#ifndef _REPOSITORYMODDESCRIPTION_H #define _REPOSITORYMODDESCRIPTION_H #include "ModDescription.h" /// \file RepositoryModDescription.h /// \brief A class describing a mod in the local repository. /// \author Phitherek_ /// \date 2013 /// \version 0.1-pre /// \namespace mmm /// \brief A global namespace for 3m. namespace mmm { /// \class RepositoryModDescription /// \brief A class describing a mod in the local repository. class RepositoryModDescription: public ModDescription { private: std::string _path; public: RepositoryModDescription(); ///< A constructor. ~RepositoryModDescription(); ///< A destructor. std::string getPath(); ///< \brief A function returning installation path of the mod. ///< \return Installation path of the mod. void setPath(std::string path); ///< \brief A function that sets installation path of the mod. ///< \param path Installation path of the mod. void clear(); ///< A function that clears the object. }; } #endif