diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format new file mode 100644 index 0000000..43d5bcb --- /dev/null +++ b/.clang-format @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +--- +Language: Cpp +# BasedOnStyle: WebKit +AccessModifierOffset: -4 +AlignAfterOpenBracket: DontAlign +AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false +AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: false +AlignEscapedNewlines: Right +AlignOperands: false +AlignTrailingComments: false +AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: true +AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false +AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false +AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: All +AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false +AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false +AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: None +AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None +AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false +AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: MultiLine +BinPackArguments: true +BinPackParameters: true +BraceWrapping: + AfterClass: false + AfterControlStatement: false + AfterEnum: false + AfterFunction: true + AfterNamespace: false + AfterObjCDeclaration: false + AfterStruct: false + AfterUnion: false + AfterExternBlock: false + BeforeCatch: false + BeforeElse: false + IndentBraces: false + SplitEmptyFunction: true + SplitEmptyRecord: true + SplitEmptyNamespace: true +BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: All +BreakBeforeBraces: WebKit +BreakBeforeInheritanceComma: false +BreakInheritanceList: BeforeColon +BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: true +BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: false +BreakConstructorInitializers: BeforeComma +BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations: false +BreakStringLiterals: true +ColumnLimit: 0 +CommentPragmas: '^ IWYU pragma:' +CompactNamespaces: false +ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: false +ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4 +ContinuationIndentWidth: 4 +Cpp11BracedListStyle: false +DerivePointerAlignment: false +DisableFormat: false +ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false +FixNamespaceComments: false +ForEachMacros: + - foreach + - Q_FOREACH + - BOOST_FOREACH +IncludeBlocks: Preserve +IncludeCategories: + - Regex: '^"(llvm|llvm-c|clang|clang-c)/' + Priority: 2 + - Regex: '^(<|"(gtest|gmock|isl|json)/)' + Priority: 3 + - Regex: '.*' + Priority: 1 +IncludeIsMainRegex: '(Test)?$' +IndentCaseLabels: false +IndentPPDirectives: None +IndentWidth: 4 +IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false +JavaScriptQuotes: Leave +JavaScriptWrapImports: true +KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: true +MacroBlockBegin: '' +MacroBlockEnd: '' +MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1 +NamespaceIndentation: Inner +ObjCBinPackProtocolList: Auto +ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 4 +ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: true +ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: true +PenaltyBreakAssignment: 2 +PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 19 +PenaltyBreakComment: 300 +PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 120 +PenaltyBreakString: 1000 +PenaltyBreakTemplateDeclaration: 10 +PenaltyExcessCharacter: 1000000 +PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 60 +PointerAlignment: Left +ReflowComments: true +SortIncludes: true +SortUsingDeclarations: true +SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false +SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: true +SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true +SpaceBeforeCpp11BracedList: true +SpaceBeforeCtorInitializerColon: true +SpaceBeforeInheritanceColon: true +SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements +SpaceBeforeRangeBasedForLoopColon: true +SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false +SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1 +SpacesInAngles: false +SpacesInContainerLiterals: true +SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false +SpacesInParentheses: false +SpacesInSquareBrackets: false +Standard: Cpp11 +TabWidth: 8 +UseTab: Never +... + diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index f81d245..49d90de 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -35,4 +35,7 @@ Makefile* # QtCtreator CMake CMakeLists.txt.user + +# dev generated files nohup.out +*.tmp diff --git a/Debug.cpp b/Debug.cpp index a62f173..7a51beb 100644 --- a/Debug.cpp +++ b/Debug.cpp @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::ostream; -using std::wcout; using std::wcerr; +using std::wcout; -ostream & debug() +ostream& debug() { - std::flush( cout ); + std::flush(cout); return cout; } diff --git a/Debug.h b/Debug.h index 2d7c2d8..208758e 100644 --- a/Debug.h +++ b/Debug.h @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ #include -std::ostream & debug(); +std::ostream& debug(); #endif // DEBUG_H diff --git a/Engine.cpp b/Engine.cpp index 2080116..b63d772 100644 --- a/Engine.cpp +++ b/Engine.cpp @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ #include "Engine.h" #include "UserInterface.h" -#include "View.h" #include "Utility.h" +#include "View.h" using std::cout; -using std::wcerr; using std::endl; +using std::wcerr; using std::wstring; using std::wstringstream; @@ -26,61 +26,61 @@ void Engine::setupScene() { // Setup Light m_SceneLight = m_Scene->addLightSceneNode(); - m_SceneLight->setID( SIID_LIGHT ); - m_SceneLight->setLightType( ELT_DIRECTIONAL ); - m_SceneLight->getLightData().AmbientColor = SColorf( 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f ); - m_SceneLight->getLightData().DiffuseColor = SColorf( 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f ); - m_Scene->setAmbientLight( SColorf( 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f )); + m_SceneLight->setID(SIID_LIGHT); + m_SceneLight->setLightType(ELT_DIRECTIONAL); + m_SceneLight->getLightData().AmbientColor = SColorf(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f); + m_SceneLight->getLightData().DiffuseColor = SColorf(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f); + m_Scene->setAmbientLight(SColorf(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f)); // Setup Camera - // (so z-forward characters face camera partially (formerly vector3df( 0, 0, -10 ), vector3df()) - m_CamPos = vector3df( 4.5, 3, 9 ); + // (so z-forward characters face camera partially (formerly vector3df(0, 0, -10), vector3df()) + m_CamPos = vector3df(4.5, 3, 9); m_CamTarget = vector3df(0, 3, 0); - ICameraSceneNode *camera = m_Scene->addCameraSceneNode(nullptr, m_CamPos, m_CamTarget); // this will be overridden by View m_Yaw and m_Pitch--see "calculate m_Yaw" further down + ICameraSceneNode* camera = m_Scene->addCameraSceneNode(nullptr, m_CamPos, m_CamTarget); // this will be overridden by View m_Yaw and m_Pitch--see "calculate m_Yaw" further down camera->setAspectRatio(static_cast(m_Driver->getScreenSize().Width) / static_cast(m_Driver->getScreenSize().Height)); } -IGUIEnvironment * Engine::getGUIEnvironment() const +IGUIEnvironment* Engine::getGUIEnvironment() const { return m_Device->getGUIEnvironment(); } void Engine::drawAxisLines() { - SMaterial *lineX = new SMaterial(); + SMaterial* lineX = new SMaterial(); lineX->Lighting = false; - lineX->EmissiveColor = SColor( 255, 255, 0, 0 ); + lineX->EmissiveColor = SColor(255, 255, 0, 0); lineX->Thickness = 1.0f; - SMaterial *lineY = new SMaterial( *lineX ); - lineY->EmissiveColor = SColor( 255, 0, 255, 0 ); + SMaterial* lineY = new SMaterial(*lineX); + lineY->EmissiveColor = SColor(255, 0, 255, 0); - SMaterial *lineZ = new SMaterial( *lineX ); - lineZ->EmissiveColor = SColor( 255, 0, 0, 255 ); + SMaterial* lineZ = new SMaterial(*lineX); + lineZ->EmissiveColor = SColor(255, 0, 0, 255); - m_Driver->setTransform( ETS_WORLD, matrix4() ); + m_Driver->setTransform(ETS_WORLD, matrix4()); - m_Driver->setMaterial( *lineX ); - m_Driver->draw3DLine( vector3df(), vector3df( 5, 0, 0 ), SColor( 255, 255, 0, 0 )); - position2d textPos = m_Scene->getSceneCollisionManager()->getScreenCoordinatesFrom3DPosition( vector3df( 5.2f, 0, 0 )); + m_Driver->setMaterial(*lineX); + m_Driver->draw3DLine(vector3df(), vector3df(5, 0, 0), SColor(255, 255, 0, 0)); + position2d textPos = m_Scene->getSceneCollisionManager()->getScreenCoordinatesFrom3DPosition(vector3df(5.2f, 0, 0)); dimension2d textSize; if (m_AxisFont != nullptr) { - textSize = m_AxisFont->getDimension( L"X+" ); - m_AxisFont->draw( L"X+", rect( textPos, textSize ), SColor( 255, 255, 0, 0 ), true, true ); + textSize = m_AxisFont->getDimension(L"X+"); + m_AxisFont->draw(L"X+", rect(textPos, textSize), SColor(255, 255, 0, 0), true, true); } - m_Driver->setMaterial( *lineY ); - m_Driver->draw3DLine( vector3df(), vector3df( 0, 5, 0 ), SColor( 255, 0, 255, 0 )); - textPos = m_Scene->getSceneCollisionManager()->getScreenCoordinatesFrom3DPosition( vector3df( 0, 5.2f, 0 )); + m_Driver->setMaterial(*lineY); + m_Driver->draw3DLine(vector3df(), vector3df(0, 5, 0), SColor(255, 0, 255, 0)); + textPos = m_Scene->getSceneCollisionManager()->getScreenCoordinatesFrom3DPosition(vector3df(0, 5.2f, 0)); if (m_AxisFont != nullptr) { - textSize = m_AxisFont->getDimension( L"Y+" ); - m_AxisFont->draw( L"Y+", rect( textPos, textSize ), SColor( 255, 0, 255, 0 ), true, true ); + textSize = m_AxisFont->getDimension(L"Y+"); + m_AxisFont->draw(L"Y+", rect(textPos, textSize), SColor(255, 0, 255, 0), true, true); } - m_Driver->setMaterial( *lineZ ); - m_Driver->draw3DLine( vector3df(), vector3df( 0, 0, 5 ), SColor( 255, 0, 0, 255 )); - textPos = m_Scene->getSceneCollisionManager()->getScreenCoordinatesFrom3DPosition( vector3df( 0, 0, 5.2f )); + m_Driver->setMaterial(*lineZ); + m_Driver->draw3DLine(vector3df(), vector3df(0, 0, 5), SColor(255, 0, 0, 255)); + textPos = m_Scene->getSceneCollisionManager()->getScreenCoordinatesFrom3DPosition(vector3df(0, 0, 5.2f)); if (m_AxisFont != nullptr) { - textSize = m_AxisFont->getDimension( L"Z+" ); - m_AxisFont->draw( L"Z+", rect( textPos, textSize ), SColor( 255, 0, 0, 255 ), true, true ); + textSize = m_AxisFont->getDimension(L"Z+"); + m_AxisFont->draw(L"Z+", rect(textPos, textSize), SColor(255, 0, 0, 255), true, true); } delete lineX; delete lineY; @@ -90,38 +90,37 @@ void Engine::drawAxisLines() void Engine::drawBackground() { dimension2d screenSize = m_Driver->getScreenSize(); - m_Driver->draw2DRectangle( rect( 0, 0, static_cast(screenSize.Width), static_cast(screenSize.Height) ), - SColor( 255, 128, 128, 255 ), - SColor( 255, 128, 128, 255 ), - SColor( 255, 224, 224, 255 ), - SColor( 255, 224, 224, 255 )); + m_Driver->draw2DRectangle(rect(0, 0, static_cast(screenSize.Width), static_cast(screenSize.Height)), + SColor(255, 128, 128, 255), + SColor(255, 128, 128, 255), + SColor(255, 224, 224, 255), + SColor(255, 224, 224, 255)); } void Engine::checkResize() { - if(( m_WindowSize->Width != m_Driver->getScreenSize().Width ) || ( m_WindowSize->Height != m_Driver->getScreenSize().Height )) - { - m_WindowSize->Width = m_Driver->getScreenSize().Width; - m_WindowSize->Height = m_Driver->getScreenSize().Height; + if ((m_WindowSize.Width != m_Driver->getScreenSize().Width) || (m_WindowSize.Height != m_Driver->getScreenSize().Height)) { + m_WindowSize.Width = m_Driver->getScreenSize().Width; + m_WindowSize.Height = m_Driver->getScreenSize().Height; // Send custom event - IEventReceiver *eventReceiver = m_Device->getEventReceiver(); + IEventReceiver* eventReceiver = m_Device->getEventReceiver(); SEvent event; event.EventType = EET_USER_EVENT; event.UserEvent.UserData1 = UEI_WINDOWSIZECHANGED; - eventReceiver->OnEvent( event ); + eventReceiver->OnEvent(event); //m_UserInterface-> } } s32 Engine::getNumberOfVertices() { - IMesh *mesh = m_LoadedMesh->getMesh()->getMesh( 0, 255, -1, -1 ); + IMesh* mesh = m_LoadedMesh->getMesh()->getMesh(0, 255, -1, -1); int vertices = 0; - for( irr::u32 bufferIndex = 0; bufferIndex < mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); bufferIndex ++ ) - vertices += mesh->getMeshBuffer( bufferIndex )->getVertexCount(); + for (irr::u32 bufferIndex = 0; bufferIndex < mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); bufferIndex++) + vertices += mesh->getMeshBuffer(bufferIndex)->getVertexCount(); cout << vertices << endl; @@ -136,9 +135,9 @@ Engine::Engine() { // For monitoring single press: see // - for (u32 i=0; itextureExtensions.push_back(L"jpg"); this->textureExtensions.push_back(L"bmp"); #if WIN32 - m_Device = createDevice( EDT_DIRECT3D9, dimension2d( 1024, 768 ), 32, false, false, false, nullptr ); + m_Device = createDevice(EDT_DIRECT3D9, dimension2d(1024, 768), 32, false, false, false, nullptr); #else - m_Device = createDevice( EDT_OPENGL, dimension2d( 1024, 768 ), 32, false, false, false, nullptr ); + m_Device = createDevice(EDT_OPENGL, dimension2d(1024, 768), 32, false, false, false, nullptr); #endif - m_Device->setResizable( true ); + m_Device->setResizable(true); - m_EventHandler = new EventHandler( m_Device ); - m_Device->setEventReceiver( m_EventHandler ); + m_EventHandler = new EventHandler(m_Device); + m_Device->setEventReceiver(m_EventHandler); m_Driver = m_Device->getVideoDriver(); m_Scene = m_Device->getSceneManager(); wstringstream windowTitle; windowTitle << L"b3view (Blitz3D/Irrlicht Viewer) [" << m_Driver->getName() << L"]"; - m_Device->setWindowCaption( windowTitle.str().c_str() ); + m_Device->setWindowCaption(windowTitle.str().c_str()); setupScene(); // Setup User Interface - m_UserInterface = new UserInterface( this ); - m_EventHandler->addEventReceiver( ERT_USERINTERFACE, m_UserInterface ); + m_UserInterface = new UserInterface(this); + m_EventHandler->addEventReceiver(ERT_USERINTERFACE, m_UserInterface); // Setup 3D View - m_View = new View( this ); - m_EventHandler->addEventReceiver( ERT_3DVIEW, m_View ); + m_View = new View(this); + m_EventHandler->addEventReceiver(ERT_3DVIEW, m_View); // Load font for displaying Axis names m_AxisFontFace = new CGUITTFace(); // NOTE: m_FontPath is modified y UserInterface constructor above if font was missing if (m_AxisFontFace->load(m_FontPath.c_str())) { - m_AxisFont = new CGUITTFont( m_UserInterface->getGUIEnvironment() ); - m_AxisFont->attach( m_AxisFontFace, 14 ); + m_AxisFont = new CGUITTFont(m_UserInterface->getGUIEnvironment()); + m_AxisFont->attach(m_AxisFontFace, 14); m_AxisFont->AntiAlias = false; - } - else { + } else { delete m_AxisFontFace; m_AxisFontFace = nullptr; } @@ -192,9 +190,8 @@ Engine::Engine() m_LoadedMesh = nullptr; // Store actual window size - m_WindowSize = new dimension2d(); - m_WindowSize->Width = m_Driver->getScreenSize().Width; - m_WindowSize->Height = m_Driver->getScreenSize().Height; + m_WindowSize.Width = m_Driver->getScreenSize().Width; + m_WindowSize.Height = m_Driver->getScreenSize().Height; // (do not calculate m_Yaw and m_Pitch here--see View constructor) @@ -204,37 +201,35 @@ Engine::Engine() Engine::~Engine() { m_Device->drop(); - delete m_WindowSize; delete m_AxisFont; delete m_AxisFontFace; } -void Engine::loadMesh( const wstring &fileName ) +void Engine::loadMesh(const wstring& fileName) { - this->m_PreviousPath = fileName; // even if bad, set this - // to allow F5 to reload + this->m_PreviousPath = fileName; // even if bad, set this + // to allow F5 to reload - if( m_LoadedMesh != nullptr ) + if (m_LoadedMesh != nullptr) m_LoadedMesh->remove(); - irr::scene::IAnimatedMesh* mesh = m_Scene->getMesh( fileName.c_str()); + irr::scene::IAnimatedMesh* mesh = m_Scene->getMesh(fileName.c_str()); if (mesh != nullptr) { - m_LoadedMesh = m_Scene->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode( mesh ); - Utility::dumpMeshInfoToConsole( m_LoadedMesh ); + m_LoadedMesh = m_Scene->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(mesh); + Utility::dumpMeshInfoToConsole(m_LoadedMesh); if (Utility::toLower(Utility::extensionOf(fileName)) == L"3ds") { m_View->setZUp(true); - } - else { + } else { m_View->setZUp(false); } if (m_LoadedMesh != nullptr) { - ICameraSceneNode *camera = this->m_Scene->getActiveCamera(); + ICameraSceneNode* camera = this->m_Scene->getActiveCamera(); aabbox3d box = m_LoadedMesh->getTransformedBoundingBox(); //vector3d extents = box.getExtent(); if (m_View->zUp()) { float oldDist = m_CamPos.getDistanceFrom(m_CamTarget); float newDist = oldDist; - if (oldDist != 0) { + if (Utility::equalsApprox(oldDist, 0.0f)) { vector3d center = box.getCenter(); vector3df edges[8]; box.getEdges(edges); @@ -249,13 +244,14 @@ void Engine::loadMesh( const wstring &fileName ) 0---------4/ */ newDist = 0; - for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { + for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { float tryDist = center.getDistanceFrom(edges[i]); - if (tryDist>newDist) newDist = tryDist; + if (tryDist > newDist) + newDist = tryDist; } - newDist *= 2; // so camera doesn't touch model + newDist *= 2; // so camera doesn't touch model if (!Utility::equalsApprox(newDist, oldDist)) { - float scale = newDist / oldDist; // already checked 0 + float scale = newDist / oldDist; // already checked 0 vector3df oldCamPos = camera->getPosition(); m_CamPos = oldCamPos; m_CamPos.X = m_CamPos.X * scale; @@ -290,7 +286,7 @@ void Engine::reloadTexture() } } -bool Engine::loadTexture(const wstring &fileName) +bool Engine::loadTexture(const wstring& fileName) { ITexture* texture = this->m_Driver->getTexture(fileName.c_str()); bool ret = false; @@ -303,32 +299,27 @@ bool Engine::loadTexture(const wstring &fileName) return ret; } -void Engine::setMeshDisplayMode( bool wireframe, bool lighting, bool textureInterpolation) +void Engine::setMeshDisplayMode(bool wireframe, bool lighting, bool textureInterpolation) { if (m_LoadedMesh != nullptr) { - for( u32 materialIndex = 0; materialIndex < m_LoadedMesh->getMaterialCount(); materialIndex ++ ) - { + for (u32 materialIndex = 0; materialIndex < m_LoadedMesh->getMaterialCount(); materialIndex++) { // Set Wireframe display m_LoadedMesh->getMaterial(materialIndex).Wireframe = wireframe; // Set Lighting - if( ! lighting ) - { + if (!lighting) { m_LoadedMesh->getMaterial(materialIndex).Lighting = false; - m_LoadedMesh->getMaterial(materialIndex).EmissiveColor = SColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); - } - else - { + m_LoadedMesh->getMaterial(materialIndex).EmissiveColor = SColor(255, 255, 255, 255); + } else { m_LoadedMesh->getMaterial(materialIndex).Lighting = true; - m_LoadedMesh->getMaterial(materialIndex).EmissiveColor = SColor( 255, 0, 0, 0 ); + m_LoadedMesh->getMaterial(materialIndex).EmissiveColor = SColor(255, 0, 0, 0); } // m_LoadedMesh->setMaterialType(video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL); //already done on load // m_LoadedMesh->setMaterialFlag(video::E_ALPHA_SOURCE, true); // requires EMT_ONETEXTURE if (textureInterpolation) { m_LoadedMesh->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, true); m_LoadedMesh->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_TRILINEAR_FILTER, true); - } - else { + } else { m_LoadedMesh->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, false); m_LoadedMesh->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_TRILINEAR_FILTER, false); //m_LoadedMesh->setMaterialFlag(video::E_ALPHA_SOURCE, true); @@ -341,11 +332,11 @@ void Engine::setMeshDisplayMode( bool wireframe, bool lighting, bool textureInte // below would require patching Irrlicht: // GLint filteringMipMaps = GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST - // // above is used by glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, filteringMipMaps); + // // above is used by glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, filteringMipMaps); } } - } - else debug() << "WARNING in setMeshDisplayMode: No mesh is loaded " << endl; + } else + debug() << "WARNING in setMeshDisplayMode: No mesh is loaded " << endl; } bool Engine::isAnimating() @@ -360,7 +351,8 @@ void Engine::playAnimation() } if (!this->isAnimating()) { if (this->m_LoadedMesh != nullptr) { - if (this->prevFPS < 1) this->prevFPS = 5; + if (this->prevFPS < 1) + this->prevFPS = 5; this->m_LoadedMesh->setAnimationSpeed(this->prevFPS); } } @@ -384,12 +376,10 @@ void Engine::toggleAnimation() if (this->isAnimating()) { this->pauseAnimation(); debug() << "paused " << this->animationFPS() << "fps" << endl; - } - else { + } else { this->playAnimation(); debug() << "unpaused " << this->animationFPS() << "fps" << endl; } - } void Engine::setAnimationFPS(u32 animationFPS) @@ -419,13 +409,12 @@ void Engine::run() { u32 timePerFrame = 1000.0f; if (this->worldFPS > 0) { - timePerFrame = static_cast( 1000.0f / this->worldFPS ); + timePerFrame = static_cast(1000.0f / this->worldFPS); } - ITimer *timer = m_Device->getTimer(); + ITimer* timer = m_Device->getTimer(); // Run the Device with fps frames/sec - while( m_Device->run() && m_RunEngine ) - { + while (m_Device->run() && m_RunEngine) { u32 startTime = timer->getRealTime(); checkResize(); @@ -433,23 +422,22 @@ void Engine::run() if (isPlaying) { this->m_LoadedMesh->setLoopMode(true); this->m_UserInterface->playbackSetFrameEditBox->setText(Utility::toWstring(this->m_LoadedMesh->getFrameNr()).c_str()); - } - else { + } else { this->m_LoadedMesh->setLoopMode(false); } } m_Driver->beginScene(); - drawBackground(); // Draw Background - drawAxisLines(); // Draw XYZ Axis - m_Scene->drawAll(); // Draw Scenegraph + drawBackground(); // Draw Background + drawAxisLines(); // Draw XYZ Axis + m_Scene->drawAll(); // Draw Scenegraph m_UserInterface->getGUIEnvironment()->drawAll(); m_UserInterface->drawStatusLine(); m_Driver->endScene(); - u32 sleepTime = timePerFrame - ( timer->getRealTime() - startTime ); - if( sleepTime > 0 && sleepTime < timePerFrame ) - m_Device->sleep( sleepTime, false ); + u32 sleepTime = timePerFrame - (timer->getRealTime() - startTime); + if (sleepTime > 0 && sleepTime < timePerFrame) + m_Device->sleep(sleepTime, false); } } diff --git a/Engine.h b/Engine.h index ee79dbe..fe8f721 100644 --- a/Engine.h +++ b/Engine.h @@ -5,81 +5,78 @@ class UserInterface; class View; -#include -#include #include +#include +#include #include -#include #include "EventHandler.h" #include "extlib/CGUITTFont.h" +#include -enum SceneItemID -{ - SIID_LIGHT = 1, - SIID_CAMERA = 2, - SIID_MODEL = 3 +enum SceneItemID { + SIID_LIGHT = 1, + SIID_CAMERA = 2, + SIID_MODEL = 3 }; -class Engine -{ +class Engine { friend class UserInterface; friend class View; private: std::wstring m_NextPath; - irr::IrrlichtDevice *m_Device; - irr::video::IVideoDriver *m_Driver; - irr::scene::ISceneManager *m_Scene; - irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode *m_LoadedMesh; - irr::scene::ILightSceneNode *m_SceneLight; - irr::gui::CGUITTFont *m_AxisFont; - irr::gui::CGUITTFace *m_AxisFontFace; + irr::IrrlichtDevice* m_Device; + irr::video::IVideoDriver* m_Driver; + irr::scene::ISceneManager* m_Scene; + irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* m_LoadedMesh; + irr::scene::ILightSceneNode* m_SceneLight; + irr::gui::CGUITTFont* m_AxisFont; + irr::gui::CGUITTFace* m_AxisFontFace; - irr::core::dimension2d *m_WindowSize; + irr::core::dimension2d m_WindowSize; bool m_RunEngine; - EventHandler *m_EventHandler; - UserInterface *m_UserInterface; - View *m_View; + EventHandler* m_EventHandler; + UserInterface* m_UserInterface; + View* m_View; void setupScene(); void drawAxisLines(); void drawBackground(); void checkResize(); - irr::gui::IGUIEnvironment *getGUIEnvironment() const; + irr::gui::IGUIEnvironment* getGUIEnvironment() const; irr::s32 getNumberOfVertices(); bool isPlaying; irr::u32 worldFPS; irr::u32 prevFPS; std::vector textureExtensions; // Making materials in contructor or setupScene causes segfault at - // `m_Driver->setMaterial( *lineX );` in + // `m_Driver->setMaterial(*lineX);` in // `Engine::drawAxisLines` for unknown reason: -// irr::video::SMaterial *lineX; -// irr::video::SMaterial *lineY; -// irr::video::SMaterial *lineZ; + // irr::video::SMaterial *lineX; + // irr::video::SMaterial *lineY; + // irr::video::SMaterial *lineZ; irr::core::vector3df m_CamPos; irr::core::vector3df m_CamTarget; - std::wstring m_FontPath = L"ClearSansRegular.ttf"; // core::stringc has implicit conversion to io::path + std::wstring m_FontPath = L"ClearSansRegular.ttf"; // core::stringc has implicit conversion to io::path bool KeyIsDown[irr::KEY_KEY_CODES_COUNT]; irr::s32 keyState[irr::KEY_KEY_CODES_COUNT]; - irr::s32 LMouseState,RMouseState; + irr::s32 LMouseState, RMouseState; public: std::wstring m_PreviousPath; std::wstring m_PrevTexturePath; - Engine(); - ~Engine(); + ~Engine(); void run(); - void loadMesh( const std::wstring &fileName ); + void loadMesh(const std::wstring& fileName); void reloadMesh(); void reloadTexture(); - bool loadTexture( const std::wstring &fileName ); + bool loadTexture(const std::wstring& fileName); void setMeshDisplayMode(bool wireframe = false, bool lighting = true, bool textureInterpolation = true); bool isAnimating(); void playAnimation(); diff --git a/EventHandler.cpp b/EventHandler.cpp index ce1f1fb..57182a6 100644 --- a/EventHandler.cpp +++ b/EventHandler.cpp @@ -1,18 +1,18 @@ #include "EventHandler.h" -#include -#include -#include #include +#include +#include +#include using namespace irr; using namespace irr::video; using namespace irr::gui; // Public -EventHandler::EventHandler( IrrlichtDevice *device ) +EventHandler::EventHandler(IrrlichtDevice* device) { m_Device = device; - m_EventReceivers = new map(); + m_EventReceivers = new map(); } EventHandler::~EventHandler() @@ -20,37 +20,31 @@ EventHandler::~EventHandler() delete m_EventReceivers; } -bool EventHandler::addEventReceiver( EventReceiverType type, IEventReceiver *receiver ) +bool EventHandler::addEventReceiver(EventReceiverType type, IEventReceiver* receiver) { - m_EventReceivers->insert( make_pair( type, receiver )); + m_EventReceivers->insert(make_pair(type, receiver)); return true; } // IEventReceiver -bool EventHandler::OnEvent( const SEvent &event ) +bool EventHandler::OnEvent(const SEvent& event) { - if (event.EventType == EET_GUI_EVENT) - { + if (event.EventType == EET_GUI_EVENT) { // Pass to User Interface Handler - map::iterator iter = m_EventReceivers->find( ERT_USERINTERFACE ); - iter->second->OnEvent( event ); - } - else if (event.EventType == EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT) - { - map::iterator iter = m_EventReceivers->find( ERT_3DVIEW ); - iter->second->OnEvent( event ); - } - else if (event.EventType == EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT) { - map::iterator iter = m_EventReceivers->find( ERT_USERINTERFACE ); - iter->second->OnEvent( event ); - } - else if (event.EventType == EET_USER_EVENT) - { + map::iterator iter = m_EventReceivers->find(ERT_USERINTERFACE); + iter->second->OnEvent(event); + } else if (event.EventType == EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT) { + map::iterator iter = m_EventReceivers->find(ERT_3DVIEW); + iter->second->OnEvent(event); + } else if (event.EventType == EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT) { + map::iterator iter = m_EventReceivers->find(ERT_USERINTERFACE); + iter->second->OnEvent(event); + } else if (event.EventType == EET_USER_EVENT) { if (event.UserEvent.UserData1 == UEI_WINDOWSIZECHANGED) { // Window resize handling - send to all subscribers - map::iterator iter; - for( iter = m_EventReceivers->begin(); iter != m_EventReceivers->end(); iter ++ ) - iter->second->OnEvent( event ); + map::iterator iter; + for (iter = m_EventReceivers->begin(); iter != m_EventReceivers->end(); iter++) + iter->second->OnEvent(event); } } diff --git a/EventHandler.h b/EventHandler.h index bc3c6c1..99d9d55 100644 --- a/EventHandler.h +++ b/EventHandler.h @@ -5,38 +5,36 @@ #include #include -#include #include "Debug.h" +#include using std::cout; using std::endl; -using std::map; using std::make_pair; +using std::map; -enum EventReceiverType -{ +enum EventReceiverType { ERT_USERINTERFACE = 1, ERT_3DVIEW = 2 }; -enum UserEventIdentifier -{ +enum UserEventIdentifier { UEI_WINDOWSIZECHANGED = 1 }; -class EventHandler : public irr::IEventReceiver -{ +class EventHandler : public irr::IEventReceiver { private: - irr::IrrlichtDevice *m_Device; - map *m_EventReceivers; + irr::IrrlichtDevice* m_Device; + map* m_EventReceivers; + public: - EventHandler( irr::IrrlichtDevice *device ); + EventHandler(irr::IrrlichtDevice* device); ~EventHandler(); - bool addEventReceiver(EventReceiverType type, irr::IEventReceiver *receiver ); + bool addEventReceiver(EventReceiverType type, irr::IEventReceiver* receiver); // IEventReceiver - virtual bool OnEvent( const irr::SEvent &event ); + virtual bool OnEvent(const irr::SEvent& event); }; #endif // EVENTHANDLER_H diff --git a/UserInterface.cpp b/UserInterface.cpp index 4eb992e..1fb425f 100644 --- a/UserInterface.cpp +++ b/UserInterface.cpp @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ #include "UserInterface.h" -#include -#include #include +#include +#include // NOTE: to use filesystem, you must also include the fs library such // as via the `-lstdc++fs` linker option -- see b3view.pro // #include // requires C++17 -#include // requires C++14 such as gcc 8.2.1 +#include // requires C++14 such as gcc 8.2.1 #include "Debug.h" #include "Engine.h" @@ -30,87 +30,81 @@ void UserInterface::setupUserInterface() { // Menu menu = m_Gui->addMenu(); - menu->addItem( L"File", UIE_FILEMENU, true, true ); - menu->addItem( L"View", UIE_VIEWMENU, true, true ); + menu->addItem(L"File", UIE_FILEMENU, true, true); + menu->addItem(L"View", UIE_VIEWMENU, true, true); // File Menu - fileMenu = menu->getSubMenu( 0 ); - fileMenu->addItem( L"Load", UIC_FILE_LOAD ); - fileMenu->addItem( L"LoadTexture", UIC_FILE_LOAD_TEXTURE ); - fileMenu->addItem( L"Quit", UIC_FILE_QUIT ); + fileMenu = menu->getSubMenu(0); + fileMenu->addItem(L"Load", UIC_FILE_LOAD); + fileMenu->addItem(L"LoadTexture", UIC_FILE_LOAD_TEXTURE); + fileMenu->addItem(L"Quit", UIC_FILE_QUIT); // View Menu - viewMenu = menu->getSubMenu( 1 ); + viewMenu = menu->getSubMenu(1); INDEX_VIEW_WIREFRAME_MESH = viewMenu->addItem(L"Wireframe Mesh", UIC_VIEW_WIREFRAME, true, false, this->m_WireframeDisplay, true); - INDEX_VIEW_LIGHTING = viewMenu->addItem(L"Lighting", UIC_VIEW_LIGHTING, true, false, this->m_Lighting, true ); + INDEX_VIEW_LIGHTING = viewMenu->addItem(L"Lighting", UIC_VIEW_LIGHTING, true, false, this->m_Lighting, true); INDEX_VIEW_TEXTURE_INTERPOLATION = viewMenu->addItem(L"Texture Interpolation", UIC_VIEW_TEXTURE_INTERPOLATION, true, false, this->m_TextureInterpolation, true); // Playback Control Window dimension2d windowSize = m_Engine->m_Driver->getScreenSize(); playbackWindow = m_Gui->addWindow( - rect( vector2d( windowSize.Width - 4 - 160, 28 ), dimension2d( 160, 300 )), false, L"Playback", nullptr, UIE_PLAYBACKWINDOW ); - playbackWindow->getCloseButton()->setVisible( false ); + rect(vector2d(windowSize.Width - 4 - 160, 28), dimension2d(160, 300)), false, L"Playback", nullptr, UIE_PLAYBACKWINDOW); + playbackWindow->getCloseButton()->setVisible(false); s32 spacing_x = 4; - s32 spacing_y = 4; + spacing_y = 4; s32 size_x = playbackWindow->getClientRect().getWidth() - 8; s32 size_y = 24; s32 y = 24; playbackStartStopButton = m_Gui->addButton( - rect( vector2d( spacing_x, y ), dimension2d( size_x, size_y )), - playbackWindow, - UIE_PLAYBACKSTARTSTOPBUTTON, - L"Start/Stop", - nullptr - ); + rect(vector2d(spacing_x, y), dimension2d(size_x, size_y)), + playbackWindow, + UIE_PLAYBACKSTARTSTOPBUTTON, + L"Start/Stop", + nullptr); y += size_y + spacing_y; playbackIncreaseButton = m_Gui->addButton( - rect( vector2d( spacing_x, y ), dimension2d( size_x, size_y )), - playbackWindow, - UIE_PLAYBACKINCREASEBUTTON, - L"Faster", - nullptr - ); + rect(vector2d(spacing_x, y), dimension2d(size_x, size_y)), + playbackWindow, + UIE_PLAYBACKINCREASEBUTTON, + L"Faster", + nullptr); y += size_y + spacing_y; playbackDecreaseButton = m_Gui->addButton( - rect( vector2d( spacing_x, y ), dimension2d( size_x, size_y )), - playbackWindow, - UIE_PLAYBACKDECREASEBUTTON, - L"Slower", - nullptr - ); + rect(vector2d(spacing_x, y), dimension2d(size_x, size_y)), + playbackWindow, + UIE_PLAYBACKDECREASEBUTTON, + L"Slower", + nullptr); y += size_y + spacing_y; playbackSetFrameEditBox = m_Gui->addEditBox( L"", - rect( vector2d( spacing_x, y ), dimension2d( size_x, size_y )), + rect(vector2d(spacing_x, y), dimension2d(size_x, size_y)), true, playbackWindow, - UIE_PLAYBACKSETFRAMEEDITBOX - ); + UIE_PLAYBACKSETFRAMEEDITBOX); y += size_y + spacing_y; texturePathStaticText = m_Gui->addStaticText( L"Texture Path:", - rect( vector2d( spacing_x, y ), dimension2d( size_x, size_y )), + rect(vector2d(spacing_x, y), dimension2d(size_x, size_y)), true, true, playbackWindow, UIE_TEXTUREPATHSTATICTEXT, - false - ); + false); y += size_y + spacing_y; texturePathEditBox = m_Gui->addEditBox( L"", - rect( vector2d( spacing_x, y ), dimension2d( size_x, size_y )), + rect(vector2d(spacing_x, y), dimension2d(size_x, size_y)), true, playbackWindow, - UIE_TEXTUREPATHEDITBOX - ); + UIE_TEXTUREPATHEDITBOX); // Set Font for UI Elements m_GuiFontFace = new CGUITTFace(); // irrString defines stringc as string - // if (QFile(fontPath).exists()) {} + // if (QFile(fontPath).exists()) { if (!Utility::isFile(m_Engine->m_FontPath)) { m_Engine->m_FontPath = L"C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\calibrib.ttf"; } @@ -130,12 +124,11 @@ void UserInterface::setupUserInterface() m_Engine->m_FontPath = L"/usr/share/fonts/google-droid/DroidSans-Bold.ttf"; } - if (m_GuiFontFace->load(m_Engine->m_FontPath.c_str())) { // actually takes `const io::path &` - m_GuiFont = new CGUITTFont( m_Gui ); - m_GuiFont->attach( m_GuiFontFace, 14 ); - m_Gui->getSkin()->setFont( m_GuiFont ); - } - else { + if (m_GuiFontFace->load(m_Engine->m_FontPath.c_str())) { // actually takes `const io::path &` + m_GuiFont = new CGUITTFont(m_Gui); + m_GuiFont->attach(m_GuiFontFace, 14); + m_Gui->getSkin()->setFont(m_GuiFont); + } else { std::wcerr << L"WARNING: Missing '" << m_Engine->m_FontPath << L"'" << endl; delete m_GuiFontFace; m_GuiFontFace = nullptr; @@ -148,22 +141,21 @@ void UserInterface::setupUserInterface() void UserInterface::displayLoadFileDialog() { - m_Gui->addFileOpenDialog( L"Select file to load", true, nullptr, UIE_LOADFILEDIALOG ); + m_Gui->addFileOpenDialog(L"Select file to load", true, nullptr, UIE_LOADFILEDIALOG); } void UserInterface::displayLoadTextureDialog() { - m_Gui->addFileOpenDialog( L"Select file to load", true, nullptr, UIE_LOADTEXTUREDIALOG ); + m_Gui->addFileOpenDialog(L"Select file to load", true, nullptr, UIE_LOADTEXTUREDIALOG); } -void UserInterface::handleMenuItemPressed( IGUIContextMenu *menu ) +void UserInterface::handleMenuItemPressed(IGUIContextMenu* menu) { s32 selected = menu->getSelectedItem(); if (selected > -1) { s32 id = menu->getItemCommandId(static_cast(selected)); - switch( id ) - { + switch (id) { case UIC_FILE_LOAD: displayLoadFileDialog(); break; @@ -190,14 +182,33 @@ void UserInterface::handleMenuItemPressed( IGUIContextMenu *menu ) m_TextureInterpolation = viewMenu->isItemChecked(INDEX_VIEW_TEXTURE_INTERPOLATION); m_Engine->setMeshDisplayMode(m_WireframeDisplay, m_Lighting, m_TextureInterpolation); break; - } } +} +void UserInterface::snapWidgets() +{ + dimension2d screenSize = m_Engine->m_Driver->getScreenSize(); + rect newRect; + //newRect.LowerRightCorner.X = static_cast(size.Width); + //newRect.LowerRightCorner.Y = static_cast(size.Height); + rect prevRect = playbackWindow->getRelativePosition(); + newRect.UpperLeftCorner.X = static_cast(screenSize.Width) - prevRect.getWidth() - spacing_y; + //debug() << "screen size: " << screenSize.Width << "x" << screenSize.Height; + //debug() << " prevRect: " + // << prevRect.UpperLeftCorner.X << "," << prevRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y << "," + // << prevRect.LowerRightCorner.X << "," << prevRect.LowerRightCorner.Y + // << " size=(" << prevRect.getWidth() << "," <setRelativePosition(newRect); + m_WindowSize.Width = m_Engine->m_Driver->getScreenSize().Width; + m_WindowSize.Height = m_Engine->m_Driver->getScreenSize().Height; } // PUBLIC -UserInterface::UserInterface( Engine *engine ) +UserInterface::UserInterface(Engine* engine) { INDEX_VIEW_TEXTURE_INTERPOLATION = 0; INDEX_VIEW_WIREFRAME_MESH = 0; @@ -221,7 +232,7 @@ UserInterface::~UserInterface() delete m_GuiFontFace; } -IGUIEnvironment * UserInterface::getGUIEnvironment() const +IGUIEnvironment* UserInterface::getGUIEnvironment() const { return m_Gui; } @@ -242,21 +253,19 @@ bool UserInterface::loadNextTexture(int direction) std::wstring dirSeparator = Utility::delimiter(this->m_Engine->m_PreviousPath); std::wstring texturesPath = parentPath + dirSeparator + L"textures"; std::wstring tryTexPath = texturesPath + dirSeparator + Utility::withoutExtension(lastName) + L".png"; - if (direction==0 && Utility::isFile(tryTexPath)) { + if (direction == 0 && Utility::isFile(tryTexPath)) { this->m_Engine->m_NextPath = tryTexPath; this->m_Engine->loadTexture(this->m_Engine->m_NextPath); - } - else { + } else { tryTexPath = lastDirPath + dirSeparator + Utility::withoutExtension(lastName) + L".png"; - if (direction==0 && Utility::isFile(tryTexPath)) { + if (direction == 0 && Utility::isFile(tryTexPath)) { this->m_Engine->m_NextPath = tryTexPath; ret = this->m_Engine->loadTexture(this->m_Engine->m_NextPath); - } - else { + } else { std::wstring path = texturesPath; if (!fs::is_directory(fs::status(path))) - path = lastDirPath; // cycle textures in model's directory instead + path = lastDirPath; // cycle textures in model's directory instead