MTSM - Minetest Server Manager ---- MTSM is a simple server manager with a tiny bash event manager. It requires no setup (except setting properties in the config.php script) and the start of MTSM's event manager. MTSM is released under the CC-BY-SA v3.0 unported. MTSM was written by Chris Dorman, 2021 Requirements ---- * PHP5+ * Minetest, Multicraft, Etc, installed and configured for your system. * Super user privleges for the event manager unless executed as the web server user. Setup ---- * Modify config.php to your needs * Visit page to generate mtm_db for flat file user database * Execute MTSM backend as SU: sudo ./start-mtsm start * Copy a fresh minetest source tree (compiled with binaries) into servers/ in a .tgz archive **(THIS MUST BE DONE FOR THE SCRIPT TO COPY AND START A FRESH SERVER)** ##### minetest-current.tgz archive tree * servers/minetest-current.tgz - bin/ - minetestserver - games/ - devtest - minetest_game - ... and so on! ##### multicraft.tgz archive tree * servers/multicraft.tgz - bin/ - multicraftserver - games/ - devtest - minetest_game - ... and so on! * These archives are uncompressed by the event manager when each user creates a server. This step is crucial for an operating MTSM installation. Mods / Gamepacks ---- * Mods are sharable to all users, and should be copied to mods/ within the MTSM tree. * Minetest games should be installed, as a directory, in games/ within the MTSM tree. ChangeLog ---- 2/03/2021 - v1.2 * Can disable and enable registration tokens for register in config.php 2/03/2021 - v1.1b * CSS clean-up * Admin configuration of server max slots -> config.php 2/03/2021 - v1.1 * Allow for user mods directory * Add user mod upload portal (ZIP only) * CSS tweaks * Bugfixes in mod reset function * Server creation cleanup * Administration panel for registration token generation and server management * User / Server delete functions *TO BE ADDED* 2/01/2021 - v1.0 * Working PHP front end with user registeration and login * Working bash back end for server management * Allows each user to create 1 server, minetest-current or multicraft * Allows user ability to start / stop server * configure minetest.conf (to an extent) * PHP email validation via filter_var * Allows users the ability to enable mods, via mod menu. * User viewable logfile, minetest.conf, and soon Licensing ---- MTSM (C) Chris Dorman, 2021. MTSM is released under CC-BY-SA version 3.0 and is released as is. Any games / mods that are within the MTSM file tree are subject to their own license agreements and are in no way mine!