfile.open(path, ios::out); // default is ios_base::out std::map::iterator it; std::vector sectionNames; sectionNames.push_back(" "); for (it = this->sections.begin(); it != this->sections.end(); it++) { if (std::find(sectionNames.begin(), sectionNames.end(), it->second) == sectionNames.end()) sectionNames.push_back(it->second); } // Save each section consecutively, starting with variables that have no section. for (std::vector::iterator vIt = sectionNames.begin() ; vIt != sectionNames.end(); ++vIt) { if (*vIt != " ") { myfile << "[" << *vIt << "]" << std::endl; } for (it = table.begin(); it != table.end(); it++) { if (this->sections.find(it->first) != this->sections.end()) { if (*vIt == this->sections[it->first]) { myfile << it->first << this->ao_and_spacing << it->second << std::endl; } } else if (*vIt == " ") { // ^ " " is the global section // (The variable is not in a section). myfile << it->first << this->ao_and_spacing << it->second << std::endl; } } } myfile.close(); return ok; } bool Settings::save() { if (this->path.length() == 0) { throw std::string("There is no path during save()."); } return this->save(this->path); } string Settings::ao_trimmed() { return Utility::trim(this->ao_and_spacing); } string Settings::cm_trimmed() { return Utility::trim(this->cm_and_spacing); } bool Settings::check_type(std::string typeStr, std::string name) { std::string currentTypeStr = get_type_str(name); if ((currentTypeStr != "") && (typeStr != currentTypeStr)) { cerr << this->pre << "WARNING: settings.set got a(n) " << typeStr << " (value \"" << this->table[name] << "\") for " << name << ", but expected a(n) " << currentTypeStr << "." << std::endl; return false; } return true; } string Settings::get_type_str(string name) { std::string currentTypeStr = ""; if (this->types.find(name) != this->types.end()) { currentTypeStr = this->types[name]; } return currentTypeStr; } bool Settings::exists(string name) { return (this->table.find(name) != this->table.end()); } void Settings::set_ao_and_spacing(std::string assignmentOperator) { this->ao_and_spacing = assignmentOperator; } void Settings::set_cm_and_spacing(std::string commentMark) { this->cm_and_spacing = commentMark; } void Settings::set_all_auto(std::map table) { std::map::iterator it; for (it = table.begin(); it != table.end(); it++) { this->set_auto(it->first, it->second); } } void Settings::set_section(std::string sectionName) { this->section = sectionName; } void Settings::set_raw(std::string name, std::string value) { std::string section = this->section; // In any case below, never change the section of a variable // that was already declared. if (this->sections.find(name) != this->sections.end()) { // Get use its section since it exists. section = this->sections[name]; } else if (this->exists(name)) { section = ""; } std::string previous = ""; if (this->table.find(name) != this->table.end()) { previous = this->table[name]; } this->table[name] = value; if (section.length() > 0) { this->sections[name] = section; } if (this->enable_autosave) { if (previous != value) { if (this->path.length() > 0) { this->save(); } } } } bool Settings::set(std::string name, std::string value) { bool match = this->check_type("string", name); set_raw(name, value); if (this->types.find(name) == this->types.end()) { this->types[name] = "string"; } return match; } bool Settings::set_int(std::string name, int value) { bool match = this->check_type("int", name); this->set_raw(name, std::to_string(value)); if (this->types.find(name) == this->types.end()) { this->types[name] = "int"; } return match; } bool Settings::set_float(std::string name, irr::f32 value) { bool match = this->check_type("float", name); this->set_raw(name, std::to_string(value)); if (this->types.find(name) == this->types.end()) { this->types[name] = "float"; } return match; } void Settings::set_auto(std::string name, std::string value) { std::string typeStr = "string"; if (this->types.find(name) != this->types.end()) { std::string typeStr = this->types[name]; } if (typeStr == "int") { std::string::size_type iSz; int valueI = std::stoi(value, &iSz); this->set_int(name, valueI); } else if (typeStr == "float") { std::string::size_type fSz; float valueF = std::stof(value, &fSz); this->set_float(name, valueF); } else { // Treat typeStr as string if blank // (implement more types above to avoid errors in // "set" which always assumes that string is the type). this->set(name, value); } } string Settings::get(string name, bool& found) { bool match = this->check_type("string", name); if (this->table.find(name) == this->table.end()) { found = false; return ""; } found = true; return this->table[name]; } float Settings::get_float(string name, bool &found) { bool match = this->check_type("float", name); if (this->table.find(name) == this->table.end()) { found = false; return 0.0f; } found = true; size_t sz; std::string value = this->table[name]; float v = std::stof(value, &sz); if (sz != name.length()) { cerr << this->pre << "WARNING: only \"" << value.substr(0, sz) << "\" part of \"" << value << "\" for the variable named \"" << name << "\" is a number." << endl; } return v; } int Settings::get_int(string name, bool &found) { bool match = this->check_type("int", name); if (this->table.find(name) == this->table.end()) { found = false; return 0; } found = true; size_t sz; std::string value = this->table[name]; int v = std::stoi(value, &sz); if (sz != name.length()) { cerr << this->pre << "WARNING: only \"" << value.substr(0, sz) << "\" part of \"" << value << "\" for the variable named \"" << name << "\" is a number." << endl; } return v; } ///////////////////////// TESTS ///////////////////////// TestSettings::TestSettings() { cerr << "TestSettings..." << std::flush; assert_type_warning_str_then_int(); assert_set("what", "bluedragon"); assert_set("what", "greendragon"); assert_get("what", "greendragon"); assert_section_set_on_create(); cerr << "OK" << std::endl; } void TestSettings::assert_equal(const std::string subject, const std::string expectedResult) { if (subject != expectedResult) { cerr << "The test expected \"" << expectedResult << "\" but got \"" << subject << "\"" << std::endl; } assert(subject == expectedResult); } void TestSettings::assert_set(const std::string &name, const std::string &value) { settings.set(name, value); bool found = false; std::string result = settings.get(name, found); assert_equal(result, value); assert(found); } void TestSettings::assert_get(const std::string &name, const std::string &expectedResult) { bool found = false; std::string result = settings.get(name, found); assert(found); assert_equal(result, expectedResult); } void TestSettings::assert_type_warning_str_then_int() { settings.clear(); settings.set("username", "Poikilos"); bool match = settings.set_int("username", 1); assert(!match); cerr << "(The warning above is expected during the test: expected string, got int)" << endl; } void TestSettings::assert_section_set_on_create() { std::string tmpPath = "test.conf"; settings.clear(); settings.set_int("a", 1); settings.set_section("more"); settings.set_int("b", 2); settings.set_int("a", 3); settings.save(tmpPath); settings.clear(); ifstream myfile(tmpPath); if (myfile.is_open()) { std::string line; assert(getline(myfile,line)); assert_equal(line, "a = 3"); assert(getline(myfile,line)); assert_equal(line, "[more]"); assert(getline(myfile,line)); assert_equal(line, "b = 2"); myfile.close(); } } #ifdef DEBUG static TestSettings testsettings; // Run tests (Creating the first instance runs the static constructor). #elif QT_DEBUG static TestSettings testsettings; // Run tests (Creating the first instance runs the static constructor). #endif