fs::directory_iterator end_itr; // default construction yields past-the-end @@ -269,7 +278,7 @@ bool UserInterface::loadNextTexture(int direction) wstring tryPath; if (fs::is_directory(fs::status(path))) { if (this->m_Engine->m_PrevTexturePath.length() == 0) { - if (this->m_Engine->m_PreviousPath.length() > 0 ) { + if (this->m_Engine->m_PreviousPath.length() > 0) { //debug() << "tryPath..." << endl; tryPath = texturesPath + dirSeparator + Utility::withoutExtension(Utility::basename(this->m_Engine->m_PreviousPath)) + L".png"; // debug() << "tryPath 1a " << Utility::toString(tryPath) << "..." << endl; @@ -289,8 +298,7 @@ bool UserInterface::loadNextTexture(int direction) found = true; force = true; } - } - else { + } else { nextPath = tryPath; found = true; force = true; @@ -299,24 +307,28 @@ bool UserInterface::loadNextTexture(int direction) } //debug() << "tryPath: " << Utility::toString(tryPath) << endl; //debug() << "nextPath: " << Utility::toString(nextPath) << endl; - for (const auto & itr : fs::directory_iterator(path)) { - std::wstring ext = Utility::extensionOf(itr.path().wstring()); // no dot! + for (const auto& itr : fs::directory_iterator(path)) { + std::wstring ext = Utility::extensionOf(itr.path().wstring()); // no dot! if (!is_directory(itr.status()) - && std::find(m_Engine->textureExtensions.begin(), m_Engine->textureExtensions.end(), ext) != m_Engine->textureExtensions.end()) { + && std::find(m_Engine->textureExtensions.begin(), m_Engine->textureExtensions.end(), ext) != m_Engine->textureExtensions.end()) { // cycle through files (go to next after m_PrevTexturePath // if any previously loaded, otherwise first) - if (nextPath.length() == 0) nextPath = itr.path().wstring(); + if (nextPath.length() == 0) + nextPath = itr.path().wstring(); lastPath = itr.path().wstring(); if (found && direction > 0) { - if (!force) nextPath = itr.path().wstring(); + if (!force) + nextPath = itr.path().wstring(); break; } - if (itr.path().wstring() == this->m_Engine->m_PrevTexturePath) found = true; - if (!found) retroPath = itr.path().wstring(); + if (itr.path().wstring() == this->m_Engine->m_PrevTexturePath) + found = true; + if (!found) + retroPath = itr.path().wstring(); } } if (retroPath.length() == 0) - retroPath = lastPath; // previous is last if at beginning + retroPath = lastPath; // previous is last if at beginning if (direction < 0) nextPath = retroPath; if (nextPath.length() > 0) { @@ -325,65 +337,63 @@ bool UserInterface::loadNextTexture(int direction) } } } - } - else debug() << "Can't cycle texture since no file was opened" << endl; + } else + debug() << "Can't cycle texture since no file was opened" << endl; return ret; } // IEventReceiver -bool UserInterface::OnEvent( const SEvent &event ) +bool UserInterface::OnEvent(const SEvent& event) { // Events arriving here should be destined for us - if (event.EventType == EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT) { + if (event.EventType == EET_USER_EVENT) { + if (event.UserEvent.UserData1 == UEI_WINDOWSIZECHANGED) { + if ((m_WindowSize.Width != m_Engine->m_Driver->getScreenSize().Width) || (m_WindowSize.Height != m_Engine->m_Driver->getScreenSize().Height)) { + snapWidgets(); + } + } + return true; + } else if (event.EventType == EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT) { if (event.KeyInput.PressedDown && !m_Engine->KeyIsDown[event.KeyInput.Key]) { if (event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_F5) { m_Engine->reloadMesh(); - } - else if (event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_KEY_T) { + } else if (event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_KEY_T) { loadNextTexture(1); - } - else if (event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_KEY_E) { + } else if (event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_KEY_E) { loadNextTexture(-1); - } - else if (event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_KEY_R) { + } else if (event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_KEY_R) { m_Engine->reloadTexture(); - } - else if (event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_KEY_Z) { + } else if (event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_KEY_Z) { m_Engine->setZUp(true); - } - else if (event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_KEY_Y) { + } else if (event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_KEY_Y) { m_Engine->setZUp(false); - } - else if (event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_KEY_X) { + } else if (event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_KEY_X) { // IGUIContextMenu* textureInterpolationElement = dynamic_cast(viewMenu->getElementFromId(UIC_VIEW_TEXTURE_INTERPOLATION)); //m_TextureInterpolation = textureInterpolationElement->isItemChecked(UIC_VIEW_TEXTURE_INTERPOLATION); m_TextureInterpolation = m_TextureInterpolation ? false : true; //doesn't work: m_TextureInterpolation = viewMenu->isItemChecked(UIC_VIEW_TEXTURE_INTERPOLATION); m_Engine->setMeshDisplayMode(m_WireframeDisplay, m_Lighting, m_TextureInterpolation); viewMenu->setItemChecked(INDEX_VIEW_TEXTURE_INTERPOLATION, m_TextureInterpolation); - } - else if (event.KeyInput.Char == L'+' || event.KeyInput.Char == L'=') { + } else if (event.KeyInput.Char == L'+' || event.KeyInput.Char == L'=') { m_Engine->setAnimationFPS(m_Engine->animationFPS() + 5); - } - else if (event.KeyInput.Char == L'-') { + } else if (event.KeyInput.Char == L'-') { if (m_Engine->animationFPS() > 0) { m_Engine->setAnimationFPS(m_Engine->animationFPS() - 5); } - } - else if (event.KeyInput.Char == L' ') { + } else if (event.KeyInput.Char == L' ') { m_Engine->toggleAnimation(); - } - else if (event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_LEFT) { + } else if (event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_LEFT) { if (this->m_Engine->m_LoadedMesh != nullptr) { - if (m_Engine->isPlaying) m_Engine->toggleAnimation(); - this->m_Engine->m_LoadedMesh->setCurrentFrame(round(this->m_Engine->m_LoadedMesh->getFrameNr())-1); + if (m_Engine->isPlaying) + m_Engine->toggleAnimation(); + this->m_Engine->m_LoadedMesh->setCurrentFrame(round(this->m_Engine->m_LoadedMesh->getFrameNr()) - 1); this->playbackSetFrameEditBox->setText(Utility::toWstring(this->m_Engine->m_LoadedMesh->getFrameNr()).c_str()); } - } - else if (event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_RIGHT) { + } else if (event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_RIGHT) { if (this->m_Engine->m_LoadedMesh != nullptr) { - if (m_Engine->isPlaying) m_Engine->toggleAnimation(); - this->m_Engine->m_LoadedMesh->setCurrentFrame(round(this->m_Engine->m_LoadedMesh->getFrameNr())+1); + if (m_Engine->isPlaying) + m_Engine->toggleAnimation(); + this->m_Engine->m_LoadedMesh->setCurrentFrame(round(this->m_Engine->m_LoadedMesh->getFrameNr()) + 1); this->playbackSetFrameEditBox->setText(Utility::toWstring(this->m_Engine->m_LoadedMesh->getFrameNr()).c_str()); } } @@ -392,87 +402,80 @@ bool UserInterface::OnEvent( const SEvent &event ) m_Engine->KeyIsDown[event.KeyInput.Key] = event.KeyInput.PressedDown; return true; - } - else if (event.EventType == EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT) - { + } else if (event.EventType == EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT) { // TODO: improve this copypasta - switch ( event.MouseInput.Event) - { + switch (event.MouseInput.Event) { case EMIE_LMOUSE_LEFT_UP: - if ( m_Engine->LMouseState == 2) { + if (m_Engine->LMouseState == 2) { m_Engine->LMouseState = 3; } break; case EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN: - if ( m_Engine->LMouseState == 0) { + if (m_Engine->LMouseState == 0) { m_Engine->LMouseState = 1; } break; case EMIE_RMOUSE_LEFT_UP: - if ( m_Engine->RMouseState == 2) { + if (m_Engine->RMouseState == 2) { m_Engine->RMouseState = 3; } break; case EMIE_RMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN: - if ( m_Engine->RMouseState == 0) { + if (m_Engine->RMouseState == 0) { m_Engine->RMouseState = 1; } break; } - } - else if (!(event.EventType == EET_GUI_EVENT)) + } else if (!