#include #include #include "../ModListList.h" #include "../3mExceptions.h" using namespace std; int main() { mmm::ModListList mll; char act; do { cout << "Choose action: (l)ist all modlists, (f)ind by name and list, (d)elete by name, (a)dd new modlist, (s)ave and quit, (q)uit without saving: "; cin >> act; if(act == 'l') { mll.resetModlistDescriptionIterator(); while(!mll.modlistDescriptionsAtEnd()) { mmm::ModListDescription mld = mll.getNextModlistDescription(); if(mld.getName() != "" && mld.getServer() != "" && mld.getPath() != "") { cout << "name: " << mld.getName() << endl << "server: " << mld.getServer() << endl << "path: " << mld.getPath() << endl << endl; } } } else if(act == 'f') { cout << "Enter name: "; string name; cin >> name; mmm::ModListDescription mld = mll.getModlistDescriptionByName(name); if(mld.getName() != "" && mld.getServer() != "" && mld.getPath() != "") { cout << "name: " << mld.getName() << endl << "server: " << mld.getServer() << endl << "path: " << mld.getPath() << endl; } else { cout << name << " not found!" << endl; } } else if(act == 'd') { cout << "Enter name: "; string name; cin >> name; mll.deleteModlistDescription(name); } else if(act == 'a') { mmm::ModListDescription mld; cout << "Enter name: "; string name; cin >> name; cout << "Enter server: "; string server; cin >> server; cout << "Enter path: "; string path; cin >> path; mld.setName(name); mld.setPath(path); mld.setServer(server); if(mld.getName() != "" && mld.getPath() != "" && mld.getServer() != "") { mll.addModlistDescription(mld); } else { cerr << "You must fill all fields!" << endl; } } } while(act != 'q' && act != 's'); if(act == 's') { try { mll.write(); } catch(mmm::FileException& exc) { cerr << "File exception occured: " << exc.what() << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } } cout << "All done! Thank you for testing!" << endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }