Actions: -S - sync the modlist -Q - query for a mod -I - install a mod -U - update mods -R - remove mods Settings: ~/.3m/config Local files: - main binary - local modlist.3mlm - local repoinfo.3mri - config Remote files: - Official server: modlist.3mml - Mod repositories: modinfo.3mmi modlist.3mml Format: {modname} [server] srv_addr [modinfo] /modinfo/path/at/server {end} modinfo.3mmi Format: [name] mod_name [version] current_version [repotype] repository_type (zip/git) [repoaddr] repository_address_or_path_to_a_remote_zip_file modlist.3mlm Format: {modname} [version] current_version [repotype] repository_type [repoaddr] repository_address {end} modinfo.3mri Format: {modname} [version] installed_version {end} Settings: [localpath] path_to_local_minetest_mods_repo [modlist] path_to_modlist_3mml --- NEW 3m: 1. Use my NetSocket++ library: This will spare a lot of socket code and shrink the code. 2. Classes: ModListData LocalModListData RemoteModListData RepoInfoData RemoteModInfo ModList ActionList And every one of these in separate .cpp and .h file. Content of the classes like in structs. + methods: clear() parse() (for some) get() (for some) 3. Untouched functions: strip_endl(); 4. Exceptions: Handlers for NetSocket++ exceptions. + ParseException ExtractException DownloadException FileException ... and everything that somehow will be needed in the process. 5. APIs rather than external programs: There are so many C++ libraries that I think I should find ones for 7z (p7zip) and wget (or something similar) - it is always better than executing programs by "system". 6. Rewrite 3m must be rewritten in separate branch with the use of existing code. 7. Finish it finally 3m is not complete. Missing actions must be programmed.