(event.EventType == EET_GUI_EVENT)) return false; - const SEvent::SGUIEvent *ge = &( event.GUIEvent ); + const SEvent::SGUIEvent* ge = &(event.GUIEvent); - switch( ge->Caller->getID() ) - { + switch (ge->Caller->getID()) { case UIE_FILEMENU: case UIE_VIEWMENU: // call handler for all menu related actions - handleMenuItemPressed( static_cast( ge->Caller )); - break; + handleMenuItemPressed(static_cast(ge->Caller)); + break; case UIE_LOADFILEDIALOG: - if( ge->EventType == EGET_FILE_SELECTED ) - { - IGUIFileOpenDialog *fileOpenDialog = static_cast( ge->Caller ); - m_Engine->loadMesh( fileOpenDialog->getFileName() ); + if (ge->EventType == EGET_FILE_SELECTED) { + IGUIFileOpenDialog* fileOpenDialog = static_cast(ge->Caller); + m_Engine->loadMesh(fileOpenDialog->getFileName()); } break; case UIE_LOADTEXTUREDIALOG: - if( ge->EventType == EGET_FILE_SELECTED ) - { - IGUIFileOpenDialog *fileOpenDialog = static_cast( ge->Caller ); - m_Engine->loadTexture( fileOpenDialog->getFileName() ); + if (ge->EventType == EGET_FILE_SELECTED) { + IGUIFileOpenDialog* fileOpenDialog = static_cast(ge->Caller); + m_Engine->loadTexture(fileOpenDialog->getFileName()); } break; case UIE_PLAYBACKSTARTSTOPBUTTON: - if ( ge->EventType == EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED) { + if (ge->EventType == EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED) { this->m_Engine->toggleAnimation(); } break; case UIE_PLAYBACKINCREASEBUTTON: - if ( ge->EventType == EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED) { + if (ge->EventType == EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED) { this->m_Engine->setAnimationFPS(this->m_Engine->animationFPS() + 5); } break; case UIE_PLAYBACKDECREASEBUTTON: - if ( ge->EventType == EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED) { + if (ge->EventType == EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED) { if (this->m_Engine->animationFPS() >= 5) { this->m_Engine->setAnimationFPS(this->m_Engine->animationFPS() - 5); } } break; case UIE_PLAYBACKSETFRAMEEDITBOX: - if ( ge->EventType == EGET_EDITBOX_ENTER) { + if (ge->EventType == EGET_EDITBOX_ENTER) { if (this->m_Engine->m_LoadedMesh != nullptr) { this->m_Engine->m_LoadedMesh->setCurrentFrame(Utility::toF32(this->playbackSetFrameEditBox->getText())); } diff --git a/UserInterface.h b/UserInterface.h index 16b28d0..2880532 100644 --- a/UserInterface.h +++ b/UserInterface.h @@ -1,14 +1,13 @@ #ifndef USERINTERFACE_H #define USERINTERFACE_H -#include #include "extlib/CGUITTFont.h" +#include // Forward declaration of class Engine class Engine; -enum UserInterfaceElements -{ +enum UserInterfaceElements { UIE_FILEMENU = 1003, UIE_LOADFILEDIALOG = 1100, // UIE_LOADBUTTON = 1101, @@ -25,8 +24,7 @@ enum UserInterfaceElements UIE_TEXTUREPATHEDITBOX = 3006 }; -enum UserInterfaceCommands -{ +enum UserInterfaceCommands { UIC_FILE_LOAD = 1000, UIC_FILE_QUIT = 1001, UIC_FILE_LOAD_TEXTURE = 1002, @@ -35,46 +33,48 @@ enum UserInterfaceCommands UIC_VIEW_TEXTURE_INTERPOLATION = 2003 }; -class UserInterface : public irr::IEventReceiver -{ +class UserInterface : public irr::IEventReceiver { private: - Engine *m_Engine; - irr::gui::IGUIEnvironment *m_Gui; - irr::gui::CGUITTFont *m_GuiFont; - irr::gui::CGUITTFace *m_GuiFontFace; + irr::s32 spacing_y; + Engine* m_Engine; + irr::gui::IGUIEnvironment* m_Gui; + irr::gui::CGUITTFont* m_GuiFont; + irr::gui::CGUITTFace* m_GuiFontFace; void setupUserInterface(); void displayLoadFileDialog(); void displayLoadTextureDialog(); - void handleMenuItemPressed(irr::gui::IGUIContextMenu *menu); + void handleMenuItemPressed(irr::gui::IGUIContextMenu* menu); bool m_WireframeDisplay; bool m_Lighting; bool m_TextureInterpolation; - irr::gui::IGUIWindow *playbackWindow; + irr::gui::IGUIWindow* playbackWindow; + irr::core::dimension2d m_WindowSize; // previous size public: - irr::gui::IGUIContextMenu *menu; - irr::gui::IGUIContextMenu *fileMenu; - irr::gui::IGUIContextMenu *viewMenu; - irr::gui::IGUIButton *playbackStartStopButton; - irr::gui::IGUIButton *playbackIncreaseButton; - irr::gui::IGUIButton *playbackDecreaseButton; - irr::gui::IGUIEditBox *playbackSetFrameEditBox; - irr::gui::IGUIStaticText *texturePathStaticText; - irr::gui::IGUIEditBox *texturePathEditBox; + irr::gui::IGUIContextMenu* menu; + irr::gui::IGUIContextMenu* fileMenu; + irr::gui::IGUIContextMenu* viewMenu; + irr::gui::IGUIButton* playbackStartStopButton; + irr::gui::IGUIButton* playbackIncreaseButton; + irr::gui::IGUIButton* playbackDecreaseButton; + irr::gui::IGUIEditBox* playbackSetFrameEditBox; + irr::gui::IGUIStaticText* texturePathStaticText; + irr::gui::IGUIEditBox* texturePathEditBox; irr::u32 INDEX_VIEW_TEXTURE_INTERPOLATION; irr::u32 INDEX_VIEW_WIREFRAME_MESH; irr::u32 INDEX_VIEW_LIGHTING; + void snapWidgets(); - UserInterface( Engine *device ); + UserInterface(Engine* device); ~UserInterface(); - irr::gui::IGUIEnvironment *getGUIEnvironment() const; + irr::gui::IGUIEnvironment* getGUIEnvironment() const; void drawStatusLine() const; bool loadNextTexture(int direction); // IEventReceiver - virtual bool OnEvent( const irr::SEvent &event ); + virtual bool OnEvent(const irr::SEvent& event); }; #endif // USERINTERFACE_H diff --git a/Utility.cpp b/Utility.cpp index 7bdd019..e1a123b 100644 --- a/Utility.cpp +++ b/Utility.cpp @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ #include "Utility.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include // #include #include +#include +#include +#include // #include +#include +#include #include +#include +#include #include "Debug.h" @@ -16,13 +16,12 @@ using namespace irr::scene; using namespace irr::video; using namespace std; - -void Utility::dumpVectorToConsole( const vector3df &vector ) +void Utility::dumpVectorToConsole(const vector3df& vector) { - debug() << "X: " << vector.X << " Y: " << vector.Y << " Z: " << vector.Z << endl; + debug() << "X: " << vector.X << " Y: " << vector.Y << " Z: " << vector.Z << endl; } -void Utility::dumpMeshInfoToConsole( IAnimatedMeshSceneNode *node ) +void Utility::dumpMeshInfoToConsole(IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* node) { if (node == nullptr) { debug() << "[MESH]: # node: nullptr" << endl; @@ -33,33 +32,32 @@ void Utility::dumpMeshInfoToConsole( IAnimatedMeshSceneNode *node ) return; } // Dump some information about the mesh to the console - IAnimatedMesh *mesh = node->getMesh(); + IAnimatedMesh* mesh = node->getMesh(); debug() << "[MESH]: # of frames : " << mesh->getFrameCount() << endl; debug() << "[MESH]: # of materials : " << node->getMaterialCount() << endl; - for( irr::u32 matIndex = 0; matIndex < node->getMaterialCount(); matIndex ++ ) - { + for (irr::u32 matIndex = 0; matIndex < node->getMaterialCount(); matIndex++) { debug() << "[MESH]: Material # " << matIndex << endl; - const SMaterial &material = node->getMaterial( matIndex ); + const SMaterial& material = node->getMaterial(matIndex); debug() << "[MESH]: Diffuse Color : A" << material.DiffuseColor.getAlpha() << " R" << material.DiffuseColor.getRed() << " G" << material.DiffuseColor.getGreen() << " B" << material.DiffuseColor.getBlue() << endl; debug() << "[MESH]: Specular Color : A" << material.SpecularColor.getAlpha() << " R" << material.SpecularColor.getRed() << " G" << material.SpecularColor.getGreen() << " B" << material.SpecularColor.getBlue() << endl; debug() << "[MESH]: Specular Shininess : " << material.Shininess << endl; // check for # textures int textures = 0; - for( irr::u32 ti = 0; ti < MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES; ti ++ ) - if( material.getTexture( ti ) != nullptr ) textures ++; + for (irr::u32 ti = 0; ti < MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES; ti++) + if (material.getTexture(ti) != nullptr) + textures++; debug() << "[MESH]: # of textures : " << textures << endl; } } -std::wstring Utility::parentOfPath(const wstring &path) +std::wstring Utility::parentOfPath(const wstring& path) { std::wstring ret = L"."; if (path == L".") { ret = L".."; - } - else { + } else { std::wstring::size_type lastSlashPos = path.find_last_of(L"/"); if (lastSlashPos == std::wstring::npos) { lastSlashPos = path.find_last_of(L"\\"); @@ -71,7 +69,7 @@ std::wstring Utility::parentOfPath(const wstring &path) return ret; } -wstring Utility::basename(const wstring &path) +wstring Utility::basename(const wstring& path) { std::wstring ret = path; std::wstring::size_type lastSlashPos = path.find_last_of(L"/"); @@ -79,12 +77,12 @@ wstring Utility::basename(const wstring &path) lastSlashPos = path.find_last_of(L"\\"); } if (lastSlashPos != std::wstring::npos) { - ret = path.substr(lastSlashPos+1); + ret = path.substr(lastSlashPos + 1); } return ret; } -wstring Utility::withoutExtension(const wstring &path) +wstring Utility::withoutExtension(const wstring& path) { std::wstring ret = path; std::wstring::size_type lastDotPos = path.find_last_of(L"."); @@ -94,14 +92,15 @@ wstring Utility::withoutExtension(const wstring &path) lastSlashPos = path.find_last_of(L"\\"); } if (lastSlashPos != std::wstring::npos) { - if (lastDotPos > lastSlashPos) ret = path.substr(0, lastDotPos); - } - else ret = path.substr(0, lastDotPos); + if (lastDotPos > lastSlashPos) + ret = path.substr(0, lastDotPos); + } else + ret = path.substr(0, lastDotPos); } return ret; } -wstring Utility::extensionOf(const wstring &path) +wstring Utility::extensionOf(const wstring& path) { std::wstring ret = L""; std::wstring::size_type lastDotPos = path.find_last_of(L"."); @@ -111,21 +110,21 @@ wstring Utility::extensionOf(const wstring &path) lastSlashPos = path.find_last_of(L"\\"); } if (lastSlashPos != std::wstring::npos) { - if (lastDotPos > lastSlashPos) ret = path.substr(lastDotPos + 1); - } - else ret = path.substr(lastDotPos + 1); + if (lastDotPos > lastSlashPos) + ret = path.substr(lastDotPos + 1); + } else + ret = path.substr(lastDotPos + 1); } return ret; } -wstring Utility::delimiter(const wstring &path) +wstring Utility::delimiter(const wstring& path) { std::wstring ret = L"/"; std::wstring::size_type lastSlashPos = path.find_last_of(L"/"); if (lastSlashPos == std::wstring::npos) { // ret = L"/"; - } - else { + } else { std::wstring::size_type lastSlashPos = path.find_last_of(L"\\"); if (lastSlashPos != std::wstring::npos) { ret = L"\\"; @@ -134,8 +133,9 @@ wstring Utility::delimiter(const wstring &path) return ret; } -bool Utility::isFile(const std::string& name) { - if (FILE *file = fopen(name.c_str(), "r")) { +bool Utility::isFile(const std::string& name) +{ + if (FILE* file = fopen(name.c_str(), "r")) { fclose(file); return true; } else { @@ -143,7 +143,8 @@ bool Utility::isFile(const std::string& name) { } } -std::string Utility::toString(const std::wstring& ws) { +std::string Utility::toString(const std::wstring& ws) +{ std::string ret; if (ws.length() > 0) { // std::string str = "Hello"; @@ -154,37 +155,36 @@ std::string Utility::toString(const std::wstring& ws) { return ret; //below sometimes results in "internal_utf8_loop_single: Assertion `inptr - bytebuf > (state->__count & 7)' failed." on the converter.out call: -// if (ws.length() > 0) { -// // convert to w_string using locale: see Phillipp on -// std::setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); -// const std::locale locale(""); -// typedef std::codecvt converter_type; -// const converter_type& converter = std::use_facet(locale); -// std::vector to(ws.length() * converter.max_length()); -// std::mbstate_t state; -// const wchar_t* from_next = nullptr; -// char* to_next = nullptr; -// const converter_type::result result = converter.out(state, ws.data(), ws.data() + ws.length(), from_next, &to[0], &to[0] + to.size(), to_next); -// if (result == converter_type::ok or result == converter_type::noconv) { -// const std::string s(&to[0], to_next); -// //std::cout <<"std::string = "< 0) { + // // convert to w_string using locale: see Phillipp on + // std::setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); + // const std::locale locale(""); + // typedef std::codecvt converter_type; + // const converter_type& converter = std::use_facet(locale); + // std::vector to(ws.length() * converter.max_length()); + // std::mbstate_t state; + // const wchar_t* from_next = nullptr; + // char* to_next = nullptr; + // const converter_type::result result = converter.out(state, ws.data(), ws.data() + ws.length(), from_next, &to[0], &to[0] + to.size(), to_next); + // if (result == converter_type::ok or result == converter_type::noconv) { + // const std::string s(&to[0], to_next); + // //std::cout <<"std::string = "< 0) { @@ -218,9 +218,10 @@ irr::f32 Utility::toF32(wstring val) return ret; } -bool Utility::isFile(const std::wstring& name) { +bool Utility::isFile(const std::wstring& name) +{ std::string name_s = toString(name); - if (FILE *file = fopen(name_s.c_str(), "r")) { + if (FILE* file = fopen(name_s.c_str(), "r")) { fclose(file); return true; } else { @@ -233,7 +234,6 @@ std::string Utility::toString(irr::f32 val) return std::to_string(val); } - //don't do late instantiation (see header file) //template //bool Utility::equalsApprox(T f1, T f2) diff --git a/Utility.h b/Utility.h index ed6d024..96ed3f7 100644 --- a/Utility.h +++ b/Utility.h @@ -5,31 +5,31 @@ #include -class Utility -{ +class Utility { public: - static void dumpVectorToConsole( const irr::core::vector3df &vector ); - static void dumpMeshInfoToConsole( irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode *node ); - static std::wstring parentOfPath(const std::wstring &path); - static std::wstring basename(const std::wstring &path); - static std::wstring withoutExtension(const std::wstring &path); - static std::wstring extensionOf(const std::wstring &path); - static std::wstring delimiter(const std::wstring &path); - static bool isFile(const std::string &name); - static bool isFile(const std::wstring &name); + static void dumpVectorToConsole(const irr::core::vector3df& vector); + static void dumpMeshInfoToConsole(irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* node); + static std::wstring parentOfPath(const std::wstring& path); + static std::wstring basename(const std::wstring& path); + static std::wstring withoutExtension(const std::wstring& path); + static std::wstring extensionOf(const std::wstring& path); + static std::wstring delimiter(const std::wstring& path); + static bool isFile(const std::string& name); + static bool isFile(const std::wstring& name); static std::string toString(irr::f32 val); - static std::string toString(const std::wstring &name); - static std::string toLower(const std::string &s); - static std::wstring toLower(const std::wstring &s); + static std::string toString(const std::wstring& name); + static std::string toLower(const std::string& s); + static std::wstring toLower(const std::wstring& s); static std::wstring toWstring(irr::f32 val); static std::wstring toWstring(int val); - static std::wstring toWstring(const std::string &str); + static std::wstring toWstring(const std::string& str); static irr::f32 toF32(std::wstring val); // compiler doesn't like template function when class is not a template--instantiate immediately // see http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/C%2B%2B_Template_Instantiation_Issues template - static bool equalsApprox(T f1, T f2) { - return abs(f2-f1) < .00000001; // TODO: kEpsilon? (see also ) + static bool equalsApprox(T f1, T f2) + { + return abs(f2 - f1) < .00000001; // TODO: kEpsilon? (see also ) } }; diff --git a/View.cpp b/View.cpp index 5dea724..f261363 100644 --- a/View.cpp +++ b/View.cpp @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ #include "View.h" -#include #include "Engine.h" +#include using namespace irr; using namespace irr::core; @@ -14,12 +14,11 @@ void View::setNewCameraPosition() void View::setNewCameraPosition(bool zUp) { vector3d newCameraPosition; - ICameraSceneNode *camera = m_Engine->m_Scene->getActiveCamera(); + ICameraSceneNode* camera = m_Engine->m_Scene->getActiveCamera(); if (zUp) { camera->setUpVector(vector3df(0, 0, 1)); - } - else { + } else { camera->setUpVector(vector3df(0, 1, 0)); } @@ -47,11 +46,10 @@ void View::setNewCameraPosition(bool zUp) newCameraPosition.Y = m_CameraDistance * cos(m_Pitch); newCameraPosition.Z = m_CameraDistance * sin(m_Pitch); yawMatrix.setRotationRadians(vector3df(0, 0, m_Yaw)); - } - else { + } else { newCameraPosition.X = 0; - newCameraPosition.Y = m_CameraDistance * sin( m_Pitch ); - newCameraPosition.Z = m_CameraDistance * cos( m_Pitch ); + newCameraPosition.Y = m_CameraDistance * sin(m_Pitch); + newCameraPosition.Z = m_CameraDistance * cos(m_Pitch); yawMatrix.setRotationRadians(vector3df(0, m_Yaw, 0)); } @@ -60,33 +58,32 @@ void View::setNewCameraPosition(bool zUp) if (zUp) { //camera->setUpVector(vector3df(0, 0, 1)); //newCameraPosition.Z = oldCamPos.Z; - } - else { + } else { //camera->setUpVector(vector3df(0, 1, 0)); //newCameraPosition.Y = oldCamPos.Y; } - camera->setPosition( newCameraPosition ); + camera->setPosition(newCameraPosition); // vector3df newRotation(); // camera->setRotation(); camera->setTarget(m_Engine->m_CamTarget); // Set Light direction - setNewLightDirection( newCameraPosition ); + setNewLightDirection(newCameraPosition); m_zUp = zUp; // std::wcerr << L" setCameraPosition pitch: " << m_Pitch << endl; } -void View::setNewLightDirection( const vector3df &cameraPosition ) +void View::setNewLightDirection(const vector3df& cameraPosition) { - ILightSceneNode *light = static_cast( m_Engine->m_Scene->getSceneNodeFromId( SIID_LIGHT )); + ILightSceneNode* light = static_cast(m_Engine->m_Scene->getSceneNodeFromId(SIID_LIGHT)); matrix4 m; - m.buildRotateFromTo( vector3df( 0, 0, 1 ), vector3df( cameraPosition ).invert().normalize() ); + m.buildRotateFromTo(vector3df(0, 0, 1), vector3df(cameraPosition).invert().normalize()); - light->setRotation( m.getRotationDegrees() ); + light->setRotation(m.getRotationDegrees()); } -View::View( Engine *engine ) +View::View(Engine* engine) { m_zUp = false; m_Engine = engine; @@ -101,10 +98,9 @@ View::View( Engine *engine ) // Calculate offsetVec3 manually, since the object is needed later // (Vectors for angle are opposite, since camera revolves around center): vector3df offsetVec3( - engine->m_CamPos.X-engine->m_CamTarget.X, - engine->m_CamPos.Y-engine->m_CamTarget.Y, - engine->m_CamPos.Z-engine->m_CamTarget.Z - ); + engine->m_CamPos.X - engine->m_CamTarget.X, + engine->m_CamPos.Y - engine->m_CamTarget.Y, + engine->m_CamPos.Z - engine->m_CamTarget.Z); m_CameraDistance = offsetVec3.getLength(); // NOTE: rotationToDirection converts a rotation to a vec3 direction @@ -147,45 +143,36 @@ bool View::zUp() } // IEventReceiver -bool View::OnEvent( const SEvent &event ) +bool View::OnEvent(const SEvent& event) { // If it's not a mouse event or window resize event, return - if( event.EventType != EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT && !( event.EventType == EET_USER_EVENT && event.UserEvent.UserData1 == UEI_WINDOWSIZECHANGED )) + if (event.EventType != EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT && !(event.EventType == EET_USER_EVENT && event.UserEvent.UserData1 == UEI_WINDOWSIZECHANGED)) return false; // Handle window resize - if( event.EventType == EET_USER_EVENT && event.UserEvent.UserData1 == UEI_WINDOWSIZECHANGED ) - { + if (event.EventType == EET_USER_EVENT && event.UserEvent.UserData1 == UEI_WINDOWSIZECHANGED) { dimension2d windowSize = m_Engine->m_Driver->getScreenSize(); f32 aspectRatio = static_cast(windowSize.Width) / static_cast(windowSize.Height); debug() << "Setting aspect to: " << aspectRatio << endl; - m_Engine->m_Scene->getActiveCamera()->setAspectRatio( aspectRatio ); - + m_Engine->m_Scene->getActiveCamera()->setAspectRatio(aspectRatio); } // Handle mouse event - const SEvent::SMouseInput *mouseEvent = &( event.MouseInput ); + const SEvent::SMouseInput* mouseEvent = &(event.MouseInput); - if( mouseEvent->Event == EMIE_MMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN ) - { + if (mouseEvent->Event == EMIE_MMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN) { m_RotMouse = true; m_LastMousePosition->X = mouseEvent->X; m_LastMousePosition->Y = mouseEvent->Y; - } - else if( mouseEvent->Event == EMIE_MMOUSE_LEFT_UP ) - { + } else if (mouseEvent->Event == EMIE_MMOUSE_LEFT_UP) { m_RotMouse = false; - } - else if( mouseEvent->Event == EMIE_MOUSE_WHEEL ) - { + } else if (mouseEvent->Event == EMIE_MOUSE_WHEEL) { f32 distanceDelta = mouseEvent->Wheel / 2.5f; - if( m_CameraDistance - distanceDelta > 0.1f ) + if (m_CameraDistance - distanceDelta > 0.1f) m_CameraDistance -= distanceDelta; setNewCameraPosition(); - } - else if( m_RotMouse ) - { + } else if (m_RotMouse) { int dx = mouseEvent->X - m_LastMousePosition->X; int dy = mouseEvent->Y - m_LastMousePosition->Y; @@ -194,7 +181,7 @@ bool View::OnEvent( const SEvent &event ) if (m_Engine->KeyIsDown[irr::KEY_RSHIFT] || m_Engine->KeyIsDown[irr::KEY_LSHIFT]) { // Pan camera. float yDelta = (dy / 400.0f) * m_CameraDistance; - ICameraSceneNode *camera = m_Engine->m_Scene->getActiveCamera(); + ICameraSceneNode* camera = m_Engine->m_Scene->getActiveCamera(); vector3df rotationVec3; rotationVec3 = camera->getRotation(); vector3df forwards(0, 0, 1); @@ -208,17 +195,16 @@ bool View::OnEvent( const SEvent &event ) forwards = vector3df(0, 1, 0); dirVec3.rotateYZBy(camRot.X); dirVec3.rotateXYBy(camRot.Z); - } - else { + } else { camRot.Z = m_Pitch; dirVec3.rotateYZBy(camRot.X); dirVec3.rotateXYBy(camRot.Y); } -// vector3df dirVec3 = rotationVec3.rotationToDirection(forwards); -// // move up and down, not in and out: -// float z = dirVec3.Z; -// dirVec3.Z = dirVec3.Y; -// dirVec3.Z = z; + // vector3df dirVec3 = rotationVec3.rotationToDirection(forwards); + // // move up and down, not in and out: + // float z = dirVec3.Z; + // dirVec3.Z = dirVec3.Y; + // dirVec3.Z = z; dirVec3.X *= yDelta; dirVec3.Y *= yDelta; dirVec3.Z *= yDelta; @@ -231,36 +217,35 @@ bool View::OnEvent( const SEvent &event ) if (m_zUp) { //m_Engine->m_CamPos.Z += yDelta; //m_Engine->m_CamTarget.Z += yDelta; - } - else { + } else { //m_Engine->m_CamPos.Y += yDelta; //m_Engine->m_CamTarget.Y += yDelta; } camera->setPosition(m_Engine->m_CamPos); camera->setTarget(m_Engine->m_CamTarget); vector3df offsetVec3( - m_Engine->m_CamPos.X-m_Engine->m_CamTarget.X, - m_Engine->m_CamPos.Y-m_Engine->m_CamTarget.Y, - m_Engine->m_CamPos.Z-m_Engine->m_CamTarget.Z - ); + m_Engine->m_CamPos.X - m_Engine->m_CamTarget.X, + m_Engine->m_CamPos.Y - m_Engine->m_CamTarget.Y, + m_Engine->m_CamPos.Z - m_Engine->m_CamTarget.Z); m_CameraDistance = offsetVec3.getLength(); m_Yaw = atan2(offsetVec3.X, offsetVec3.Z); m_Pitch = asin(-offsetVec3.Y); setNewCameraPosition(); - } - else { + } else { // Revolve camera around object. // increments of 120 pixels * PI are equal to 180 deg (PI radians): f32 pitchDelta = dy / 120.0f; // (This old code which may make assumptions about view tends to lock on min/max) - // if(( m_Pitch - pitchDelta > ( PI - ( PI / 2 ))) && ( m_Pitch - pitchDelta < PI + ( PI/2 ))) - // m_Pitch -= dy / 120.0f; + // if ((m_Pitch - pitchDelta > (PI - (PI / 2))) && (m_Pitch - pitchDelta < PI + (PI/2))) + // m_Pitch -= dy / 120.0f; m_Pitch += pitchDelta; - float minPitch = -PI/2.0f + PI/1000.0f; - float maxPitch = PI/2.0f - PI/1000.0f; - if (m_Pitch < minPitch) m_Pitch = minPitch; - else if (m_Pitch > maxPitch) m_Pitch = maxPitch; + float minPitch = -PI / 2.0f + PI / 1000.0f; + float maxPitch = PI / 2.0f - PI / 1000.0f; + if (m_Pitch < minPitch) + m_Pitch = minPitch; + else if (m_Pitch > maxPitch) + m_Pitch = maxPitch; // std::wcerr << "pitch = " << m_Pitch << endl; m_Yaw += dx / 120.0f; diff --git a/View.h b/View.h index 53eea4d..775b01b 100644 --- a/View.h +++ b/View.h @@ -5,21 +5,20 @@ class Engine; -class View : public irr::IEventReceiver -{ +class View : public irr::IEventReceiver { private: - Engine *m_Engine; + Engine* m_Engine; irr::f32 m_Yaw, m_Pitch, m_CameraDistance; - irr::core::vector2d *m_LastMousePosition; + irr::core::vector2d* m_LastMousePosition; bool m_RotMouse; bool m_zUp; void setNewCameraPosition(); void setNewCameraPosition(bool zUp); - void setNewLightDirection( const irr::core::vector3df &cameraPosition ); + void setNewLightDirection(const irr::core::vector3df& cameraPosition); public: - View( Engine *engine ); + View(Engine* engine); ~View(); void setZUp(bool zUp); void setCameraDistance(float cameraDistance); @@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ public: bool m_Shift; // IEventReceiver - virtual bool OnEvent( const irr::SEvent &event ); + virtual bool OnEvent(const irr::SEvent& event); }; -#endif // VIEW_H +#endif // VIEW_H diff --git a/etc/pushtmp.sh b/etc/pushtmp.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..df20ffd --- /dev/null +++ b/etc/pushtmp.sh @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#!/bin/bash +clang-format -style=file $1 > $2/$1 diff --git a/etc/quality.sh b/etc/quality.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..c26b6ea --- /dev/null +++ b/etc/quality.sh @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +#!/bin/sh +customDie() { + echo + echo "ERROR:" + echo "$1" + echo + echo + exit 1 +} +project_dir_name=b3view +flag_file=b3view.pro +if [ ! -f $flag_file ]; then + if [ -f ../$flag_file ]; then + cd .. + fi +fi +if [ ! -f $flag_file ]; then + echo "ERROR: There was no $flag_file in working or parent directory." + exit 1 +fi +echo "* rewriting .clang-format to avoid clang-format version issues..." +#rewriting avoids the following error: +#YAML:94:22: error: unknown key 'Delimiter' +# - Delimiter: pb +clang-format -style=WebKit -dump-config > .clang-format +dump_dest=/tmp/$project_dir_name +if [ -d "$dump_dest" ]; then + rm -Rf "$dump_dest" || customDie "Cannot remove old $dump_dest" +fi +mkdir "$dump_dest" || customDie "Cannot mkdir $dump_dest" +chmod +x ./etc/pushtmp.sh +echo "* writing $dump_dest using .clang-format..." +find -maxdepth 1 -name "*.cpp" -exec ./etc/pushtmp.sh {} "$dump_dest" \; +find -maxdepth 1 -name "*.h" -exec ./etc/pushtmp.sh {} "$dump_dest" \; + +if [ -f "`command -v meld`" ]; then + meld `pwd` "$dump_dest" +else + echo "You do not have meld installed, so you'll have to diff" + echo "against manually to see style issues, such as:" + echo "diff -r \"`pwd`\" \"$dump_dest\"" +fi +echo "Done." diff --git a/extlib/CGUITTFont.cpp b/extlib/CGUITTFont.cpp index 1718a22..f32bcfc 100644 --- a/extlib/CGUITTFont.cpp +++ b/extlib/CGUITTFont.cpp @@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ Environment(env), Driver(nullptr), tt_face(nullptr), GlobalKerningWidth(0), Glob if (Driver) Driver->grab(); - setInvisibleCharacters ( L" " ); + setInvisibleCharacters (L" "); // Glyphs isn't reference counted, so don't try to delete when we free the array. Glyphs.set_free_when_destroyed(false); @@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ core::vector2di CGUITTFont::getKerning(const wchar_t thisLetter, const wchar_t p return ret; } -void CGUITTFont::setInvisibleCharacters( const wchar_t *s ) +void CGUITTFont::setInvisibleCharacters(const wchar_t *s) { Invisible = s; } diff --git a/main.cpp b/main.cpp index 101a9af..da3e94f 100644 --- a/main.cpp +++ b/main.cpp @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -#include #include #include +#include #include "Engine.h" @@ -9,58 +9,56 @@ using std::wstring; using namespace irr; using namespace irr::core; -wchar_t * getWideCharString( char *str ); +wchar_t* getWideCharString(char* str); #ifdef WIN32 #include -int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) +int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) #else -int main( int argc, char **argv ) +int main(int argc, char** argv) #endif { // Parse commandline to check if a filename argument has been passed #ifdef WIN32 int argc; - char **argv; + char** argv; - LPWSTR *args; - args = CommandLineToArgvW( GetCommandLineW(), &argc ); + LPWSTR* args; + args = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &argc); - argv = ( char ** ) malloc( sizeof( char * ) * argc ); - for( int index = 0; index < argc; index ++ ) - { - int argumentBufferLength = wcslen( args[index] ) + 1; - argv[index] = ( char * ) malloc( sizeof( char ) * argumentBufferLength ); - sprintf_s( argv[index], argumentBufferLength, "%ws", args[index] ); + argv = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * argc); + for (int index = 0; index < argc; index++) { + int argumentBufferLength = wcslen(args[index]) + 1; + argv[index] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * argumentBufferLength); + sprintf_s(argv[index], argumentBufferLength, "%ws", args[index]); } - LocalFree( args ); + LocalFree(args); #endif - Engine *engine = new Engine(); - if( argc >= 2 ) - { - wchar_t *initialFileName = getWideCharString( argv[1] ); - engine->loadMesh( wstring( initialFileName )); - free( initialFileName ); + Engine* engine = new Engine(); + if (argc >= 2) { + wchar_t* initialFileName = getWideCharString(argv[1]); + engine->loadMesh(wstring(initialFileName)); + free(initialFileName); } -// else -// engine->loadMesh( L"test.b3d" ); + //else + // engine->loadMesh(L"test.b3d"); engine->run(); delete engine; #ifdef WIN32 - for( int index = 0; index < argc; index ++ ) - free( argv[index] ); - free( argv ); + for (int index = 0; index < argc; index++) + free(argv[index]); + free(argv); #endif } -wchar_t * getWideCharString( char *str ) +wchar_t* getWideCharString(char* str) { - wchar_t *dest = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * (strlen(str) + 1))); + wchar_t* dest = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * (strlen(str) + 1))); size_t resultSize = mbstowcs(nullptr, str, strlen(str)); mbstowcs(dest, str, strlen(str)); @@ -69,4 +67,3 @@ wchar_t * getWideCharString( char *str ) return dest; } -